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  • Clown world. I use Microsoft spyware to install Google spyware instead. I am an intellectual

  • Roast Beef and vegetables…
  • Pornographic levels of tastiness here.

  • A hedgehog on wheels
  • Early Sonic game prototype

  • Nintendo knows their fanbase
  • Got to lube up in Splatoon for that extra thick DLC

  • The thrill of getting a new toaster for your wedding anniversary
  • Legends say the toaster still works to this day

  • So where are we all supposed to go now?
  • This was a great article, very relatable.

  • /kbin meta Hondolor
    Can some one explain how the microblog feature works.

    So, this is coming from a reddit user. I don't really understand the microblog button and how/what kind of content it gives you and how it's organized. Can some one give a brief summation.

    CAPTCHA presented me with an ethical dilemma
  • I heard of a man eating a whole table once, chip by chip. A piano isn't off the table for those who are brave enough

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • agree. Part of why I liked reddit was that I could customize my feed to ignore political diatribe (left and right) and just read the feeds that interest me. Lemmy is so infested with leftists that it spills over into every part of their community

  • Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.

    I really do like KBin and Lemmy and the fediverse on the whole, but development is still young and the userbase still growing. KBin is still basically early access, and Lemmy is buggy. I spent alot of time in reddit and I'm feeling the pain of trying to ween myself from it. Just wanted to here community perspectives and see how other's are taking it.

    For me, I feel a bit of a sore hollow spot for what reddit used to be and watching it implode is not fun for me.

    How does reputation work on KBin?
  • So wait then it's way easier to get down votes than upvotes and get a bad reputation?

  • How does reputation work on KBin?

    I'm a little confused about how the upvote/downvote system works as related to your reputation on KBin. Can someone explain?

    As Reddit protests turn to porn-bombing, advertisers face increasing brand safety concerns
  • I think there team has a "too big to fail" complex. Now let's sit back and eat some popcorn

  • Reddit plagued with 1-star App Store reviews over API debacle as users search for 0-star button
  • Oh good idea..Now I finially have a reason to post a review on the play store

    Edit: review bomb complete

  • Judge blocks a Florida law that would punish venues where kids can see drag shows
  • Is it really fascist to want kids to not be exposed to pornographic material :I

  • Reddit is telling protesting mods their communities ‘will not’ stay private
  • Lets fix are user revolt problem by removing users in exchange for paid employees. That will fix the problem.

  • It’s bots all the way down at kindle unlimited
  • Welp..this is a problem we have to expect now. What a time to be alive. The scary part is this is basically gen 1. Wait till the books are actually good

  • Hondolor Hondolor

    Reddit Migrator, Artist, Tech Enthusiast

    Posts 3
    Comments 14