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I dont know what to think anymore.
  • Sorry the article seemingly purposefully phrasing it weird is making me confused, could someone explain it to me?

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Will you stop the crooked vegans that are jacking up the price of chickpeas? Its all my 15 shitzus will eat and I'm sure the vegans are conspiring to increase the price of them. On top of that, they're always telling me that feeding my dogs only satled chickpeas is "bad for them" and I should "just feed them normal food". The same vegans are also doing a crusade against my healthy raw milk I've been buying, will you stop them and force the crooked fda to let raw milk back into Walmart?

  • MAGA
  • American Margaret Thatcher

  • Offbrand is now officially a worker cooperative
  • Heard the sus guy works there

  • Automated Diogenes Machine
  • How do you explain this liberal?

  • This sub can be lame sometimes but this post has that old r/cth energy
  • For the last time, there will be no sex under communism

    The volcel police have won

  • so called """""leftists""""" as soon as the opportunity presents itself
  • I would NEVER do that to out beloved denguin

  • Hillary Clinton is selling merch like some Minecraft Youtuber
  • The unpain intern didn't even warp the image so it actually looked applied to the glass

  • NSFW
    Bit idea: Ruin my day
  • Juche necromancy isn't real. Lenin is going to stay dead

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Advanced military strategy of standing still while the enemy snipes at you

  • Removed
    Caught my boyfriend cheating
  • For people reading this don't message this person, it is a scam

  • Texas power prices spike to 16x during spring heat wave
  • Seems costs per KWh at the cheapest for the consumer in Texas is $0.112 according to this website

  • Gamer's edition
  • Guy on the left looks like Hasan

  • If you're lost in the woods would you rather run into a twink or a bear?
  • If we are talking survival, my assumption is that a bear would be more helpful. A twink however would make for a better companion for me, which may be worth dying in the woods

  • Liberals are dumb as fuck
  • (At the vote in 5 most months) That was an amazing speach sweaty, but unfortunately there's just nothing we can do, we just have to support genocide maybe-later-kiddo