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Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • Mandrake > Debian > Ubuntu > Mint & Arco Linux & MX Linux.

    These three distros are the chosen ones in my case. I've been using them in my main computers for a couple of years now. It's the right mixture.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ozone Tactical. Cheap, 65% size, wireless & cable, red switches, programmable rgb... Really happy with it!

  • Some time ago I was looking for a Linux music player
  • Good for my PC but not for my crappy (but loved) netbook. Too CPU demanding.

  • What's your music setup?
  • Oh, I didn't know that and I've been using that command for ages.

  • GitHub is slowly rolling in 2FA. Any good open source apps that will enable me to activate 2FA token on android?
  • This!

    Keepassxc is cross-platform, free and open-source. It has also options for iOS and Android.

  • What's your music setup?
  • Both yt-dlp & ffmpeg installed. Then:

    yt-dlp --add-metadata -x -f bestaudio/best youtube-url

  • I am looking for an RSS app
  • If you're not afraid of the terminal, the combination of newsboat and w3m is the quickest option.

  • Sprint Shootout Highlights | 2023 Belgian Grand Prix
  • Hey, rain god, could you give us a fucking break?

  • Itookmyprozac Itookmyprozac
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