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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • So glad we have whole departments of #doctors and #scientists who will give us the truth and the science to help protect our #health.... Oh, sorry... that was last year.

    This year, the heroin addict in charge of the health department says drink some oil, it will make the imaginary #measles go away.

  • Every year for I don't know how long there have been the mass assortment of "Jodi is leaving!" "Peter is leaving" along with the "Ratings are horrible, show being cancelled!" and "Show is ending because ______" along with the "Worst season ever" and "Horrible writing, it's the actor's fault!" crap ----

    He's not going anywhere for a while.