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MAGA then vs now.
  • Among other things, yeah, we really should make voting mandatory.

  • everything actually important is already metric
  • Because even people who worked in imperial recognized that dealing with stupid fractions is stupid.

  • Problem solved
  • Dogs would be just as happy with any other kind of nature, let's be real.

  • It has already been removed again
  • I have such a hard time imagining a conservative, much less a Trump fan, thinking the general concept of Wikipedia is a good idea.

  • We would've been fooled
  • You would think someone would take Zooey's word for it, SMDH.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • Did you ever get everything working? I don't have a Mac, I'm just curious.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • It should be legal to hunt that person down and clamp a lobster to their nipples.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • In my personal experience, whenever I've needed help, people have been nice and tried to help. But, my questions usually include as much context and details as I can give and even my own guess as to what's going on, if I have one. I try to make my requests for help as enticing as I can. "I didn't do anything and now my computer is broken" isn't a very interesting or scrutable request for help, so I can understand the frustration volunteers get when repeatedly faced with those kinds of questions.

    I also feel like some parts of the community might be starting to recognize that, if we want Linux to become mainstream, it has to be absurdly idiot-proof and friendly to newcomers. Afterall, the vast majority of people don't want their computer to be their hobby, they just want it to facilitate other things.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • Hit me! I'll probably fail, but I wanna try and help anyway.

  • After Libertarians reject RFK Jr., what does success look like for third-party candidates?
  • Yeah, FairVote is.... Okay. In terms of objective vs political, they tend to be as political as they can get while still being objective. They used to actually say a few things that weren't exactly true, but opponents kept calling them out on it so they quit as far as I know. Wikipedia would be a better source, though be aware that proponents of any system will try to sneak in promotional language. But, at least on Wikipedia there's also people trying to keep things objective.

    These are what I would consider the most relevant articles if you're looking to understand the realistic options in America. (called RCV in the US)

    I would say that you don't actually need to read any of these articles particularly closely. They can get very technical. You can just skim them for the parts you find interesting.

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • For me, personally, I agree that the industrial meat industry is unethical and has to go. My push-back against the herbivore claims is purely from an objective standpoint. Putting aside objectivism, if humans are omnivores, it makes the moral argument stronger. You'd be telling people they have a choice and can choose to eat a more compassionate and ethical diet. (More energy efficient, too.) If people are herbivores, you get stuck in this weird argument about what humans are supposed to do instead of what we can choose to do.

    I spent a lot of time as a vegan, and talked about my choices openly. (Stopped on account of health.) No one attacked me for them and it was because I stuck to irrefutable facts and never made the person I was talking to feel bad for their choices. I just showed them they could easily be a better human, if they wanted to be. Maybe that doesn't feel like enough for you, but I felt that no one ever changed their position on a personal matter because someone else made them feel attacked. They always dig in their heels.

  • I got given a new dress today, how do I look?
  • Knees sometimes look like that.

  • Email rule
  • They're around here somewhere...

  • After Libertarians reject RFK Jr., what does success look like for third-party candidates?
  • No? Under the usual American implementation of RCV only the highest ranked candidate on a ballot gets the vote from that ballot. If no one has a majority of the remaining votes the person in last place is eliminated and their votes are redistributed according to the individual ballot preferences. So if the American presidency was ~50/50 red v blue as first choices (with a few people picking third party candidates) whichever third party candidate that took last place would get eliminated. In fact, mathematically speaking, if red and blue each got at least 1/3 of the first place cuts votes, one of them must be the eventual winner and the other must take second place.

    There are other systems that could cause chaos with your suggested rankings, but they're generally not considered serious methods exactly because they are chaotic under reasonable circumstances.

  • mood
  • For sure, for sure. Neither extreme is good for you.

  • After Libertarians reject RFK Jr., what does success look like for third-party candidates?
  • I agree that the National Popular Vote is a fantastic idea. I can't wait to see it hit the threshold and immediately get hit with lawsuits from terrified entrenched powers.

    I strongly disagree that RCV would have a significant effect on the presidential campaign, since it has already been shown to have little effect on any other campaign. It's also ubiquitous in Australia, with a similar two-party forcing when implemented for their single-seat elections. The only reason they have third parties is because of their proportional elections.

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • That paper is making some absolutely ridiculously unscientific comparisons, and immediately ignores the existence of omnivores after flatly stating that most people eat an obvious diet. It's absolute trash.

  • WIP Wednesday! For My First Patch, a No-Shoot Target

    My first ever patch is going to be a no-shoot target from competitive action shooting. I was going to do a shoot target but it turns out I don't have any tan thread in my random assortment of threads.

    I will be getting a proper color selection soon, and proper thread, but for now I'm getting started with what I have. I'm very excited to make my fist patch!!

    What are you working on?

    unusual circumstances recommendation on embroidery thread

    Hi hi

    I'm stuck in bed and starting to work on embroidery. All of my threads are wound on a spool. They seem to be general purpose threads as far as I can tell. Right now I'm folding them into four parallel threads and using that, doubled up. (Each stich is eight threads.) Some work better than others.

    I'm slowly running out and will need to replace them, but I don't know anything about thread. The normal embroidery-specific threads don't seem to come on spools, which I would greatly prefer. They also have different sizes and I have no idea what's that about.


    Help! What is a good general purpose brand that comes on a spool? It doesn't have to be embroidery specific, but should be adaptable to use in embroidery.


    How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making

    Research shows people who speak another language are more utilitarian and flexible, less risk-averse and egotistical, and better able to cope with traumatic memories

    How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making
    Ryan McBeth – How Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a Misinformation Tweet about Ukraine How #Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a #Misinformation Tweet about #ukraine

    The full story and references can be found on a nutshell, Russia invented the slogan "$10 Billion Dollars to Ukraine" while Hurric...

    How #Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a #Misinformation Tweet about #ukraine
    YSK: The Search Engine Ecosia Plants Trees With Your Searches

    Ecosia is a German search engine company which donates 80% of its revenue to planting trees. They take Bing, reskin it, and spend the profits from advertising on planting trees. They're up to about 175,000,000 trees so far.

    Edit: This is just a convenient way to turn something you do every day (use a search engine) into a force for good. It's a slow process, 1 tree ≈ 45 searches, but you were going to make those searches anyway, might as well plant trees! Think of it as the digital equivalent of buying local food.

    Technology Liz
    An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance

    A court used an app called Covenant Eyes to surveil the family of a man released on bond. Now he’s back in jail, and tech misuse may be to blame.

    An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance

    A court used an app called Covenant Eyes to surveil the family of an Indiana man released on bond. Now he’s back in jail, and tech misuse may be to blame. The app flagged one of the family's devices as having accessed Pornhub even though it didn't, and this was the only evidence used to throw the man back in jail. They didn't even try to prove he was the one who caused the app to flag Pornhub as visited, they just assumed it was him. The article contains multiple levels of "oh my god our system is messed up."

    Liz Liz
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