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[Insert Steinbeck's quote]
  • you excited for school to start up soon, pal? it's your big first day~

  • Plants can have protein??? 🤯
  • they are very slightly radioactive. please make sure to wash your hands and tell your family you love them (just in case)

  • Removed
    Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • not a liberal, don't care about anything you have to say

    your input on this matter has no value and neither do you

  • Removed
    Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • hope you die mad about it, worm

  • Removed
    Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • good, fuck bigots and fuck their crybaby supporters too

  • Removed
    Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • you aren't trans so your opinion is less than worthless

  • #154 Pride Day! · This Week in GNOME
  • wow stunning powers of observation

    hope you die soon dipshit

  • Removed
    Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • will nothing sate this man's lust for child blood

  • What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?
  • do you not think content creation is work in general or just when young people do it

  • What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?
  • the person who asked the question, obviously

  • #154 Pride Day! · This Week in GNOME
  • you should do a backflip off a skyscraper

  • What are some marketing tactics that you dislike ?
  • all of them. bill hicks had the only correct take on people who work in marketing

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • in the town i grew up in i can think of around 10 people that went on to become rapists. this is close to doxxing but i have had two (former) best friends separately prey on the same underaged girl, as in "barely pubescent". the second one married her.

    unfortunately none of these worthless monsters are dead yet to my knowledge.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • this person should be stomped and murdered

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • "time theft" is exactly it. when you take into account how many people are potentially being held captive these men are wasting collective hours of time that could be better spent doing literally anything else. from that perspective it's genuinely rude to everyone else not to shut them up.

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • there's nothing impolite about forcing these people to respect the time of others

  • just prepped a nice patch of horrible florida sand for planting~

    hoeing really is a good time! the ground was absolutely choked with vines and rocks and such so it took forever but i finally got it mostly cleared, leveled, and mixed with certified dirt owl-free poops. i have no idea what i'm doing, even at this early stage, but i am v excited

    now to stare at it for the next few months until it does something

    Kuori Kuori [she/her]
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    Comments 913