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Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Ice cream with big juicy balls

  • Pills (Take Two)
  • I do aswell. But only if the kill pill works on "any" person

  • I need to wake up early
  • Well my samsung galaxy phone and my samsumg galaxy watch are in sync

  • For anyone asking: Yes, I am paid by the Chinese government 🤣
  • No, i know more but china perfects the capitalism. Everybody does everything to make themself as rich as possible by any means.

    America doesn't have large factories in which workers work for a few dollars (and by that i mean something like 100 dollars) per month and have to work long shifts.

    America doesn't have cheap and life threatening materials either.

  • Google En Passant
  • Holy hell

  • For anyone asking: Yes, I am paid by the Chinese government 🤣
  • China is the most raging capitalist country i know

  • Weapons manufacturers are terrorist organizations
  • M8, russkiland tells all of us "ukraine nazi:C" because they fought and freed themself from a form of russian occupation. The moron who was kicked out in 2014 by the ukrainian people recieved a lot of money from russia to be their puppet state, like belarus is right now, but the people didn't like to be such a country and fought for their freedom. That's why vatnikstan invaded crimea and the donbas to keep their little puppet at their side, that's why they kill and torture those who are innocent and just want to live in peace.

  • Removed
    Happyprom is legit website for prom dresses online
  • Where meme you dum ad bot?

  • Fascism everywhere
  • (%2F%CB%88f%C3%A6%CA%83,individual%20interests%20for%20the%20perceived

    Man why do people not know what fascism is?

  • Tears
  • Is there a /c/croppingishard ?

  • It just gets worse the more you read
  • Isn't zionism the result of some dumb dudes imagination

  • It's like the Pyramids guys; How tf did they do it?
  • Well, before artillery shells were bombs fired from a big rifle, now they are smart and more complex.

  • Antitheism
  • Where meme

  • At some point you have to see you are getting scamed
  • I remember a time when c/memes was all about funny memes and not megacringe

  • Locked
    The conquest of bread
  • Yes, why starve to death by not being able to afford bread when we can starve to death by not being able to buy bread cuz there is none

  • Removed
    "I beg you to hear his side of the story"
  • Intervened in their already happening war against ukraine under no flag but now with flag. It's a fact that russian equipment and troops were fighting the "civil" war in ukraine since 2014

  • Head injury
  • Fuccitas this, i'm listening to a song i did when i saw this post a few month ago and the meme before is similar to the other, a very heavy deja vù moment

  • Lazerpig and SuperEyePatchWolf..
  • And yet we can be sad that there is no vid as long as we don't demand.

  • Abandoon all tanks
  • Is he abandooooooning tanks or delivering them to ukraine?

  • IkarusHagen2 ikarushagen2

    I'm the sad cat memelord

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    Comments 67