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Why You Should Self-Host Everything
  • Sounds kinda like NixOS, although that's not platform-agnostic.

  • They're so close to solving the mystery
  • It's an ascot

  • Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
  • Thanks! I managed to get it working in some games and it seems to output HDR. Sadly it doesn't seem to support fractional scaling (at least with two monitors), and since I use 175% scale that messes it up. Gamescope seems to work pretty well though, both for HDR and for fractional scaling.

  • Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
  • How do you run games using Wine Wayland? I tried using the registry edit with Proton-TKG as well as system wine but I haven't gotten it working yet.

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • I actually do this with NixOS impermanence lol. The things I need are symlinked from a different partition and the stuff I don't need automatically gets wiped clean.

  • Benefits of resolutions beyond 1080p
  • You can also run the game at 1080p and use FSR to upscale it to native resolution, that's what I often do on my 4k monitor.

  • Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
  • Are you using native Wine Wayland for HDR? I'd been using Gamescope but I've been having some issues with it recently.

    Edit: Turns out the issue was using -F fsr, for some reason that messed stuff up I think

  • Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
  • My current MPV config is here (in the NixOS syntax but it should be understandable). The profile is what applies the SDR->HDR effect, only if the video is in SDR.

    I have target-peak set to 550 nits which seems okay, but I have control + scroll wheel bound to turn it up and down. If you go to 200 or below it seems to disable the effect, which is good for 2D animated content. EDIT: even with inverse-tone-mapping disabled this still messes up the image. You need to actually disable the inverse-tone-mapping and then set target peak to either auto or something above 200 in order to actually disable it. You can check with --tone-mapping-visualize.

    I also generally turn the saturation up to like 15 or 30 or something since it can look washed out. Gamma looks best at 0 generally, but in dark scenes to combat blooming I might turn it up to like 5 or 10. I haven't messed too much with the tone mapping curve but I'm using what the documentation says is recommended so it seems good.

  • Experiences Regarding Gaming on OLED screens?
  • I have a Mini-LED HDR monitor (Acer XV275K P3) and it looks great. It gets super bright with black blacks. I didn't want to risk burn-in, it covers the full 1000 nits that most HDR content expects, and it was only $550 which was quite a steal. There's occasionally a little blooming in dark scenes in movies, but in games it never gets that dark and there's mostly very bright things instead.

    I have HDR working on Plasma 6 with an AMD gpu on NixOS, although recently Gamescope/Steam has been a bit bugged. MPV still plays movies perfectly though. I even set up inverse tone mapping so SDR videos get converted into HDR, which looks a bit better than normal SDR imo.

  • 4 Tools to Share Large Files Over the Internet Securely
  • I believe Syncthing isn't on iOS.

  • [solved] Nixos users which emoji app do you use?
  • I use out of habit but there is some emoji picker that comes with Plasma or is integrated into it I believe.

  • This week in KDE: sprints, enhancements, and kebabs
  • On System Settings’ Night Light page, the time input fields for manual time mode are no longer a nightmare, because they’ve been replaced with a set of spinboxes (Natalie Clarius, Plasma 6.1)

    Oh thank goodness, that page has always felt a bit weird.

  • A bad influence
  • On KDE Plasma there's an effect to zoom in the whole screen on your cursor (it may be windows-plus and windows-minus or you may need to set it yourself). I believe Windows has something similar as well as an accessibility feature. I should think that would work when screensharing.

  • I know how to buy xorg users
  • I can play games and watch videos in HDR though

  • rulehole loophole
  • What game is this?

  • FF Evangelists
  • There's a Tab Discarder extension that suspends old tabs so they're stored on the drive rather than ram.

  • How do you switch window focus while gaming?
  • If you can't fix it you could try running the game inside Gamescope, it can help with weird alt+tab issues.

  • Mills [3840x2160]
  • Okay this is beautiful

  • Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you?
  • Switched like a year ago or so, not really any difference on my AMD pc and Intel laptop. Now I need wayland for HDR on Plasma 6 so there's no way I could go back personally, as well as the great multi-monitor and fractional scaling handling.

  • What is your current wallpaper? Where did you find it?
  • Was into Dogecoin for the meme in high school, haven't touched crypto in years but now I've become too attached to my background to change it.

  • Titanfall 2 SBS 3D First Mission

    Video is Half SBS (squished halfway on the x-axis) but it still looks cool

    Ink - Programming Language for Game Narratives - Godot | Unity | Unreal | More

    I was struggling with handling dialogue for a point-and-click game, has anyone tried Ink or other dialogue plugins? I tried both DialogueManager and Bonnie, and while Bonnie seemed nicer they both were kinda clunky.

    3D Roller Coaster
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    Nix Community Survey 2023 Nix Community Survey 2023

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