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DSA Statement on 2024 Election: Drop Out Biden
  • The classism, holy shit. Most of this thread is dripping with tone deafness from my fellow hexbears wtf.

  • Ok, lib. I will give you that.
  • You do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it them".

  • Hey guys I had SEX last night!
  • It better have been revolutionary volcel-judge

  • Freedom and Democracy
  • I would simply vote against the spicy orange cheeto.

  • [insert any Malcolm X quotation on white liberals here]
  • Biden changed the name of the ICE facilities sweetie maybe-later-kiddo

  • [insert any Malcolm X quotation on white liberals here]
  • I would simply send the trolley underground into the Hamas tunnels

  • Phytagoras
  • You won't trick me into forming a 4 sided die, the most vile of shapes!

  • Star Trek fans: do you have any pet peeves about the franchise?
  • Agreed, I'm not seeing the problem with the older, cozier series that get to breathe with 24 monster of the week episodes having some fun nostalgia peppered in. They don't rely on it. And, as someone who is totally enamored with Nana Visitor, Michelle Forbes is the same caliber actor and it's hard to imagine the series being worse(just different) just because they used an established character.

    Nutrek is built on nostalgia bait and subverting that nostalgia for cheap shallow cuts and boring grim prestige TV tropes. As someone pointed out elsewhere with the Boimler quote, Nutrek forgot the Trek mantra, and is "boldly going" nowhere.

  • Bernie Sanders Introduces Legislation to Enact a 32-Hour Workweek with No Loss in Pay
  • They wouldn't enforce getting people home at 32 hours, but if the overtime is enforced(since hours are all on record), a lot of companies will adjust to avoid paying so much extra wages. Similar to a higher minimum wage.

    Of course most of those adjustments will be worker-and consumer-hostile. Like "inflation" prices or how companies skirt by by giving people 31hrs (currently) to avoid providing health coverage at 32hrs.

  • He mad now, just you wait.
  • Libs would rather celebrate mild vulgarity than go to therapy admit and reflect they're platforming genocide.

  • Fixed libposting
  • maybe-later-kiddo Are you trying to say both sides are the same? The adults in the room are talking about the most important election ever! I'm going to be so bloodthirsty for you to suffer if you don't vote

  • Locked
    The only people who should be allowed to hunt animals in the US are natives and the DNR
  • Most overpopulations of animals is due to their predators having been hunted to or near extinction for the sake of agriculture or other human interests. You're justifying exploiting them based on man made conditions. And that's not to mention government subsidized breeding programs to inflate populations for hunting seasons.

    I'm not necessarily arguing against a solution, but be honest about the reason for the situation.