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Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside
  • She is a federal judge. The only way to remove her is impeachment it's the exact same process as removing the president.

    If she is not impeached she can sit on bench the rest of her life even if every ruling she makes is overturned by higher courts.

  • He deserves better
  • Which is odd that some people care so much about this. Games Workshop used to make female space marine models but stopped because they didn't sell well.

    My head canon is that with all the hormones to boost mucles, organs changed out, bones merged with ceramics, extra heart, special space marine reproductive organ in the chest, black carapace, acid spit, memory eating organ, etc. Doesn't matter if you start with Judy Garland or Arnold Schwarzenegger you get Lou Ferrigno at the end.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • So from the perspective of being in the United States. Remote Indian work it's cheap but of extremely low quality. This ranges from call center workers to programming and engineering work.

    This is usually a sign of the company trying to cheap out and having poor products in general. So it's kind of a compounding problem.

    Politically India seemes racist, nationalist, and terrible on climate change. I'm from the USA so yes I know we are not great on these topics as well.

    Having been to India a few times from inside here it's what I've noticed in the country.

    The poverty and wealth gap between Indians and westerners means almost everybody wants money from you and to up charge you. From beggars, to chai vendors, to high end stores and hotels. They also love hidden fees and you have to be vigilant about details. This puts me on a constant tense alertness when dealing with people that gets very draining.

    I've also spent time with an indian family during holy. My western friend was dating a member of the family and we went for a visit. The family was very generous and welcoming. It was the only time in India when I was relaxed and able to chat and enjoy the company.

    Racism and classism abound. The ways different ethnic groups treat each other and try to force the use of their language on the other group. For example a Hindi and Malayalam language standoff when I was in Kerala.

    Or when at a store that sells stone art has two clearly miserable lower cast people working a human powered cutting tool for the tourists when you can hear the sound of high speed electric tools from the back room.

    Animals other then cows are treated horribly. Elephants in particular always looked miserable and broken.

    People with government jobs are arrogant and lazy. From customs and immigration to the national parks. I arrived 20 min before closing at a national park to buy tickets for a late night tour that was latter that evening. The ticket both was empty with one other person waiting. Two minutes before closing the guy came to the window in a towel because he had been showing before getting off work.

    The belief in crap science abounds. I got an ayurvedic massage that wasn't a very skilled massage and then the guy tried to give me medical advice. Several people tried to explain that the ayurvedic guys were just as good as doctors. On way out another of the ayurvedic "doctors" tried to sell me a medicine that he assured would remove belly fat and regrow hair. This from a fat bald man.

    The fiet time I was in India Modi had just won his first term as Prime Minister while I was there. There was a huge procession of angry young men yelling and pushing people out of the way. I assumed they were from the losing party. My driver informed me that no they had just won the election.

    It was clear that this wasn't a jubilant celebration of success. It was a angry group that now had the power to do what they wanted.

    I know i've been negative and there is a fair amount of nice things in India but they always are fleeting and overshadowed by something. In the multiple times i've been to India i've never had a bad meal and there are a lot of nice people. I just think they are constantly at odds with each other.

    The most Indian moment I had was drinking tea while enjoying the smell of the spice fields. Then the wind shifted and all I could smell was the stench of shit and diesel from the cesspool over the hill.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Frequency folding is the term used in DSP no need for quotes. The Nyquist frequency is commonly referred to as the folding frequency.

    And yes frequencies above the Nyquist folding frequency alias into lower frequencies. A simple low pass filter prevents this however.

    Properly filtered digital sampling produced a more accurate reproduction of the frequency range with less distortion then an analog signal.

  • Florida just got its first LGBTQ+ Latino state senator
  • He is always furious. But this is what he wanted. The gerrymandered districts he forced through pushed a bunch of swing districts into comfortably R at the expense of some extremely D districts.

    So yeah it's great to see increased glbt representation (there is another gay senator) and latino representation but it's not because we are becoming more tolerant. It's because republicans have solidified control of the state legislature.

    I like Smith and am glad he won. But it's unfortunately the byproduct of losing one or two other democrat seats in the legislature. That's not Smith's fault it's the republicans fault.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • It's Nyquist–Shannon. Norquist is taxes.

    Also frequencies greater than half the sampling rate aren't lost they fold into lower frequencies unless filtered out.

    But if you think it's easiser to capture those room acoustics with analog equipment the non linear amplification and distortion of any analog system is going to change the sound just add much if not more then a good digital system.

    So yeah both lose or distort the signal but digital does it in avery predictable way that can be accounted for and it does have a frequency region that it captures precisely. Analog doesn't.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • So I got my AA at community college and my bachelors in computer engineering at a university. Other then math and physics there wasn't a ton of useful classes in CC.

    But if you are going to an ABET accredited school (or similar if outside north america) you are going to learn a lot in university.

    You should learn how to analyze basic RLC circuits. How semiconductors work at a atomic level. How to design basic transistor circuits. Logic gates both design and analysis. Flipflops (the simplest computer). Computer architecture. A programming language or two and some basic assembly. How to use an oscope, logic probe, and multi meter. Basic digital signal processing, fourier transform, and linear controls.

    There is a ton to learn and it's not stuff you can just pickup on the job.

    Keep at it and good luck.

  • would you do this?
  • No in fact a good chunk of the early episodes are missing. The show changes a lot based on who is playing the Doctor and who the showrunner and head writer are.

    Best bet is pick a Doctor and watch the first episode or two. If you don't like it try another.

    Old run Tom Baker and John Pertwee are good choices. Baker had Douglas Adams as head writer for the early seasons and Pertwee has two of the best companions.

    Latter original run had a show runner who did not want the job and it shows.

    New Who I would recommend trying Christopher Eccleston or Peter Capald. Lots of people love David Tenant but I find him annoyingly hyperactive.

  • Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass
  • Mass makes a dent in space time changing the path of objects. That effect we call gravity. Think a person on a trampoline with balls rolling bye. Negative mass would flatten space time or make a hump in it.

    The idea here is sort of like an atom looks neutral from far away if you get close there is a big positive charge in the center and a big negative charge in the electron cloud.

    So you have normal mass from far away but some wierd effects at very small distances that have effects.

  • Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass
  • No antimatter has normal mass. It behaves just like normal matter it just has the opposite charge for it's fundamental particles.

    It's a good question though. Although it was expected that antimatter would fall down not up it wasn't proven experimentally until 2023.

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • It's an ethnic group and a religion. The vast majority of the religious group is from the ethnic group because they usually don't try to convert people. Her note about being secular indicates she is part of the ethnic group but not part of the relegious group.

  • Give yourselves a round of applause 🖖
  • The number of times in trek where they could easily destroy the ship or entity that was causing the problem in the episode is huge in Trek. But they spend most of the episode trying to figure out how solve the problem with the minimum damage to both sides.

  • Lynn Conway, leading computer scientist and transgender pioneer, dies at 85
  • It's an interesting question as far as dead naming as well. Normally it's just a dick move or an accident because of old habits. But in the case of people who did important work that might be published under an old name it can be useful to get them the credit.

    I'm a computer engineer so I looked up her work to see if I was familiar with it. I was wondering if I would need to lookup her dead name to find her important work. In her case her big book (which I recognized immediately and have on my shelf) was published after her transition so it wasn't necessary.

    If it had been written pre transition it would have been a shame to not know she was the author.

  • Lynn Conway, leading computer scientist and transgender pioneer, dies at 85
  • I know there is variance among the community. Of my three trans friends 2 prefere being referred to by their post transition gender in the past tense and once preferes they/them.

    A coworker who came out requested he/him until after they took time off for treatment and then she/her afterwards.

    When asked if he wanted his name updated on an award plaque while away he said no. So when she returned we had only updated her door name plate and info in the company directory.

  • Baltimore bridge collapses into river after being hit by cargo ship Baltimore bridge collapse: at least six missing as Biden laments ‘terrible accident’

    Mayor says rescue efforts continuing after cargo vessel hit Francis Scott Key Bridge, sending vehicles into the water

    Baltimore bridge collapse: at least six missing as Biden laments ‘terrible accident’

    A portion of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has collapsed after a large boat collided with it early on Tuesday morning, sending multiple vehicles into the water.

    At about 1.30am, a vessel crashed into the bridge, catching fire before sinking and causing multiple vehicles to fall into the water below, according to a video posted on X.

    “All lanes closed both directions for incident on I-695 Key Bridge. Traffic is being detoured,” the Maryland Transportation Authority posted on X.

    Matthew West, a petty officer first class for the coastguard in Baltimore, told the New York Times that the coastguard received a report of an impact at 1.27am ET. West said the Dali, a 948ft (29 metres) Singapore-flagged cargo ship, had hit the bridge, which is part of Interstate 695.

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