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Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years
  • So, as I understand it, and I don't, 5D is just fancy marketing due to the really weird properties of the crystals used to store the data in. They are just calling properties of the crystal, dimensions.

    I found the wiki page on it

    According to the University of Southampton:

    The 5-dimensional discs [have] tiny patterns printed on 3 layers within the discs. Depending on the angle they are viewed from, these patterns can look completely different. This may sound like science fiction, but it's basically a really fancy optical illusion. In this case, the 5 dimensions inside of the discs are the size and orientation in relation to the 3-dimensional position of the nanostructures. The concept of being 5-dimensional means that one disc has several different images depending on the angle that one views it from, and the magnification of the microscope used to view it. Basically, each disc has multiple layers of micro and macro level images.[16]

  • Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • That feels like too far in the other direction. Rather than open internet access, there should be a district-wide intranet or at least just a proper whitelist of allowed sites, but of course that would require a proper IT department and would be too costly for most schools.

  • There is no such thing as a TERF fungus
  • Fungus TERFs be like, "ThErE aRe OnLy 6561 gEnDeRs"

  • There is no such thing as a TERF fungus
  • 23k sexes that's fascinating, so I looked it up:
    They have two sex genes, named A and B, each of these have have an allele (alternate form) called alpha and beta. So combined there are 4 unique spots in the gene to look at. A-alpha, A-beta, B-alpha, and B-beta. Each of these can have variations, with A-beta having 32 and the rest 9. 32 x 9 x 9 x 9 = 23328 unique sexes

    So describing your sex would look something like A-alpha-1, A-beta-8, B-alpha-3, B-beta-5.

  • TIL although the idea that Adam and Eve ate an apple is common, the Book of Genesis never mentions the identity of the forbidden fruit.
  • Can't have light without dark. Can't have good without evil. Otherwise you just have boring stagnation. God likes chaos and excitement, not boring safety.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Windows 11 serving me ads in the OS was a step too far. Windows 10 already had them as apps in every update that annoyed me, but 11 took them to a new level that was too far for me.

  • Human Rule
  • This feels like a lovecraftian story. You gained forbidden knowledge but lost your humanity in exchange.

  • what's your favorite thing to put ketchup on that isn't fries?
  • As a hispanic person, ketchup on fried plantains was common for me growing up.

  • Milky Deadpool
  • It feels like such a meme at this point for a Marvel villain to lose all nuance and just turn into a one note murder everything villain for the 3rd act. It didn't have to be this way.

  • KOSA is dead! (US)
  • That and good old reactive contrarianism. Dems say yes, we say no.

  • Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”
  • Yeah, I was thinking Black Mirror too. Looked it up, Season 3e1, Nosedive.

  • LennethAegis LennethAegis

    Queer transfem into tech, games and anime

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