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Labour accused of pitting workers against pensioners
  • Means testing a winter fuel payment so it’s not being used to put down deposits on next years cruise isn’t exactly “pitting workers against pensioners” is it? But then the Morningstar is half ill-researched waffle, and half conspiracy theory nonsense.

  • Tory MP Esther McVey criticised for 'repugnant' smoking ban tweet
  • Thanks for being a conscientious smoker; I’m afraid you’re in a witheringly small minority. If someone drinking a pint could blow a potent cloud of second hand pint into my personal space, then I might agree there is an equivalence, but there isn’t.

  • Is there a new term for chav?
  • This is just one man’s take, but, Neds and Chavs aren’t quite the same (I grew up in Glasgow but have also lived south of the border for most of the last 18 years). Neds are criminals, Chavs are anti-social. The equivalent to Chavs in Scots would be Jakey, Bam, or Gadgie.

  • New row over e-bikes as London set for city-wide pavement parking ban
  • Where I lived in NL that was the case too. In fact, we considered Amsterdam quite disorganised by comparison. If every road in London lost two parking spaces for bike racks, and every lime bike had to be parked in one, the situation would be much improved. Ultimately you should have the same responsibility to park a Lime bike you would have to your own bike.

  • New row over e-bikes as London set for city-wide pavement parking ban
  • Honestly, I sympathise, but if car drivers, even Tesla drivers, acted like Lime riders, then we’d be furious. Lime riders too regularly conceptualise their journey as only impacting themselves, but active travel options need to exist within the societal ecosystem, and currently far too many aren’t. I live on a one way, and FAR too often I have had to stop my car to move one of these bikes that was “parked” mid-road, and another regular occurrence is moving bikes that are impeding access for disabled folks. Ultimately, Lime bikers need to feel some responsibility to their societal peers, and that so many don’t is a recurring issue.

  • What charity should I donate to if I want to help the London homeless population?
  • Polly Neate makes £122,500 as the CEO of Shelter. That’s good money but much less than her skills could demand on the open market, and a damn far ways off yacht money. Please don’t spout this ardent nonsense.

  • Labour promises rail nationalisation within five years of coming to power
  • I think you may have misunderstood. Rolling stock means just the physical trains themselves. The franchises (one of the two major profit extraction points) will go. The rolling stock firms will still exist but after a time be negotiating with a unified British Rail with a unified plan to negotiate prices.

  • Bug: Incorrect Video Plays

    Came across an issue with this post:

    When viewed in browser it’s a scene from Star Trek about beards, when viewed in Avelon though it’s a video of chinchilla’s dancing and waving their butts about.

    Happens each time the post loads, in both the main feed and the post view itself.

    Happy Birthday Terry Farrell

    To the Trill with the license to thrill, happy 60th birthday!

    Feat Req: Set max post age for feeds

    Hey @evgiz,

    I have a quick wee feature request. I’ve got the mark read in scroll AND hide on read features enabled. As it stands I get about 20 posts or so from last I checked Avelon, followed by months old content.

    It would be great if, at least on my Home feed, I could have the feed end at posts older than a week?

    Thanks muchly, J.

    Process Request (TestFlight)

    Hey bud, was wondering if you could start mirroring the RC of a release to TestFlight. I’ve noticed during the last few releases (three at least) that after a TestFlight pass an RC is pushed to the Production channel but not mirrored to TF. That means that the TF testers are back and forth between TF+AppStore, and that TF testers can’t use the feedback function or send logs if we encounter issues in the RCs.

    Noticed on the TF Branch

    I noticed a couple things on the new TF build. Posting works, but, when both posting and commenting, the content box is bordered by what seems to be a 2px red line.

    It’s also slightly counter intuitive when drafting a new post, to have to hit “Done” before being able to hit Publish.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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