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Every horrible lib affect in one tweet
  • Apparently this lady is from Texas, so it's not an affectation

  • Every horrible lib affect in one tweet
  • Since when is y'all and nothing else AAVE? How do you think they addressed the crowd at Klan rallies?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • That line is like the only great part of St. Anger

    The corniness rocks actually

  • Final boss of Quora
  • Bailey's isn't a liquor, it's a liqueur.

  • BBC: 'Russia now is like 1984': Inside a Russian dystopian library
  • Wow, Russia is so much like 1984 that they found an exact copy of that exact book, with no changes, omissions, or alterations, available in Russia for free. This is exactly like what happens in 1984, which we've all read, clearly. Their totalitarian lack of editing knows no bounds.

  • Learning French in school is functionally the same as learning Latin
  • Not in France and I don't speak French, I'm only defending them as a matter of principle

    I have visited though

  • Learning French in school is functionally the same as learning Latin
  • Just cause they know English doesn't mean they want to use it while you're in their country.

    Learning a second language is a gateway to living anywhere that's not anglo-burn

  • It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible

    The task of reporting is not a simple one. Each and every day, reporters and editors at publications like The Onion make difficult decisions about which issues should receive attention, knowing that our coverage will influence not only how people think, but also how they act. This responsibility is ...

    It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible

    The only good media outlet

    One of my kids is getting into his recorder phase right now
  • I hated that one too. There's clearly some sort of conspiracy to only let children under 12 play boring ass music in schools.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 22nd to April 28th, 2024 - The Scramble For Africa: Green Edition - COTW: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • China hosts Hamas, Fatah delegations for reconciliation talks

    Given the extent of collaboration by Abbas over the years, I can't say I'm optimistic. I thought the same thing about Iran-Saudi Arabia relations too though, and China managed at least a formal rapprochement between the two. This could go well

  • The survey covered 66% of the continent, approximately, 36 out of its 54 countries.
  • 5% of Americans being hexbear lurkers is a lot more than I expected

  • This is literally just called having a job
  • Remembering when this was called working for the weekend, and feeling old

  • What was your most lib moment before you were radicalized (or at all)?
  • I was very pro-Bernie in 2016 but also against the whole Bernie or Bust idea. Lesser evil-ism in general made sense to me, and the man himself endorsing Hillary on basically those grounds was enough for me to be vocally against Busters or people against voting in general. In my defense, I was a minor and couldn't even vote at the time. By the time I could vote in 2020, my beliefs had shifted enough that I voted for Bernie in the primary but not for Biden in the general. I sure as shit won't now, and not for state-level Dems either like I did in 2020.

    I honestly am still not against lesser-evil thinking as much as most people on this site are, but for very different reasons than liberals. That kind of thinking really warmed me up to anti-imperialism. Once I got enough historical background on the death toll of America and colonialism and about how texts like the Black Book exaggerate and fabricate deaths under communism, comparison compelled me to realize that if I believed the lesser evil should be supported, then the DPRK, Iran, Syria, etc. (all the places I thought of as scary dictatorships before, essentially) are the morally superior side in geopolitics. On the basis of morbidity alone is enough to believe so, if nothing else

    For that logic to work though, you need to believe people are of equal dignity no matter what part of the world they're from. That every dead body is equal to every other dead body. So, I have also come to realize that the failure of other supposedly pro-"lesser evil" libs to be staunch anti-imperialists comes down to either racism or using the "lesser evil" argument as a rhetorical trick instead of an actual belief. Or worse yet, both!

    One shouldn't even need to be convinced of socialism or even social democracy to really follow this logic to its ultimate conclusions and support anti-colonial resistance, but apparently that's too fucking much to ask.

    On that basis, I commend Hamas. I think Olof Palme would've understood that. I wish the non-communist """left""" today would have enough of a soul to follow the example of types like him.

  • Men that carried out terrorist attack on concert in Russia received funds from Ukraine.
  • His account was the US and Norway. He really honed in on Norway actually, based on its military diving expertise and shared interest with the US in exporting oil and gas to the rest to the Europe