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Could linux breathe new life into a busted toaster laptop like mine?
  • Also how is linux for emulation and gaming in general?

    everyone's already told you that cpu is slow so i'll answer this one. i game exclusively on linux. it's gotten very good in general. valve basing their products off of linux and developing proton to support wine (and wine improving greatly over the years) have made linux a viable platform except for certain games that require particularly aggressive anticheat. valorant is an esport game that comes to mind. the anticheat in that game touches the Windows kernel. generally catalogs people's per-game experience on linux.

  • What do I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60,000 lines of code? - Interview with lead programmer of the video game Craftomation 101.
  • Fun related fact: both Hades and Hades II are also mostly Lua scripts. And they ship the source code with both games so you can just go look at things like how fishing probabilities are implemented directly in the script.

  • Reminder that if dipshit patsoc grifters with delusions of grandeur can read Capital you can too
  • i remember like in mid-2020 when his content was much more about the exploitation of the proletariat. the fuck is wrong with people on social media. capitalism i guess.

  • The modern university cannot function without the support of the military-industrial complex
  • universities take 50+% of grants in the name of facilities costs. in stem a large number of these grants are either related to industrial funding or military complex funding or government military funding or government military energy funding or if you're the nice window dressing you might get to fight over national science foundation money. these are the kinds of grants that make multimillion+ dollar labs financially solvent. so in a very literal and obvious sense, capital in general and the military-industrial complex in particular are actively engaged in both the acts of funding the modern university and choosing what research gets performed.

  • How'd we get so much freedom in burger land without bombing ourselves?
  • third largest nation state by land mass btw

  • Shut the fuck up, Zionist
  • libel laws have such a weird amount of variation by country

    amerikkka: you can say anything about anyone and as long as you don't have a lot to gain from it and a vault of evidence that you knew you were lying, it's fine

    ukkk: if you say disparaging stuff you sure better be able to prove that it's not just rhetoric.

    japan: you cannot say provably true things about other people if it looks bad for them, even if the true things are about how they've hurt others.

    i agree with other posters that long-corbyn could have and should have taken ownership of the sun and the daily mail for what they did to him.

  • rare dub for clarKKKSSon
  • geordi-no compulsory service in an imperialist military force

    mao-clap compulsory labor in the countryside for the most privileged and educated

  • rare dub for clarKKKSSon
  • this penance should be required of us angloids

  • Citations Needed makes its first appearance on the prestigious Media Bias Chart® (Podcast Edition)
  • claiming that bad faith is more reliable than citations needed is basically the terriology of making dumbass politics graphs

  • Who can better experience racism than a white man with a blackface
  • see i thought you might have been referring to icecube's award winning experiment Black. White.

  • this counts as a leftist meme due to the quantity of text in the image
  • bush family so nasty with it that they've done two whole presidential assassination attempts

  • Kicked macOS to the Curb and Installed Asahi Fedora Gnome
  • i've had fedora on a macbook pro somewhat recently, and the weirdest difference was whatever copr is. i think it's some kind of alternate repositories that can have non-free software or something along those lines. fedora seemed decently quick to learn coming from debian though.

  • China set to build giant chip factory using a particle accelerator
  • tldr: they're working on a process that uses an electron laser for lithography. the particle accelerator is a typical way to make an electron laser.

  • SWABAI (Wrapper for the Sway/i3/Yabai tiling window managers)
  • If you ever felt like configuring a tiling window manager was hard, then let me tell you this: Configuring two at the same time feels like a tall and well-oiled Swabian is sodomizing you in Berghain.

    Excuse me?

  • [cw: eugenics, physical child abuse] I'm feeling physically ill after reading this article: America’s premier pronatalists on having ‘tons of kids’ to save the world
  • This is not Quiverfull, the fundamentalist Christian belief that large families are a blessing from God. The Collinses are atheists; they believe in science and data, studies and research. Their pronatalism is born from the hyper-rational effective altruism movement...

    yeah ok there it is. technofascists, like the real ones.

  • RIP in piss
  • god dad could sit at a desk dem

  • NSFW
    How a global seafood giant broke Red Lobster | CNN Business
  • as always, the question isn't "was it the endless shrimp?" that much is obvious. the real question is "why the endless shrimp?" and as always, the answer is one capitalist finessing a total dunk on another.

  • RIP Red Lobster, you died doing what you loved

    catastrophically underestimating the cost of a poorly thought-out deal on cheap shellfish

    going to Alabama really makes you *feel* like you're surrounded by sociopathic fascists

    I'm here for a wedding, I couldnt bring grass with obviously, I'm surrounded by racist christofascists and they keep asking me about work. I hate it here.
