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Get ready for a month of rainbow capitalism
  • My local police force routinely touts that nearly 40% of their officers are gay. Its the women. Almost all of their female officers are lesbian. It's kind of progressive but also kind of feels like cheating

  • Full points for confidence
  • Doctor: I have consulted decades of scientific literature to diagnose your ailment and provide a treatment plan based on humanity's continually improving understanding of the biochemical workings of our bodies.

    Chiropractor: I have consulted a book written by D. D. Palmer in 1895 who was a magnetic healer, anti-vaccine, and anti-medicine. He says you have ghosts in your bones and it's messing with your natural healing powers. I'm gonna crack your back now. Yes I'm a doctor. Well not a doctor doctor, but you know.

  • Trump is not the only convicted criminal to run for U.S. president. Over a century ago, Eugene Debs ran from his prison cell.
  • In case anyone wanted to know a bit more. He was the founder of the American Railway Union, one of America's first industrial unions. As leader, he organized a stike against the Pullman factory that resulted in its own factory workers, who were not ARU members, to strike. The strike was because factory workers had their wages reduced but their rents (which they paid to the company they worked for) were not. Engineers and conductors for the company continued to work, so Debs had the striking factory workers block railways. That caused the government to send in the army to break up the union and jail Debs along with other union and strike leaders.

    While in jail, Debs read socialist political literature and founded several socialist political parties on his release. Debs gave many political speeches that upset the government, but one where he urged listeners to dodge the WWI military draft, because the proletariat shouldn't fight the battles of the rulling class, caused him to be jailed once again for sedition. It was this time in jail that he ran for office.

  • The Raiding of Red Lobster
  • Golden Gate crippled Red Lobster by selling off one of its most valuable assets, the real estate it owned, in what’s known as a sale-leaseback, for $1.5 billion. With that sale, Golden Gate nearly made back its $2.1 billion purchase of Red Lobster, while turning the chain into a permanent leaser, adding a massive additional cost in the form of rent that was orders of magnitude bigger than the cost of Endless Shrimp. When commercial leases started going up, Red Lobster was highly exposed, but by then Golden Gate had already sold off its shares to Thai Union, which inherited all the debts Golden Gate stacked on the company.

    Buy the company for $2.1 billion, sell all of its property for $1.5 billion. Sell the company to someone else. That's the work of job creators right there.

  • Hero
  • Yup, this is every job. Your skills at performing a task are only a small part of success. The bigger part is being able to make friends with the right people.

    Edison and Tesla come to mind. Edison wasn't the best when it came to electrical engineering but he was good at talking. Tesla was brilliant and is the father of modern electrical engineering but his best friend was a pigeon. During their lifetimes, Edison was much more successful than Tesla was.

  • US ex-official pleads guilty in heist to steal and sell water with secret pipe
  • Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!

  • Edison
  • I like the explanation that devious spirits cannot say this phrase and that's why it's used. Apparently it's also just a casual way of saying "I'm ready to talk" and was used by early telephone operators in Japan. It's most likely people just ended up copying the phrase from operators and aren't worried about being tricked by foxes.

  • How a Toronto police complaints officer belittled a criticism about bike lanes — and why advocates say it’s a problem
  • This is all the quiet parts outloud.
    Police don't need to follow the rules they enforce.
    Police don't understand what makes something unsafe (cyclists aren't worried about running into your car, they're worried about having to enter the roadway to get around your car).
    Police should be worshiped like heros.
    Police believe "criminal" is a class of people.
    Police think anyone who complains about police is a libtard soyboy who cares about people's feelings.

  • Missing Posts and Comments - Lemmy Issue?

    I've recently started using the Boost for Lemmy app on my phone and it's amazing. I was using Liftoff before but I'm switching over. However, I've noticed an issue. When I browse through communities using Liftoff I see a lot more posts and comments than when I use Boost.

    I figured this was an issue with Boost at first, but when I used my computer to edit these screenshots I noticed the same thing happens in my browser!

    Opening up I see all the posts that Liftoff shows. Of course I'm not logged in since my account is on

    When I log into and view the community though: I only see the posts that Boost shows! Many posts are now missing!

    I figured this is an issue with blocking stuff. But wait! The most recent post (titled "Bug: Hiding all read posts also hides...") has the URL which, of course, does not allow me to comment on since I'm not logged in. If I search for that post through I find the equivalent post with the URL: which now allows me to comment on it through my account.

    Does any one know what's going on here? Clearly can "see" all the posts in the BoostForLemmy community on Even Liftoff manages to show all of them! So why does my browser and Boost for Lemmy not show everything unless I specifically search it out?

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