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No spoilers please, but does Old Man’s War get better?
  • So much so that it turned me from not knowing him at all to getting what ever he writes without question or even reading the synopsis

    I felt this way about Starter Villain! I'm curious how you felt about that one, given how different it is from Old Man's War.

  • Yard lookin' fine tho.
  • That’s the thing, the super invasive weeds are what establish the best. I’ve got a broader definition of “wildflower” than anyone I know, but if you’re encouraging foxtails and goat head burrs in your yard, you’re a dick.

    I live in an area where a lot of people raise sheep and you can check out x rays of storks bill seeds that burrow down through the fleece, skin And fat, into the poor bastards muscles. Being all “Look at me! I don’t judge plants, they’re all welcome!” is going to cause a lot of pain and suffering and punctured tires and shoe soles.

  • No spoilers please, but does Old Man’s War get better?

    I’ve been really enjoying John Scalzi’s catalog- Started with Starter Villain (delightful!), The Kaiju Preservation Society (Sweet..), Lock In + Head On (fun who-done-its), The Android’s Dream (clever, enjoyable read), Agent to the Stars (funny, creative, pretty good).

    I’m half way through the first book of Old Man’s War and it’s depressing AF. I don’t see how it’s going to get any more light hearted, given the subject matter. All the aliens are enemies, more battle scenes than anything else, graphic descriptions of war injuries and deaths.. I’m not really compelled to keep going. Can anyone vouch for it being worth it to continue?

    Edit: I'm realizing that "better" isn't a good descriptor. I guess what I mean is "Will there be fewer graphic descriptions of injuries and death; as well as general despair on the part of the MC." It is a "good" book by all metrics except "feel-goodiness" and "Not making me queasy at descriptions of faces being blown apart." I'd come to expect a light and clever romp from John Scalzi, and from everyone's replies, he is more varied in his styles than I'd previously been aware.

    I'd been half hoping this would all resolve into a lovely, heartwarming story about how the universe was saved by a race of benevolent, highly intelligent cats who tricked everyone into getting along. I tried to go further this morning and am, for now going to set it aside after another scene with an exploding face.

    Thanks to all who replied!

    Yard lookin' fine tho.
  • I have spaces in my yard that look like that, but it takes soooo many hours of meticulous hand weeding to encourage and protect the wildflowers and discourage the goat head burr, fox tails, storks bill and burr clover. And forget hiring anyone to help, professionals call them all weeds will only eradicate the whole lot (which would start it back to the beginning since those nasty ones are the first to take over when the earth is bared). Every year there are few more flowers and friendly "weeds" and few less horrible thorny noxious weeds, but it's been a process over about 8 years and it's not finished and probably never will be.

    The easiest to maintain part of my yard is my "no mow" native fescue lawn, that would never be allowed in an HOA and you can't really walk on it, but it houses a billion bugs and the birds and spiders and cats love it.

  • It’s always with my best shirts
  • It wasn't even at the laundromat!! He was renting a room over a garage and had laundry privileges. He just didn't want to do laundry very often. I started actually doing his laundry for him for a while, just to show him what clean clothes could be like. He got fussy about me not "folding the way he liked" so I told him he was on his own.

  • It’s always with my best shirts
  • I used to know a guy that was really stinky. I was hanging out with him once while he was doing his laundry and watched him cram clothes in to the washing machine with all his might, then leverage himself against the opposite wall with is legs to get the door to close. I told him this is the wrong way, the clothes will not get clean. "But water runs through the clothes! I'm not going to waste space in the washer!" When I pointed out that the clothes in the center of the impacted fabric wad was not even wet at the end of the wash he explained that this was because the spin cycle was so efficient.

    Observe the fill line people.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Third party voting is a piss poor substitute for voting reform. Your vote is counted but it does not count for shit. Your electoral college delegates' votes are the only ones that count toward who is elected.

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  • Fast walking home from school to catch Total Request Live on MTv at 3:30, hoping your favorite song didn't drop in the ranking today because that means it will play earlier and you will not get to hear it today (and that song is Objects in the Rear View Mirror by Meatloaf).

  • Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons?
  • Watermelons are not true to seed- a watermelon grown from a collected seed will not necessarily resemble it's parent. But surprise melons are fun! Usually not as sweet as those with carefully controlled genetics though.

  • [Video] Kristin Rowan -- My Vibe (0:35)
  • Good to know. You do look like one. I've got that look too, people who've never met me just serve me/direct me to the vegetarian option without asking. To be fair, I was one for 25 years, like.. one of the really obnoxious ones. It lingers.

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    Over half of young Americans say that rising food prices are the most noticeable effect of inflation.

    54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

    54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

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