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Chninkel - Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosiński - german collectors edition by Splitter

I had almost forgotten about this gem, after reading it decades ago as a kid. In hindsight, Chninkel had a strong impact on my developing love for comics, quite comparable to The Incal and AKIRA. While the drawings are not as perfect as the work of the grandmasters Moebius and Otomo, the narrative of Chninkel hits even harder imo. Twelve year old me was especially triggered by the oppression and injustice of the scenario and I still remember being stunned by the hard struggle the little protagonist has to endure. NEVER GIVE UP LITTLE CHNINKEL!

RESOLVED ![](image_url) not working anymore?
  • Try it now, a few hours after your last message, Sunaurus wrote:

    I’ve changed the logic now to no longer proxy imgur images, so their rate limits should no longer affect us!

    Hope it works for you now.

  • RESOLVED ![](image_url) not working anymore?

    I used to regularly put images in comments by using ![](). Suddenly that does not work anymore, help!

    It stopped working for me (and also another user) a few days ago. Until I post the comment it is fine but when I post it, the url of the image is getting automatically changed into a format that does not work.

    Before posting it looks like this:


    However, posting it changes the url into this (non working) url


    I will post the same image as a comment in this thread from two different accounts to illustrate.

    How did this suddenly change, I never had problems posting images in comments before?

    What can I do to fix this? I like posting images in comments and would be very happy if I could go back to it?

    Miyazaki & Moebius Catalogue D'exposition (2004-2005)(with link)
  • thanks for posting it originally.

    I have no clue what happened, probably I managed to accidentally change/delete the link while editing the post.

    That is absolutely fascinating, two of my favorite artists.

    Then I guess you are going to enjoy watching this: A talk by Mr. Hayao Miyazaki and Mr.Moebius

  • T-Shirt Design - Mœbius (1998)

    > Copyright Jean Giraud & Starwatcher Graphics. All rights reserved.

    Cover art for Ark No. 22 - Mœbius (1989)

    Copyright Jean Giraud & Starwatcher Graphics. All rights reserved.

    The Airtight Garage - Promo Poster Nº 1 - Mœbius

    © and ™ 1995 Starwatcher Graphics, Inc.

    Edit: Oh and


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