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24 June 2024
  • It's also why building a routine and developing your endurance and lung capacity is so much more important than just "lifting bigger weights" if you're trying to be healthier. Your body is already doing hard work, you can get better results with helping it work more efficiently instead of just pushing it to exhaustion.

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Each of these ideas solves a different aspect of the bigger problem, but none of them will solve the entire issue.

    The problem is that with these 'realistic' views, we never make ANY progress by just throwing our hands up, saying 'Well there are just too many guns to solve the problem with a single solution.'

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • Buyback programs. Ammo purchasing restrictions. Laws requiring documentation of all firearms with strict penalties for undocumented weapons. There are proven menthods of de-escalating and de-weaponizing populations when they are provided with the means, motive and opportunity.

    Get out of here with this defeatist attitude. You'd never make this argument for driving a vehicle without a license because "tHeRe ArE tOo MaNy CaRs"

  • What does the world think of India?
  • The two things that I think of when I think of India are that it's way too overpopulated and also way too hot.

    Aside from that, there are a lot of academics I've seen from India that are genuinely helpful on YouTube but also a lot of scams. Speaking English with an Indian accent almost instantly creates a sense of distrust in Americans simply with how many times we each personally have received scam calls or talked to someone in an Indian call center who swears their name is 'Derek Johnston' or other similarly fabricated name.

  • Any day now Joe, c'mon man!
  • Oh Jesus. Jon Tester's campaign texted me yesterday asking for money. I dont even know how I got added to his list but knowing he voted against raising the minimum wage makes me infuriated he would text someone outside his district for help.

  • Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful
  • He can go kick rocks. I'm trying to help you.

    From an outsider perspective, it looks like you told him to "go respond to this guy instead", but linked the same comment that it was already responding to. It was confusing and made you look like the asshole in the situation, which I'm trying to help prevent in the future.

  • Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful
  • Apparently the way Lemmy's link creation works makes all first-level replies to your comment the same link AS your comment. So, in providing the link 'to be helpful', you only linked to your own comment. That's not actually helpful and so it doesn't come across in the best way.

  • Every day.
  • About a year after it came out, I was singing along with it during a depressive episode and realized 'seven' wasn't accurate anymore. It freaked me out, but I realized that part of the nature of the song is the impending doom, and I have to change the lyrics when I get to that part.

    ..Four more to go.

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Yeah my Mum has it and has to have her shirt tucked in her pants as the buttons often contain nickel.

    Ugh, same, but there's a trick - Clear fingernail polish! It will eventually rub away, but it's worth it so you don't have to worry in the meantime.

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • I wonder if there's any recourse for content creators having ads directly added into their video. If an ad shows something illegal, is it the Ad creator, Google or the video creator who are responsible? It seems like moving the ads from a third party site to being inside the video file itself changes who is responsible for it, but IANAL.

  • Larian confirms players can keep digital game given in error
  • As someone who used to work with creating DLC codes for code-in-box pack-ins, I'm SHOCKED this doesn't happen more often. Sometimes it's as simple as a checkbox in a submenu in a submenu of the submission information of a title not matching a different checkbox, especially when you start adding in combos of 'deluxe editions'.

    They're not really being "generous" by allowing people who already redeemed the code to keep it, it's just WAY too much of a hassle to remove and re-do those codes for specific people. It's much easier to just nuke ALL the codes and send out new ones.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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