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SmartWings Blinds Inconsistently Opening & Closing
  • I have not studied their API, but I would expect to find commands to start movement (open and close) and stop movement, perhaps even to move a specific amount. If the commands result in random amounts of movement the product is totally useless and no control software will help.

    If the API commands work in a predictable way, then it is definitely possible to control movements accurately with Home Assistant or some other suitable software that is able to talk to the API.

  • SmartWings Blinds Inconsistently Opening & Closing
  • I would recommend Home Assistant and integration with a protocol SmartWings supports. On quick Google looks like both zigbee and z-wave are an option. Then you can control exactly from Home Assistant what they do and when.

  • Perhaps the ultimate collection of fake photos In pictures: Kate's video offers glimpse of royal life in Norfolk

    The video message from the Princess of Wales gives us a glimpse of the Wales' home life in Norfolk.

    In pictures: Kate's video offers glimpse of royal life in Norfolk

    “Oh William, you are so funny!” “Darling, do have another piece of cheese.” “Don’t lick the fucking camera lens.”

    How can anybody be so far up their arse to think it’s a good idea to push this nonsense out.

    No Grenfell Tower fire charges until end of 2026, police say No Grenfell Tower fire charges until end of 2026, police say

    It will be 10 years after the Grenfell Tower fire before any potential criminal prosecutions begin.

    No Grenfell Tower fire charges until end of 2026, police say

    I understand the need to investigate this thoroughly. I also appreciate that there are a lot of cheats and liars to shift through in this particular cluster fuck. Still, ten years to investigate is a lot of time.

    The Government must ensure that this process is followed to the rightful conclusion. We need to see a bunch of people behind bars for their contribution to the 72 deaths.

    Do people care about Oasis getting back together? Oasis: How the rock band defined 1990s Cool Britannia

    The rock band defined the Cool Britannia movement and had the best-selling British album of the 90s.

    Oasis: How the rock band defined 1990s Cool Britannia

    The BBC has been on the case yesterday and today, and at least I’m somewhat interested and perhaps even tempted to go see them. But do people care?

    What other band, if they got back together, would tempt you?

    Team GB archer, 16, celebrates GCSE results - fails PE Megan Havers: Team GB archer, 16, celebrates GCSE results

    The Olympian says she passed all of her GCSEs apart from PE, "ironically".

    Megan Havers: Team GB archer, 16, celebrates GCSE results

    Looks like PE requirements have gone up a bit, seeming that being an olympian is not sufficient.

    Can 24-hour drinking zones transform a city? Can 24-hour drinking zones transform a city?

    Montreal is planning to allow bars and clubs to stay open all night, but opinions are mixed.

    Can 24-hour drinking zones transform a city?

    Most definitely! But maybe not in the way people would want.

    Relevant idea for an election campaign

    Let me describe an idea I heard from a very innovative person, which I think would be really useful right now in midst of the general election campaign.

    The basic idea is to interpret politician’s or basically any talking head’s speech realtime and check the semantics against the Internet. Imagine a banner at the bottom of a TV screen with a line being drawn as the person talks.

    If what the person says correlates positively with what can be found in reputable Internet sources, the line goes up and is green. There is evidence they are speaking the truth.

    If what the person says correlates negatively with the sources, the line goes down and is red. There is evidence they are lying.

    If what the person says does not correlate with the sources, the line is flat and brown, because they are spewing unadulterated bullshit.

    I’d pay for this service.

    The Sunak v Starmer debate is appalling

    Sunak comes across like the prat he is. “Labor will raise taxes by £2,000 for everybody” regardless of the question. Talking over all the time, not listening to the moderator. Appalling creature. Starmer sympathises a lot with people asking questions without answering them. Skating around or just plainly ignoring questions all the time. I can’t watch this shit a minute longer.

    Great weekend to kick-off BBQ season

    The weather has been kind this weekend, so I cleaned the BBQ and made ribs & wings.

    When did you see somebody overplay their new toy?

    I’ve been watching the Rugby Cup Final this evening and fuming. They have this fancy new traveling side camera and they can’t help but use it. STOP IT!!! You are making everybody seasick. Which made me think, might you good people have examples of when somebody badly overplayed their new toy? On a completely unrelated note, do we already have a community for rants?

    Sunday treat - roast lamb shoulder

    Lamb, rosemary and garlic is a match made in heaven. The only thing to do now is wait for several hours, and perhaps down a glass or three of red.

    Lamb straight from a farm

    On Friday we got our annual treat: half a lamb from a farm near us. We made rosemary, chilli and garlic butter, roast potatoes, cavolo nero, cauliflower and carrots with lamb chops. The chops are as fresh and tasty as can be, simply great!

    Sauna renovation done!

    After numerous long evenings and weekends our sauna is back in use. Completely renovated shower room, new floor in the dressing room, floor heating in both, new stove, new lights, benches sanded down and appropriately treated, sauna room walls washed and treated, log building painted from the outside. The works. Today it was in use for the first time and the electricity was free 2-4 pm as part of the Octopus Energy trial, so it didn’t even cost a penny to heat! This is our boys conducting a quality inspection.


    Leeds - Liverpool

    We are considering doing two weeks on Leeds - Liverpool on a rental boat in near future. I should think we are looking at one week one way and the other back. Where would you recommend we start?

    Gigs - live music events past, present or future JohnSmith
    We have it all

    UK has it great when it comes to live music. Small venues, arenas, stadiums. Big artists, small artists, almost anybody worth seeing will have a gig here at some point. I grew up in a country where my favourite artists hardly ever visited back in the day. I’ve lived over twenty years in the UK, but I’m still in awe of the shere number of gigs to choose from. It is brilliant!

    Beef fillet, chimichurri, garlic potatoes and steamed broccoli

    The filet marinated overnight in a mix of HP sauce, soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce. The file was in sous vide in 50 C for just over three hours and finalised on the coal BBQ. The end result was great if just a bit over cooked for what I was aiming for.

    tasty end result

    How would you protest without turning people against you

    We’ve all seen the JSO protests in various events. I’d like to think a good number of people here agree with the point they are making while being uncomfortable about the way they make the point.

    I for one would not run into the field in Twickenham in the middle of the final. There is no cause in the world that would make me run into a professional Rugby front row.

    Putting that to one side, how would you protest to make people really stop and think without annoying them to a point where your message suffers.

    Where did the name Bison come from anyway?

    The history of computers and software is full of nerdy and obscure jokes well beyond the caricatures of exiting vim. Complier compiler (explain that to most people!) to yet another compiler compiler to bison is one of those.

    What are your favourite obscure computer nerd jokes?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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