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France bans Israel companies from annual Eurosatory arms fair
  • This is humorous to me because they’re banning Isreal from a “War” convention for doing the thing that almost always comes with war, genocide, and what Israel argues it is doing, war.

    It’s more complicated than that I know, but something about this is making me laugh.

  • Trump’s Outreach to the Libertarians Was an Absolute Train Wreck
  • I’ve read the guy you’re responding to and don’t understand where you’re coming from. What made you think OP doesn’t think they deserve better than a two party system? That seems like a heavy assumption.

    Are you morally grandstanding about how shit the two party system is? I think we all agree it’s shit, but it’s (currently) backed up by a US social contract (the average citizen agrees to the authority of the system), has a monopolization of violence behind it, and is the system that exerts power on people in and outside of the US.

    Not participating in the system with the monopoly on violence seems like a bad decision because it’s more likely to make you a victim of that violence w/o any impact on the system itself, e.g. martyrdom.

    Alternatively I have not heard of a good movement that’s poised to take power from the current system before November, which was the subject of OP’s post, so I don’t know where you’re coming from with such hostility towards a random comment lmao.

  • Almost 40 percent of South Dakotans say Noem shooting dog was justified
  • I’m going to take the position that misinformed actions or stances still make a trashy person. I understand animals harming humans needing to be put down, however that does not seem to be the case (?)

    She killed a dog because it pissed her off. It was a poorly trained dog. I also understand dogs that won’t listen pissing you off, but I know if I killed a dog in the same way my farmer/country friends would crucify me.

    This is a story you don’t state with pride. She stated this story with pride which is baffling, but it makes a little more sense if you take the reductionist view that she’s stating, with pride, that she is willing to kill things that don’t listen, work her desired way, or are untrained and “irredeemable.”

    Coming from someone with ambitions to be a fascists VP, that’s horrifying.

  • Michigan Says Fuck No to Genocide Joe
  • Given a power structure with only two choices because of garbage human beings in the past; yes. I’m not going to make more minorities lives harder because “both sides bad” stupid inaction or malicious accelerationism hoping for violent conflict w/o a plan to solve our problems.

  • Growth as an end
  • I take it more as humans acting out of individualist self-interest (which capitalism incentivizes above all else) as being more likened to cancer. All it can take is one mutated-individualist-greedy cell to ignore the signals from the surrounding tissues to cause cancer.

  • Lmao calling me MAGA. Dude can’t even read a post history, I’m surprised you can format a post.

    So what are you then, just nihilist internet trash? Explain how not voting is going to make Palestinian lives better. While you’re at it, explain how a Trump presidency would be better for fighting fascism. Explain how not participating in the system of power is somehow going to give you what you want, whatever that may be? You just want to watch the world burn? Start with your own house.

  • What is “it”? All the nebulous statements with no plan lmao. They haven’t broken people enough to revolt yet. I’d have expected Russians to revolt again considering the worse oligarchical state over there, but the oligarchs are still in power. The bullies still have the better organization skills.

    I hope y’all are at least part of a union otherwise you’re just worthless words lmao.

  • Do something about it lmao. I want to hear about you on the news organizing your way to power before the election. Name drop Jaderick in your speeches, I would love to see it and you could prove me wrong.

    In the mean time you’re just trash sitting there doing nothing lol.

  • These accelerationists in this thread are the dumbest people on the left who don’t care about the oppressed sympathetic to their views and are directly in harms’ way if things get worse, because they want to gamble on a violent revolution that will nebulously make things better w/o any plan.

    The stupidity is almost humorous.

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