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France considers approval of European chat control plan
  • Additionally, chat monitoring would not apply to accounts used for national security, investigations, or military purposes.

    Why do they want to protect the pedophiles working for nations and militaries?

  • Your Experience with Linux, BSD etc
  • I guess it all depends on perspective.

    I love that it's free compared to those $10-20k licenses for similar systems.

    I love that there are good package managers.

    I love that it's open source.

    I hate that it's GPLv2.

    I hate how bloated the kernel is. I'd like it to fit into main memory.

    I hate how it's not POSIX-certified.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • Personally, I'd like to see them force in-browser DoH down my throat with my computer powered off. They'll never see it coming.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • The day they do their own DoH in-browser it is definitely up to them. It's already opt-in if you want to see how well your pi-hole won't work with it enabled.

    Next step is to do DoH by default, and finally making it compulsory.

  • How easy is it to switch back to windows?
  • It depends on how far down the rabbithole you go.

    I switched to Linux 27 years ago. My wife asks me to help her with her Windows computer every now and then, and I can't really do it for more than a few minutes before my blood pressure is in the risk zone.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • You sweet summer child.

    How long do you think Chrome will let DoH be opt-in?

  • When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?
  • I've always been quite deadline driven. So the week before going to the breakpoint demo party I wrapped up a Commodore 64 demo in a long series of all-nighters.

    When I finally crashed I was dreaming 6502 assembly.

  • What is YOUR top 10 list of all time best video games?
  • In no order:

    • Diablo 2
    • Chrono trigger
    • The incredible machine
    • Loom
    • Bravely default
    • The secret of monkey island
    • Prince of Persia
    • Rampart
    • Papers, please
    • Zak McKracken and the alien mindbenders
  • Average U.S. vehicle age hits record 12.6 years as high prices force people to keep them longer
  • I've never had a car loan in my life. I've never had comprehensive insurance. I've had four cars in 22 years. Only once have I had a car less than 12.6 years old, and just barely. 10y is the sweet spot when I go used car shopping.

    My current 2007 C4 grand picasso sitting at 153k km should last me at least another four-five years before I hit my pain point maintenance-wise.

    I cracked the windshield on my current car, but that repair cost 1/5 of what 22 years of windshield insurance would've cost, ignoring inflation.

  • ‘Let yourself be monitored’: EU governments to agree on Chat Control with user “consent” [updated]
  • Likely they'll force app/play store to require compliance for the apps published in that region.

    Yes, yes, side loading, FOSS. Grandma won't sideload, and responsibility will be on the platform owner. That's you if you run your own matrix server for your grandma.

  • [Jellyfin] PCIe x4 graphic card for transcoding
  • Resizable BAR was previously cited as a requirement for Intel ARC cards, but I think the drivers today can do without. Sounds like your system might be too old to have that. Might be a soft requirement, as in you'll see a performance drop if you don't have it.

  • Software to use laptop/tablet screen as an external monitor
  • I'd get a HDMI capture card for the tablet, if it supports USB-otg. Just run a program to preview the input on the tablet and connect it like any monitor to your laptop.

  • A comical old game review for the Sims 2, ripping them for microtransactions.
  • Bittersweet. It was a shakedown sail with a surveyor. I'm selling my yacht because those microtransactions aren't working out.

  • Amazon Customer Service has become awful
  • Consumer rights in the EU are pretty strong. They include two-week free returns, no questions asked, on things purchased online/remote.

    These rights do not extend to businesses, though. Sounds like Amazon is not interested in being helpful unless legislation is twisting their arm.

  • What's a good graphics card for jellyfin?
  • My RX580 does the job just fine. Does 1080p at 3x realtime for HEVC, and 10x for h.264.

    They're dirt cheap second hand.

  • Opinions on KDE Plasma 6
  • Overwhelmingly positive.

  • HarriPotero HarriPotero
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