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Florida Senate passes bill banning local heat protections for workers
  • It’s unprofitable to pay for workers visits to the hospital. Even if you have insurance, which goes up with repeated “accidents”, you’re paying in lost productivity.

  • Worst person in tech 2023 - semi final
  • Not failing, but actively ignoring Metas own research that shows Facebook is directly harmful to children and teens.

    I’d say actively continuing to harm children should outrank being a jackass and/or incompetence.

  • Worst person in tech 2023 - semi final
  • Depends on if we consider Zuccer a person.

  • Trump fans raise hands, cheer in support of him being "day one dictator"
  • I’m sorry, you’re claiming that evangelicals, the majority chunk of Trump supporters, are marginalized, unheard and unseen?

    Because we refuse to listen to their bullshit?

    When a school bully harasses other students, do you shush the victim and console the bully? “But the bully feels like we hate them” well gee, maybe they should stop being an asshole.

  • Trump fans raise hands, cheer in support of him being "day one dictator"
  • “I only reluctantly support the guy saying he will be a dictator, therefore don’t lump me in with the people who happily support him.” 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Bing's chat advertising pushing malware
  • These “ai says” articles are all fluff. You can get an LLM to say just about anything you want. This is akin to “my child says we should eat the neighbor.”

  • Danish cloud host says customers 'lost all data' after ransomware attack | TechCrunch
  • Seed boxes are inherently handling replaceable data, bar unpopular torrents. This is such a silly comparison.

  • All removed from Tennessee House subcommittee after paper sign debacle
  • You almost got it, gotta remove the space between that last period and the following tilde. Whitespace kills markdown in most cases.

  • All removed from Tennessee House subcommittee after paper sign debacle
  • Strikethrough is just surrounding your text with ~~ on either side, touching non-whitespace characters.

    ~~Like this.~~ looks Like this.

  • Baffled Scientists Detect Massive Unexplained Radiation From the Sun, Study Reports
  • We’ll still be hulks, it just won’t be that incredible.

  • For those using IDM, consider File Centipede (Also available on Linux)
  • Oddly I can see neither this reply, nor my original comment, but can reply from my inbox within Voyager.

  • Microsoft called out for “blatantly negligent” cybersecurity practices
  • You can have the most secure and secret OS in existence, and you’re failing miserably the moment it has unfettered access to the internet.

    On the flip side, literally any OS can be secure if it’s airgapped in a sealed room.

    There’s a happy medium in there, and that’s where most governments want to be.

  • Are teenage boys in the US becoming more conservative – or more dangerously apathetic?
  • “It’s okay sweetie, the world is literally burning, drowning, and sometimes both at the same time! But in order to protect you, I’ll just say we have no idea why or how to prevent it! Wouldn’t want to hurt your fefe’s by telling you that humans are the problem!” 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Trump rally interviewer backpedals after man calls to "kill them all"
  • I’m sorry to interject, but is it a normal response to blurt out a list of people and groups when you don’t understand what is being said?

    When you’re at a party, and someone says something you can’t hear, have you ever just blurted out the names of people at the party?

    I don’t understand your thinking here. He either heard him and agreed, or didn’t understand him and decided the best course of action was to just list out names of the opposition. Only one of those makes any sense.

    And I have to say, when I heard this without a primer, I fully understood what was being said. As did my wife.

  • We Finally Know Why The TSA Is Cracking Down On CLEAR At Airport Security
  • Ah okay, just found it curious. Thanks for lettin me know!

  • Is there anything that can be done about troll powermods?
  • You might want to re-read what my comment said. I explicitly stated “for example.” In fact, you yourself acknowledged that it was an example. If you can’t understand how that isn’t a strawman argument, I’m not really certain how this discussion can continue. Do you not know what an example is? Because at this point I’m wondering if you think it means “I bet you think this,” as it’s the only explanation that makes sense.

    If you’re not willing to answer the question, I can only assume it’s because you’re understanding the parallel I’m drawing. Seeing as how you seemingly understand, I think we can safely end this… I suppose we can call it a discussion if you want.

    Good day.

  • Is there anything that can be done about troll powermods?
  • Apart from the fact that I was using it as an example, and explicitly stated such, sure I guess? Of course you also need to ignore the fact that I never claimed you said that, or were arguing that statement.

    So, y’know, not at all a strawman. But pop off I suppose.

    You going to address my question, or just (ironically) use a strawman argument with some ad hominids sprinkled on top?

  • Gene therapy eyedrops restored a boy's sight. Similar treatments could help millions
  • Somewhat niche a use case, but *extremely interesting. Hopefully it can be adapted for other conditions!

  • Is there anything that can be done about troll powermods?
  • I don’t think you understand what a strawman is.

    Though you spark a good debate. Should the votes in elections be transparent for accountability sake?

  • KairuByte KairuByte
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