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Sen. John Fetterman and wife Giselle taken to hospital after car crash in Maryland
  • Maybe it'll bring him back online? Of course that would invalidate the running theory that Republicans are caused by brain damage. I feel horrible that Giselle was involved, she's been through hell and back with his ever-changing personality basically discounting her lived experience with immigration and now this....

  • Grift
  • The humanist report on Youtube is a reliable leftist source of news that I've never caught in a lie. As leftists go he's also pretty nonreactionary by including things inconvenient for socialist messaging which I appreciate.Vaush is a more reactionary but still rarely wrong source with nuance that most creators across the board miss. Of these two Humanist report is very hard to critique as anything other than genuine so I'd start there.

    Government control and avoiding it is a common call in on the majority report and you may benefit from watching just how quickly those views fall apart with some scrunity from Sam Sedar.

    The socdem viewpoint is that there are some government functions that shouldn't be in the hands of private companies because they're too important, such as healthcare, the millitary, and elections.

    I don't often find libertarians who disagree that some things should be wholly under regulatory agencies because it's so apparent that corruption in privately owned fields is just as if not more rampant than public and objectively people who want government to fail leading government into the ground by leeching off of it isn't really the proof that government is bad that they think it is. Personally if one side wants to control healthcare the way other nations do and lower cost to patients and taxpayers and the other wants to control the police and repress protests and the right to vote I don't see them as equivalent violators, so libertarians voting republican in every election is a bit unconvincing of their objectivity to me.

  • Grift
  • Not trying to poop on your ability to tell propaganda from not, but considering liberal news the opposition to Ben Shapiros bs is a one way ticket to it. You've included 3 types of sources that all appeal uniformly to capitalism and left out leftist/socdem/socialist, which is a very "enlightened centrist" thing to do and basically saying your centrism is centered on the right. Your demographic are exactly why people like Tim Pool succeed in messaging and pulling people further right. Usually anyone who uses liberal as the opposing viewpoint to modern conservatism fits cleanly into this box.

  • The rich loot labor value every day.
  • Playing into looting as a means to an end for change we want to see on the left is a political dead end. I don't care if Walmart gets robbed, neither does Walmart, their insurance may care, but Walmart and businesses like it are part of the biggest lobbying groups for increased police presence and these events are a gift to their narrative.

    It's fine to say I don't care about retail theft on capital owners that rob workers every day. It's a whole other thing to say this is how we go about change as a movement and that we actively support and encourage it. Just like abortions, the edge cases that barely happen are the only ones that will be talked about endlessly in media and if we're simultaneously cheering on the more common cases where the "victim" is an oil baron it's not a good look. Nuance ain't America's strongsuit.

  • Elon, honey, what are you doin'?
  • You're correct in a moral sense although I agree entirely with other posters that politicians need to spread their message far and wide regardless of platform. I do not personally use Facebook or Twitter because I find them to be toxic, predatory, and privacy red flags in the case of Facebook. I rarely use Reddit out of principle when they screwed over Boost devs. The issue though is similar to why boycotts really just don't work for the left. Our power is in changing the systems at the government level, not at the endpoint or point of sale because almost definitionally we're not part of the 1% who make or break companies financially. Increasingly even together in unity that's still the case that our financial incentive offering is relatively minimal to the biggest companies if you ignore mass indignation as a stock value factor.

    Twitter doesn't comply with hate speech laws on social media companies and is used as a tool by Elon to manipulate markets. These are problems addressed through giving teeth to the agencies and that's always going to be far more meaningful than the 4 cents you contribute in ad revenue before you max out views for the day.

    Let's be honest though, with Twitter it's going to fail with or without government teeth around it. Elon has already started prepping the narrative to why his white nationalist pickme project is death spiraling.

  • Elon, honey, what are you doin'?
  • She was one of the first high profile people on blue sky so it's not for not trying. Even this criticism though reads a bit like "You dislike capitalism and yet you participate in it." You can criticise what you partake in, why not?

  • Texas doctors do not need to perform emergency abortions, court rules
  • I would disagree but when Fox was whining about what AOC believed in and put it on a bulleted list it was as much an eye opener as you can get into the thinking of a conservative. Specifically that they can say "caring for seniors" is a bad thing with a straight face knowing nobody would question them.

  • Texas doctors do not need to perform emergency abortions, court rules
  • The people who pass this legislation can afford to covertly leave the state they ruined for a blue one.

    Unfortunately there is no sadistic pleasure here except what they feel when women are deprived of their bodily atonomy, pushing them one step closer to property, to be bartered to people with power like them. It's the only way to permanently reverse the trend of men growing up left of center, keeping young misguided boys incels losers forever as opposed to switching belief systems the moment they have to start appealing at all to women.

  • Removed
    Trump’s Swing-State Strategy Targets Black Voters Unhappy With Biden
  • Most minority Republican voters are either people attached to going against the grain as their whole personality or were raised white and compare themselves entirely to poorer people. I've also heard some talk about how they were never accepted by those they view as superior to them until they changed their politics to be against their own best interests which is the origin of a lot of grifters. America really needs more therapy.

  • Joe Biden Abstains From Watered-Down U.N. Gaza Resolution, Then Takes Credit Anyway
  • Not really about Jews as much as it is about evangelicals wanting to use them to bring on the second coming. With evangelicals they uniformly side with Israeli fascists. This is also about the enormous lobbying power of AIPAC, which from any other nation than Israel would be considered a foreign-aligned agent lobbying firm subverting US elections.

    While they (Israel and AIPAC) stand down against Democrats who tow their lines, they absolutely prefer hawkish Republicans to be in charge because they are more aligned to their regional power-grabs as evidenced by Trump's Israeli policy. I don't personally understand democrats who kneel for a group who doesn't prefer them at the end of the day no matter what they do, even support genocide in a few Democrats cases, but nobody has ever accused run of the mill Washington politicians of having shame.

  • Colorado Secretary Of State ‘Extremely Concerned’ About Pro-Trump Violence
  • There's a lot of things that make it appear that way, but statistically they are the vocal minority opinion. Young people voting in the same percentage of old people would make this very clear, but that isn't likely or maybe even possible in states with highly restrictive voting avenues.

  • Biden responsible for American resurgence of unions: Biden’s NLRB Brings Workers’ Rights Back From the Dead
  • This is one of Biden's strongest leftist positions, you should probably look into it to avoid looking partisan. Not only did he help change the direction of the NLRB, he's spoken stronger than anyone in the know expected for Unions. Presidents don't ever take sides with workers as directly as he has.

    There's plenty of bad positions of his but this ain't it.

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