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  • Firefox isn't FOSS. It requires proprietary APIs like Google Safe browsing and others. See the Fennec's deblobbing scripts and build repo for a more details:

  • Google's "Manifest V2" Chrome extension phaseout next month is expected to impact the original uBlock Origin extension, which still uses the V2 framework and has 37 million users
  • I think the point isn't that the scrapper is NOT going to record their messages, but instead that it WILL regardless. Then making use of a training data unmasking exploit, the company (theoretical if the law sides with the individual) needs to fully retrain their model to remove the message text. This puts a lot if faith in copyright law, which is strong in the USA (and others) but rarely enforced to the benefit of small creators. Very little legal precedent.

  • Can Windows 11 access an encrypted Linux portion on a separate SSD?
  • It can access the encrypted data and any unencrypted startup software that hands things off to the OS after decryption.

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • Anti-fingerprinting isn't as simple as blocking JavaScript. There are dozens of other parameters. You can fingerprint with pure CSS. When I say anti-fingerprinting is necessary for a crowd, I am referring to data normalization. Like Firefox's Resistant Fingerprinting and letterboxing. I find most of RFP's effects unobtrusive, but it always for a crowd to form in specialized cases. Only Tor browser and Mullvad can reasonably form a crowd.
    I dont know what you mean by privacy projects spreading dirty JS. I recommend you read up on actual anti-fingerprinting techniques. Your knowledge of anti/fingerprinting seems limited. Basic anti-fingerprinting is necessary on the modern web, same thing with a content blocker. Security and privacy sometimes come at the cost of convenience, but not always.

  • What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs
  • Jesus. Kinda overkill depending on how many parameters the model is and the float precision

  • Removed
    Using Dark Reader on Tor Browser? (Please read before telling me to not use any extensions)
  • It injects JavaScript and CSS. Any modifications to the webpage DOM are easily fingerprintable and therefore making it easy to distinguish you from other Tor users.

    If Tor is blocked try using a RedLib instance:

    My possible solution for you:

    1. Visit CreepJS ( ) and calculate your fuzzy fingerprint. Copy-paste that somewhere for later. This step is important so you can verify afterwords that your fingerprint stayed the same (the fingerprint of all other Tor browser users on your release version).

    2. Install redirector ( ).

    3. Look at the list of public RedLib instances and find ones that are dark mode by default. Then create a config in Redirector to redirect links when you visit

    4. Visit creepJS and verify that your fingerprint is the same.

    If it isn't too bothersome, I recommend not install any extension because there may be some way to distinguish you even if your reported fingerprint doesn't change on creepJS.

  • It's wednesday [OC] rule my dudes.
  • You shouldn't normally turn into a frog when sitting on the toilet. Surely not many such cases ...

  • meowmeow what if we were both boys and kissed (it says so in the rules btww) myap >:3
  • Neat, thanks random internet autistic. I appreciate you.

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • I read your source and am not convinced. While I do agree that piling on modifications is often fruitless and counterintuitive, Vanadium doesn't have the Fingerprinting protection necessary to create a crowd. At best it can create many islands of crowd for each physical device graphene supports, for each version of the software installed, and only assuming all other method of fingerprinting don't work (for some reason theoretically for the sake of this best case scenario). Read cromite's patch list to see some of the changes needed to produce basic anti-fingerprinting (still not good enough to create a crowd).

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • Your system webview is for in app usage. You aren't browsing the web using your system webview (generally). You can't blend into a crowd if you have no anti-fingerprinting. Firefox does this through RFP by normalizing settings between users, and on mobile there is partial support for screen size normalization through letterboxing. Vanadium isn't special, it is hardened chromium with some specific patches. You cannot form a crowd without special a lot of anti-fingerprint patching. See my other comment for details.

    Firefox is missing per-site process isolation. This is theoretical an attack vector in the presence of multiple other major vulnerabilities. It has never been shown to be an attack vector in real world vulnerabilities. Don't call Firefox's sandboxing crap if you don't know why people have said that.

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • You can't blend in with a crowd of vanadium users with the amount of data points given away by the browser. Your fingerprint will be decernable from other users. Without actual anti-fingerprinting, which theoretical can allow for a crowd only when fingerprinting of user browsers results in the same fingerprint ID, the best you can hope to do is thwart naive fingerprinting. Vanadium doesn't have any anti-fingerprint built in, so the slightest differences between user can be used to easily fingerprint. Vanadium also has no strong method of in browser content blocking (eg an adblocker like uBlock) which is required on the modern web to remove JS tracking scripts (or straight allow and deny lists for specific web contents). Adblock is cyber security:

    Examples of metrics include, but are not limited to, the following: Timezone, system and browser fonts (often automatically fetched by websites as a remote font that is cached by the browser), language, screen metrics (DPI, height x width, refresh rate, pixel ratio), canvas, CSS fingerprint, useragent, browsing mode (standard/private), video autoplay policy, audio device fingerprinting, installed plugins, cookie policy, device theme, and of course IP.

    As a graphene OS vanadium user, assuming that the browser stays default, you would still have screen, audio, other hardware metrics, canvas (this one is a killer), IP, user agent (differences in installed versions of plugins and vanadium itself), timezone, remote Fonts, and others. Fingerprinting is an insane science which needs actual protection against to even begin hoping to create a crowd.

    See some more details below.

    Info on fingerprinting (about choosing a desktop browser but still relevant info):

    Browser comparison:

    Fingerprinting test site:

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • Dont use system webview as your default browser. Webview is used by apps, your browser can and should be changed if privacy is your goal. Vanadium may be hardened, but it lacks any fingerprinting protection.

  • meowmeow what if we were both boys and kissed (it says so in the rules btww) myap >:3
  • Standard for this old meme text format.

  • Pixel 8A and Grapheneos
  • Vanadium doesn't have good/any fingerprinting protection. Cromite or Mull would be better, Tor would be best.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • And then agree with whatever you said, even if it was wrong.

  • Best browser tweaks for privacy?
  • Each are data points that together contribute to your total fingerprint. TZP tells you a lot of these data points, and fails ones that dont match Firefox Resistant Fingerprint masked data. Creepjs does much of the same but without gearing towards Firefox.

    Generally fingerprintable things include:

    Do not track signal.
    Private browsing mode.
    Canvas noise.
    Installed fonts.
    Font sizes.
    Browser built-in plugins.
    Some extensions.
    IP address.
    Local IPs (website can execute an ip scan and fingerprint).
    Window viewport size.
    Full screen mode viewport sizing.
    Page/font color settings.
    Operating System (impossible to mask because of differences in rendering on platforms).
    Browser App name & icon. System TTS synthesis engine.
    DOM modification fingerprinting (like that used by many extensions). Mouse speed.
    Keyboard behavior.
    Stylometric fingerprinting.
    And many more.

  • Best browser tweaks for privacy?
  • For Firefox based browsers:

    For all browsers (more generalist):

  • Ruling like an ancient Chinese emperor

    Image alt text: Picture of a tea box with the text "Gunpowder Tea" in large letters and underneath in smaller letters "China Green Tea".

    Class traitor rule

    Alt text:

    Description: 3 panel comic of someone interacting with a cop during traffic stop

    Conversation: Cop says "Do you know why I stopped you?" Driver responds "Because you're a class traitor?" Cop is too stunned to speak.

    Kendama-core rule

    Alt text: Child playing with a kendama-like toy with the catching mechanism and ball being each half of the demon core experiment.

    I want to bring some attention to Slidge XMPP Bridges

    It seems like an awesome project that fulfills a lot of the requirements for bridging many popular messaging platforms (like FB messenger, WhatsApp, discord, signal, and more). I wanted to share because I know a lot of us have friends and family who still use antiquated/proprietary communication platforms. Fair warning, I have not tried self hosting it myself yet since my server is kinda of a mess right now. Lmk what y'all think.

    Not to be that guy

    Are y'all actually torrenting Linux ISOs. Cus I recommend. Its way faster and fun to have a collection of like 30 distros and try and new branch of the larger Linux tree. I just assume its a joke but I only started torrenting Linux ISO because of seeing it replied so much lol.

    Thoughts/Experience with OpenSUSE Micro-OS?

    As the title says, I wanted to hear what since other (more experience) self hosters think of Micro-OS.

    concussy rule

    Image transcription...

    Instead of X say Y

    | have a concussion = I'm in my bonked-up state.

    I'm concussed = I'm all bonked up.

    My brain is bruised = I've got a BrainBonk TM.

    I'm in my concussion era = It's serving gonked gourd.

    My concussion may affect the quality of my work = Getting my concussy slonked silly style.

    blood-transfusion rule

    Image transcription: 'Today, I operated on a little girl. She needed O- blood. We didn't have any, but her twin brother has O- blood. I explained to him that it was a matter of life and death. He sat quietly for a moment, and then said goodbye to his parents. I didn’t think anything of it until after we took his blood and he asked, “So when will I die?” He thought he was giving his life for hers. Thankfully, they both died'

    sharing mononeon cus

    would like to share. He has great patchwork and crocheted clothes, and better mastery over the bass. Sharing this in perticular cus he got a good color scheme going with his clothes.

    Serving rule

    Alt text: "I just realised the lid on medicine bottles is a serving size." Don't do that obviously, unless your goal is to meet the hatman in the ER.

    Hiya, where do yall get memes.

    Hi, as the title says I am looking for meme communities that share memes. My problem with lemmy (or reddits) main meme communites is that the memes are boring normal shit instead of gay boring normal shit. Mostly kidding but main meme subs are just bland and or basic observations about the world.

    Lemongrab Lemongrab
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