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"it's basic science!!!" | the basic science in question:
  • Infertility is not normal

  • "it's basic science!!!" | the basic science in question:
  • Did you miss the part where I specifically mentioned sex and mammals?

  • "it's basic science!!!" | the basic science in question:
  • Sex in mammals, defined by the function of producing sperm and ova, is indeed binary. No serious biologist will disagree with that. I don't really understand the problem with that.

  • Almost There
  • Unless the Americans protest against funding Ukraine, they're unlikely to be abandoned soon.The MIC of the US is profiting. What better way to siphon money away from the people than sustaining a war?

  • Is DNS Bloat too?
  • No you don't understand bro. DNS is a useless service that serves no purpose other than increasing attack surface for hackers. Who needs dns when you can just type ip address?

  • Based KDE 🗿
  • It's a desktop environment for linux operating systems. Desktop environments pretty much dictate how a pc looks. KDE Plasma,Mate, Gnome, Cinnamon etc are some famous desktop environments

  • Fuck.
  • He looks like a villain from the 19th century

  • The countries that are the most likely to turn ML, according to me
  • Not possible. There aren’t any significant real communist parties in Russia

  • those ppl...
  • I still use Sync for reddit, the day it stops working, I'm done with reddit on mobile

  • Majority of Americans (~70%) say Israel’s response to Hamas attack is justified, CNN poll finds
  • Random usain :What propaganda?

    People who can think: Exactly

  • Anyone ever watch Mr. Robot?
  • Loved the series. >!Things get pretty dark and somewhat boring in the later seasons !<

  • Ukraine mobilizes women, elderly amid failed counteroffensive and a broken social system
  • It will be turned into Amerikkka minus the the 'murican imperial wealth. Just imagines an extreme poverty ridden Amerikkka without any soical benefita

  • Ukraine mobilizes women, elderly amid failed counteroffensive and a broken social system
  • That will cause only more suffering. Russia shout stop their offensive . Hopefully in following years the Ukranians will get rid of their Nazi controlled government

  • The cowards finally defederated
  • Zero fucks given

  • Which ones of these would make the best pets?
  • Small lizards and so on don't need domesticating, since they are being usually held in terrariums.

    If so,they're not really pets, more like captive toys.

    Fennec can be domesticated, it's not very easy

    Not true, Fennecs can be somewhat tamed. Domestication is an long and ugly process that takes hundreds and hundreds of generations to be successful.

    Capybaras did went through domestication both historically and currently

    Also not true. Capybaras never went through domestication. It's just that they're very docile

  • Which ones of these would make the best pets?
  • None. None of them went through domesticating

  • Kuhelika Kuhelika

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