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OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • I'm starting to think they might actually do it, too many people involved in making this farce happen had to have known that this was what was going to happen. If they were committed to Biden they would have done everything in their power to make sure this debate never happened

  • Fundamentally Detached From Humankind
  • lmao Connor O'Malley did a whole standup special where this is the entire bit barely a month ago and reality has already caught up

  • The price of fee-dom is steep.
  • Americans are by and large swine, sure, but that doesn't mean we have to indulge in idealism and pretend that the American people as a body actually have any input or control over any of this shit. Electoralism is a dead end by design, it's not operator error when it does what it's supposed to

  • Clown to Clown Communication
  • What if Calvinism, but less forgiving

  • smoothest brain
  • A koala maybe? They actually literally have smooth brains

  • GO AWAY!
  • The swiftness is for our benefit, not hers

  • 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances
  • I did a double take at the store this week when I realized bell peppers were three goddamn dollars each. Not even organic or at an upscale grocery store or anything, just regular old peppers that I'm pretty sure I was buying for less than half that less than two years ago

  • Dang it
    Neoliberalism in one image
  • Oh wow I can't believe I forgot about that picture. In retrospect, probably one of the very first steps in a young kimjongfun's radicalization

  • Whenever you see the words "inventory management", what is the first game you think of?
  • Baldurs Gate 1/2, and KOTOR gets an honorable mention for worst inventory interface in history

  • Saladarity
  • I knew one of these guys in college, one time I ate his cooking and it was the worst fucking spaghetti I've ever had in my life lmao

  • Is basically every extant democrat sans Bernie to the right of Richard Nixon?
  • If any modern Democrat started even mentioning implementing something like Nixon's price controls they'd get primaried and hit with the heart attack gun faster than you can say "we see you and we hear you"

  • are pianos fascist?
  • But what if you're strictly playing fortissimo? Just absolutely wailing on the bastards