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Help needed choosing a good pair of noise cancelling earphones
  • That's fair to be annoyed about. I can understand their approach and their tradeoff for a bit of better water-/rain protection and having less components inside. With an USB-C adapter I am using my analog ear buds, even though I switch more and more to bluetooth as I find them more comfortable.

    Mediocre headphones, I would not say. They are definitely not top of the line technology wise, but I find them sufficient and sometimes even more than I expected fairly produced hardware to be.

  • Help needed choosing a good pair of noise cancelling earphones
  • Better than individual experiences I like to present some reviews, but there doesn't seem to be that many technical reviews in english, at least I did not find them.

    However, for in-ears, I find them comfortable, but I am more an over ears person. ANC is alright, I'd say. A bit annoying if I am using it on the train and keep hitting the wall or head rest. But either I adapt to these sounds or the hardware takes a bit more time to filter these vibrations out.

    For the tradeoff of better sustainability and exchangability if something breaks or the batteries need replacing, I find the price fair.

  • Help needed choosing a good pair of noise cancelling earphones
  • If you might also care about the socioeconomic manufacturing process and fair payment for these necessary resources, I can recommend the Fairbuds in-ears or Fairbuds XL for over ear.

    Both have noise cancelling as an option and an equalizer via app.

  • What is the nature of a "Trigger Warning" when discussing works by Disney?
  • It depends on the content you want to talk about. A general warning won't help to avoid trigger, stress or anxiety. Better to write your text, read over it, put it in spoilers and prepend content notes (CN) about the included points. These can be various traumatizing aspects and you can be really detailed as people have various stress symptoms. Food, harrassment, bullying, sexism, death - everything you talk about you can warn your readers with content notes.

  • [Epic Games] Cat Quest II | 100% Off/ Giveaway
  • As we do not have a community on Lemmy that I know of, here is a complete explanation of their service, their misdoings and more. This is pretty in-depth with references to other postings as well as articles and sources.

    They are currently losing money with their strategies either way, because exclusivity is expensive, free games, too. Luckily they still have the Fortnite money...

    But they are winning something else. User numbers. Claimed games as 'purchases' on their storefront. Active users per month. User binding to their ecosystem by having more and more games in their library, for 'free'. This looks good for stakeholders ready to invest, or publishers to accept exclusivity deals in their future.

    And with time, the attrition towards their store will reduce so more and more become paying customers with their dubious tactics.

  • Mehr Vorsorge soll Zahl der Suizide senken
  • Da müsste sich in der Gesellschaft schon viel getan haben, dass diese Vorsorge Früchte trägt. Ich bin nicht gegen den Gedanken, absolut nicht. Gerade auch nicht bei der Datenermittlung. Aber der größte Schmerz liegt halt derzeit an den wenigen Kassensitzen und damit einhergehend freien Therapieplätzen.

  • IWF: Staaten verschulden sich wieder mehr - nur Deutschland nicht
  • Lieber jetzt sparen und später durch Schäden höhere Kosten zahlen als jetzt zu investieren und ein zukunftsorientierteres Leben zu ermöglichen. Puh, Schuldenbremse sei Dank. Auf die kann ich vertrauen.

  • Deus Ex Mankind Divided free on EGS
  • Thank you for your comment! You bring up many arguments regarding their stats I would have added, too, especially that it does cost them per claimed free game.

    In my opinion though:

    They will use these numbers of higher purchases towards shareholders and publishers. We can see their thought process: e.g. WB Suicide Squad - a game as a service squad loot shooter might potentially bring in a lot of money in the long run, so stop developing singleplayer, go for the player number.

    Publishers with their IPs of games might get approached by Tim/Epic, that they should exclusively sell their games on their platform as they have so many active users per month, purchases of this and that high number, with currently x million registered accounts and growing, creating an increased player/customer commitment. And as a player's library grows, their reluctance to commit to this platform decreases. Resulting in more money for the publishers if they follow Epics road, at least in a predicted long run.

    They still have their budget to invest in the long term growth by offering free games and buying exclusitivity of third party titles (in the past), more and more though their own published or development supported titles nowadays (better if I ignore their past behavior).

    They also increase their influence by introducing Easy Anti Cheat in more and more titles, which only works due to their reach in the market. This is especially troublesome for Linux players but also for those who do not trust Epic's scanning procedure on ones tasks, processes, services and files (when we keep in mind how they scanned certain files in folders in the past).

    If you should delete your account or not, I cannot say. Data can be interpreted in many ways, they can be read positively by highlighting certain aspects while neglecting others. The same, of course, the other way around.

    I have not used my epic account for many years since their Metro bait and switch action, but still keep it as I still have the developer account from previous projects on the UE4. If I had to interpret the data of my account, I have it since a long time, but am no active user, reducing their commitment percentage of active engaging users with their storefront. And I can only hope the attrition rate increases so their store won't become so attractive to publishers for future titles, reducing the chance of further (time) exclusive games.

  • Cannot login on instances with Lemmy v0.19.0

    Basically title.

    Since the login procedure seems to have changed, the app doesn't work anymore for accounts on already upgraded instances. So, alternative is using the browser or nothing at all. :(

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