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New German citizens required to affirm Israel's right to exist
  • The German state doesn't recognise Palestine as a state currently, so probably not.
    Only a few countries west of the former Iron Curtain recognise Palestine (Iceland and Sweden, and as of this year Norway, Ireland, and Spain)

  • 'Becoming a totalitarian state': UK judge on why he quit Hong Kong court
  • I guess it wasn't explicitly stated anywhere that the two systems were supposed to be different from each other. /s

  • Biden's approval rating just hit its lowest mark on record
  • Please please please don't vote the orange man into office.. good God.

  • EV sales slowdown is mostly a Tesla problem, according to sales data
  • But at least is was a lemon with style.. unlike the Cybertruck ;P

  • Urban Microcars
  • Sometimes people do need a car, and if they do I would prefer it to be a small little thing like this rather than something larger.
    These kinds of car are quite popular in Amsterdam, for instance

  • Labour unions in Nigeria to begin indefinite strike over minimum wage
  • In the end it's not about your absolute wage, it's about buying power.
    If you can buy the same of more with your wage, your quality of life is going up.

    The comparison to US dollars is probably skewing the picture somewhat (since the US dollar is quite strong right now), but I find it hard to believe that an eight-fold decrease in value doesn't negatively affect buying power.

  • Labour unions in Nigeria to begin indefinite strike over minimum wage

    It looks like this would be a monthly figure. Based on this source minimum wage currently sits at 30.000 Naira ($22,45) /month.
    From what I understand it is higher than what it was set at in the 80s, but the value of the Naira did drop quite a bit over time (when compared to the US dollar)

    According to this website the 1981 wage would have been equivalent to $204, while the 2024 wage is equivalent to $24

  • France considers approval of European chat control plan
  • Guess I'll be contacting my MEPs, and looking into which MEPs support and oppose this plan.
    Though I am glad to see my country at least has stated it finds the proposal unacceptable.

  • If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
  • What the hell man.. The guy is just sharing his view on what OP asked..
    Just because you disagree with the guy doesn't mean you need to wish cancer upon him.

    Have some decency for crying out loud.

  • What vegetables and fruits do you wish were commonly available in the US?
  • Isn't blackcurrant illegal in the US? I remember hearing that somewhere anyway.
    Such a shame, cassis (blackcurrant soda) makes for such a tasty drink.

  • Joost Klein from the Netherlands disqualified from Eurovision 2024
  • According to Cornald Maas (the Dutch commentator for the Eurovision) the "threatening motion", as far as he is aware, was Joost pushing down the camera/phone, after asking not to be filmed.

    Source (also in Dutch)

  • How do you listen to / discover music?
  • A mix of Spotify (I have a premium account there), and my own collection of CDs which I have ripped and can access via Jellyfin for higher audio quality.

  • Amsterdam bans new hotels in fight against mass tourism
  • You don't have to stay in a hotel in the city of Amsterdam to visit Amsterdam.
    The Netherlands is a small and densely populated country, so you can simply stay a town or city over and the city proper is only a short train or tram ride away.

    Last year my boyfriend and I visited the city with some friends coming over from America. We stayed in a rental in Amstelveen, and our friends stayed in a hotel in Zaandam.

  • UAW says Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly to join union, giving it groundbreaking landslide win
  • Judging by the article Volkswagen is not really opposing the union effort? They appear to be okay going along with whatever the employees decide.

    Unlike many employers who conduct campaigns against union membership when faced with an organizing effort, Volkswagen had remained neutral in this campaign. Its statement once the vote was announced was similarly even-handed, stating only the vote results and that “We will await certification of the results by the NLRB. Volkswagen thanks its Chattanooga workers for voting in this election.”


    One reason the company was more neutral than many employers facing a union vote is the strength of unions in its home country of Germany. The main union for its plants there has a seat on the company’s board.

  • Amsterdam bans new hotels in fight against mass tourism
  • AirBnB is already severly restricted in several parts of Amsterdam (though a court ruling last year did overturn those restrictions in some neighbourhoods)

  • Amsterdam bans new hotels in fight against mass tourism
  • I think you are missing the point why people take issue with overtourism.

    Amsterdam isn't a themepark, it's a city where people actually live, grew up, have lives. And overtourism tends to hollow out what makes the city authentic. The houses get converted to AirBnB's and hotels, the regular shops, pubs and restaurants can't find regular customers anymore so start catering to tourists instead, etc. This results in a sort of Disneylandification of your city. It's generally a nuisance to the inhabitants of a city.
    Ultimately a city is for the people who live there, not the people who visit.

    Tourism can be good for the local economy, but there is only so much people are willing to put up with.

    Edit: Also, old hotels are allowed to be renovated, as long as the number of sleeping places in the city doesn't increase

    A new hotel in Amsterdam can only be built if another hotel closes, if the number of sleeping places doesn't increase, and if the new hotel will be better, for example more sustainable.

  • Amsterdam bans new hotels in fight against mass tourism
  • Amsterdam has had an issue with overtourism long before NJB was making videos.

  • Ukraine backers blast ‘double standard’ after allies rush to Israel’s defense
  • They'd probably not do much, but we don't know that for sure. It could also pull NATO into a direct conflict with Russia.
    And noone is particularly keen on finding out where exactly the border lies for retaliation by Russia.

    So best we can do right now is provide Ukraine with the military support they need, without getting directly involved in the conflict ourselves.

  • Roku says hackers gained access to 576k accounts in latest data-breach incident
  • Signing your rights away should never be possible, even if you get something in return. Allowing that is just making the system ripe for abuse.

    At what point would you say you've met the threshold of something being valuable enough for forced arbitration to be allowable?

  • [meme] Communist Netherlands vs Freedom-Loving USA



    Don't take this joke too seriously. It's just a little thing I thought of making after seeing the picture used by the NOS in this article about Tata Steel emissions:


    With Reddit closing API access to 3rd party apps, I thought this'd be a good time to cross-post some of my older Reddit posts.

    Humanius Humanius
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