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Many Network Interfaces per VM/CT - Good Practice?
  • Having multiple interfaces in each vm can lead to issues with routing if you screw something up.

    Like you said I'd expose the services via reverse proxy in the public vlan, and enable ssh access on the firewall only from a jumpbox or the ip of your pc (or maybe the vlan you are in).

  • 2nd hand ThinkPad go brrrrr
  • well ROCM is supported in Linux

    I've installed it on my (single) AMD GPU (I thought it was for something else) on EndeavourOS (which is, obvs, arch btw :D).

    I've been using endeavourOS for about 1y now, after a few years of Mint (and 20years of everything else. Yes, I've used gentoo as well back when it was only install from stage1). It does feel faster (on the same hw) but I've never done any real benchmarking, so it could be just "new shiny feeling faster". I've found an article a few weeks ago comparing boot/compression speeds of different distros. In your particular case I wouldn't be using Debian as I feel you'd need quite up-to-date drivers, and Debian is conservative (and that's a good thing personally, I use it on my servers).

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • Proton a few years ago disclosed the IP address of the user of a certain mailbox upon request by LEA. That was enough to get the person found and arrested (I don't remember what the case was about). They HAVE to comply with these requests, but they DON'T need to log/retain those info ETA: and I was wrong, thanks to set me straight. But I think the point still stands. I don't want to be ALWAYS be tied to a VPN, there are some scenarios where I can't use a VPN.

    That was the moment I decided to selfhost my email server.

  • Has anyone else ever set a special ringtone for that one boss you dread will call you? If so, what was it?
  • my 6 months old nephew wailing scream. Once I left the phone on my desk and walked to the copier. The phone started wailing. My desk buddy knew what that scream meant, and brought me the phone, thus filling the whole office with baby screams.

  • Slightly better than a prison cell
  • This is in central London, in a nice area. It's much more spacious of other flats I've seen in London (and worse areas). Yes, it's a basement. If you could afford £1766/month of rent it's still not a terrible deal. You COULD find a better place, but sometimes you don't have the time to keep looking, you have to take the less bad option. For a computer gremlin like me having no natural light would be a bonus tbh.

  • comfy void

    One of the few pictures of Galaxy where he's not on a dark background!

    XMPP and whatsapp bridge

    Hello everyone! I currently selfhost a matrix server but, seeing everyone talking about xmpp, I decided to try again with that one. I did try about 8-9 years ago but couldn't make it work (don't remember the issue, probably pebkac).

    My requirements are:

    • e2ee (I see OMEMO is the solution for this);
    • audio/video calls (looks like all the main clients/servers supports this with SIP or similar);
    • whatsapp bridge: this is very important as I currently use my matrix with element to chat (not calls) with all the whatsapp contacts.

    Would be nice if the server runs with docker images (but I see Prosody has the option so not an issue).

    So basically I am a bit stumped only on the whatsapp bridge thing. I see some github repos for that but they all seem quite old.

    Any help, pointers, suggestions would be appreciated.


    That's not how kites work

    Unless you are in dangerously high winds (like shit-flying-around-winds), when you cut the string on a kite it comes down. Sadly and floppily.

    Edit: spelling

    Happy sysadmin day!

    May the uptime be long and the logs without errors (and not just because logging is broken!)

    Self hosting minecraft

    Hello there! I've been hosting different kind of services for some time, and I would like to self host a server of minecraft for my kids to use. Basically I want a walled garden solution where he can play but no external access (for external users I mean).

    I have a server with docker and hosting the server looks simple. I did spun up a bedrock (I think? Can't remember for sure) server. My problem is: how do I access it? I don't see a "custom server" option in the official android client (he will play from a tablet at first). Can someone point me in the right direction?


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