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Good times
  • That's the way to go, the number doesn't matter at all.

  • Good times
  • Many apps display them as "comment score" and "post score". And the Lemmy API let's you request that data, so it's stored.

  • Good times
  • Well karma is just called "points" here, I don't think that's enough of a difference

  • Gastronomie: Mit der Wasser-Flatrate durch den Abend - Politik
  • Das einzige was in Amerika wirklich besser läuft, Wasser ist eigtl immer kostenlos in Restaurants.

  • "Would you kindly" swap the colors for upvote and downvote?
  • Please don't, but a setting for custom colors would be nice anyways

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • Not yet 30 and can't be bothered with Linux on desktop

  • ELI5: Why did LED notification lights silently got removed from phone?
  • Idk why? I like it to see the clock on the always on display, but you can also change it so you just have a small red pixels lit up, to mirror the "notification led style". You can style the aod like you want on Android

  • is wefwef only ment to be web app or will it be released as an app?
  • Than idk what his problem is, on Android I can toggle the little browser icon on/off and have full control of the icon.

  • is wefwef only ment to be web app or will it be released as an app?
  • On Android I can just change the iconnto whatever I like, isn't that possible on iOS?

  • ELI5: Why did LED notification lights silently got removed from phone?
  • On Samsung phones your whole screen flashes in a custom color and and animation, and after that you have your always on display. So they are no longer needed with OLED screens that can display it themselves

  • Deleted
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  • Thanks, looks really nice I'll try it out

  • Umstrittene Terror-Ermittlungen: Der Messenger Signal als „Kult der Geheimhaltung“
  • Hoffentlich kommt da bei nichts rum außer Werbung für Signal

  • Deleted
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  • Can't find thunder on the Playstore, so far it's either connect or liftoff. Connect works better but liftoff looks better. But I really hope boost for Lemmy will be released soon

  • Reddit Refugees on Lemmy, how are you guys liking lemmy so far?
  • For what did you get banned exactly that would make them antisemitic?

  • Deleted
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  • Well you still choose the instance your on. Don't use one from an uknown party. If you can, just host it yourself, it's not very demanding. But I find signal to be much simpler to introduce to your parents for example, just because it's like Whatsapp and just works.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I just told my parents if they want to contact me they have to use signal, because I deleted Whatsapp. That worked pretty well

  • Its been one day without Reddit
  • Yeah, it seems that reddit hasn't yet made the rate limit changes to the API. They talk about it here how it will go into effect the upcoming week(s)

  • HungryKoala HungryKoala
    Posts 0
    Comments 23