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math is hard
  • I just think of division as how many times the right expression fits inside the left expression. 0.5 fits into 0.25 only 0.5 aka 1/2 times, because only half of it fits.

  • A bit late
  • I used to actively avoid women out of fear of making them uncomfortable (still do occasionally, when I have a particularly shitty day), I mean like full on 0 eye contact, lotsa distance and god forbid speaking. Being tolled I'm too fucking stupid to understand female issues and tolled that I have it so easy because I can be a literal pig without getting judged did a number on my brain. I mean I get it, women have it much harder, but being completely pushed aside and forced to associate with literal trash, all my efforts made worthless just because women have to put in much more effort, while I only chose to do a bit more. It hurts. When a girl is freaked out and starts running, because I'm taking a similar route to her's (because I just happened to live in the same direction), I understand her reaction, but it doesn't change the fact that it makes me wish I didn't exist, if my fucking existence is a problem in it self. It's shit like this that makes me wish I was at least trans or something, not born a fucking bogeyman that hurts people by breathing the same air as them.

  • Heads I win, Tails you lose
  • Really now? Wanna become a nanny pimp? Maybe organize a life couch group? Give me a break. All actual service jobs (jobs that don't require renting or owning an office/place of some kind) require specialized equipment or a degree, and you'll be hard pressed to find such a business opportunity without strong competition. Most people can't afford to start a business, nor have the knowhow.

  • To be honest, it is quite complicated now as well with all of the proprietary software
  • You mean the 2 ProgramData folders? Altho who the hell puts config stuff there? Anyways, the 2 official settings apps, the 3 AppData folders and then the registry for every little thing Microsoft doesn't want you to edit for whatever reason? And then the countless 3rd party config apps for every device aiming to make this process easier? Yea I totally don't Google where to toggle stuff on windows as step #1, noo... And W11 just has a slightly better 2nd official settings app, so sadly not too different.

    Also who the hell puts config stuff on Linux into /local or /share? It was always in ~/.config (personal) or /etc (system wide) from my experience.

  • Three monitors, and i feel insulted
  • I largely mean flashing in general, it's all just distracting to me. Also most people I know personally actually like the rainbow madness. Even if they try to match their keyboard and mouse, they'll still often have a unicorn box. They also love putting their rainbow tower on top of the table, I really don't get it. A friend's uncle even has a case the height of a table, like bro... Is there no end to this?

  • temperature timeline
  • A largely organizational issue, we currently throw out at least 30% of all our food, not to mention we already consume way more than healthy by any metric and we still have much more on the planet to exploit. We live in an unprecedented time of access and yet all 3 super powers are hellbent on preserving poverty like it's their cultural heritage or something. There's absolutely no rational reason Africa shouldn't be among the most prosperous regions, just like there's no rational reason that at least 20% of Russians don't even have running water, let alone warm or drinking water or that America as the richest of em all, still can't provide the most basic needs for its citizens like almost every other country. Nearly all famines and insecurities with few exceptions around the world are 100% man made.

  • Bell curve with no bell curve
  • As someone who was completely ignorant to x and wayland until recently, my only experience is my distro having a wayland and x combobox during login, and random things not working when I switch it to wayland. The only reason I know this option even exists is because wayland was on by default and random stuff didn't work. I'll happily switch to the new better tech once it stops breaking stuff like KDE Connect and random games.

  • Who was your first?
  • From my very casual view, it's just Debian but, the packages are up to date and the package manager doesn't spam the terminal. Also just been easier to use so far. Learned about Nobara not long after and that was finally enough to ditch windows.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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