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When Online Content Disappears: 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later
  • I mean, this makes sense. It costs money to host a webpage - even a tiny blog run on a home server requires someone to have the hardware on, running, and connected to the internet. Not to mention the domain registration and the security risk of running a website using software from 2013

  • Is the difference between OLED and LCD models really that big?
  • The oled version has some changes to the internal chassis due to a the thinner screen which allowed for a larger battery which is a big win. It also apparently has improvements to the ram causing better performance and a smaller cpu die.

    Gamers nexus did a comparison and found it is quite a bit better than the original.

  • Microsoft Copilot has been banned for use by US House staff members, at least for now
  • I can’t imagine using any LLM for anything factual. It’s useful for generating boilerplate and that’s basically it. Any time I try to get it to find errors in what I’ve written (either communication or code) it’s basically worthless.

  • Huh
  • It all comes down to the fact that LLMs are not AGI - they have no clue what they’re saying or why or to whom. They have no concept of “context” and as a result have no ability to “know” if they’re giving right info or just hallucinating.

  • Altoona substitute teacher charged after 'sexually explicit' classroom conversation
  • One student told police the conversation became disturbing, saying it was apparent Worley "did not care at all". Worley made statements about snorting cocaine off of a hooker and described multiple sexually explicit acts, after asking students if they knew what "iglooing" and "snowballing" were. One student told police Worley taught two kids how to give a man oral sex, "walking them through the process step-by-step".

    Multiple students overheard Worley tell the students that the lowest age he would date was 14-years-old.

  • Help ID plants from deceased neighbor

    A neighbor I was close with recently died and their family asked if I would take the plants, of course I said yes, but 2 of them I know very little about.

    I think they might be the same plant at different life stages? Can anyone help me ID these?



    homelab Limeey
    Best cameras that can connect to a home lab?

    I'm looking for security cameras that will integrate with my home server and nas. I want ones that record to my nas without some BS subscription service, and ideally run FOSS server logic I can deploy on my server. I've got one camera now that sorta does what I want, except the software isn't FOSS and I've been unable to add the features that are missing.

    My ideal requirements are:

    • Good camera quality
    • Direct powered (no battery)
    • Connects via wifi to my network
    • Records to remote nas (no cloud "subscription" requirement)
    • Highly configurable via FOSS software
    • Monitoring software runs on server with local web access
    • QOL features like 2-way audio, audio recording, motion sensing, night vision, etc.

    Does anyone have suggestions that meat what I'm looking for or close?

    Lemmy Support Limeey
    Instance Logs are filled with apub warnings

    I'm helping with a highly federated instance, I'm trying to track down an error but the logs are rolling over roughly every hour after being flooded with apub warnings.

    {"log":"\u001b[2m2023-07-17T00:50:07.309563Z\u001b[0m \u001b[33m WARN\u001b[0m \u001b[2mactivitypub_federation::activity_queue\u001b[0m\u001b[2m:\u001b[0m Queueing activity https://**********/activities/announce/4e5ea7d8-5d06-4c35-8c83-843484ba59b9 to https://**********/inbox for retry after connection failure: Request error: error sending request for url (https://********/inbox): error trying to connect: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed:ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:1919: (Hostname mismatch). Sleeping for 60s and trying again\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2023-07-17T00:50:07.309720924Z"}

    I assume these are due to sites being offline or otherwise inactive. Looking at the database I see that we have hundreds of instances that haven't received an update in over a month now. How can I stop these from flooding out logs so I can find actual errors.

    Can I just remove the problem instances from the instance table? Would that stop the activity pub requests? It seems like we're sending them to reach the inbox, which is failing for various reasons.

    Lets foster a community!

    I started python almost 10 years ago now (jesus that makes me feel old). During that time, r/learnpython was incredibly helpful in that journey, and I learned a lot from the folks there.

    I can't wait to build the same thing here, and I want to offer my services as best I can to do so. If you have an issue, question or problem, post! You can reply here if it's just a quick clarification, but feel free to make your own post and include your code. I'll do my best to read it when I can and give any help I can. I don't have "all the knowledge" - but I'm pretty proud of myself for being a near expert with the language.

    So hit me, how can I help?

    Force external links to open in a new tab GM Lemmy NewTab

    Open links in new tab. Ctrl-click or Middle-click loads it in background

    I put this together based on another very similar script (attributed, of course) I found on beehaw that forces external links to open in a new tab. Should work on every Lemmy instance by checking the header. While it uses http*://\/\ as the match, it only executes any logic if the isLemmy check returns true.

    Honestly, this has improved my desktop experience significantly, it was killing me before.

    Hope it helps, feedback/suggestions/contributions welcome!

    git link:

    Python Limeey
    JupyterLabs - wish I could see the notebook title like in notebooks

    I switched from notebook to labs recently and I'm missing how the notebook name is displayed in notebooks. it seems like the only way to know which notebook I'm in now is through the tab, but if I have multiple tabs open it compresses them.

    Is there any extension or something that will display the notebook name (and make it easily editable) like in notebooks?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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