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Biden announces new tariffs on Chinese EVs, semiconductors, solar cells and more
  • The frog boils itself now?

    Cheap solar and semiconductors will reduce the cost of manufacturing in US. Energy and chips are inputs to actually producing stuff that companies charge a lot more for.

    Car tariffs is somewhat understandable.

  • U.S. police have arrested more protesters in just two weeks, than the Hong Kong police arrested in four violent months in 2019.
  • Fuck off then. The topic is not about China. The HK police was just used as a comparison vs US police in terms of their response. You quoted a source that is particularly unreliable on HK riots because that's just a sign of how butthurt China makes you.

    US is complete shit. HK police were far far better. To call their behaviours similar is complete bullshit.

  • Inside TSMC’s struggle to build a chip factory in the U.S. suburbs
  • "Hi TSMC. Could you build a massive pseudo village/factory where you indoctrinate the locals with your toxic work culture, sending your managers to act as overlords for our under-educated workers? We will pay you."

    "You want us to basically colonize a town in Arizona?"

    "Ummm... Yeah"

  • How will the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. be decolonized?
  • For Australia, it will be a long slog. The land rights acts getting through parliament that previously were making progress started to dry up about 15 years ago. IMO it was a sign Australian politics was going down the toilet.

    Previous acts granted ownership of particular areas to various indigenous land councils. The councils would manage the land and it's effectively a perpetual lease owned by the indigenous community. So post-revolution, those land rights concepts would have to come back and get expanded further to make decolonization work.

  • US, EU economic system struggling to 'survive' against China, US trade chief warns
  • Another aspect is that cheaper solar panels means cheaper energy: something that Europe is having trouble with right now.

    Cheaper energy means lower costs to produce stuff - Making their economy more competitive not less. E.g. Certain foods need refrigeration. Factory equipment. Server farms. Offices have lighting and aircon etc.

    If Europe allows their own solar panel industry to gouge themselves, the initial investment in solar will be more of a cost and they are going to have less future growth.

  • What caused internet/nerd culture to go full-on fascist?
  • There are still many anti-capitalist expressions from gamers and the like, but there are not enough leftist voices to frame them as such inside those communities.

    I think another aspect that has occurred recently is capital corporations have cloned the socially progressive talking points of the left.

    These concessions to progressive politics to court younger consumers are no challenge to the power of capitalism. Throwing corporate sponsorship at BLM, LGBTQ or environmental organisations still keeps real power in corporate hands. Allowing an amount of dissent and protest in non disruptive forms poses no threat to them (Don't block a motorway and they'll let you protest as much as you like).

    However it does allow the far right to radicalize the geeks. They can be convinced that the SJWs are their enemy rather than the bosses who adopted some SJW points in the name of progress so business can run as usual. Both "sides" are still just an internal contradiction within capitalism.

  • Why does China make so many "Marxist-Leninists" go crazy?
  • I think the main issue is that the theorists aren't ever the ones actually executing the organizational work needed to manage an incredibly complex economic system. Without that experience, they don't know how to analyze China's performance. They have theories that they never had to put into practice. It's very academic.

  • Locked
    The amount of racist white supremacist and capitalist bootlicking lies and reasoning on this page is astounding. TV Tropes are fucking crackers. Maybe edit bomb the page?
  • Fuck your ignorance and wikipedia. You wouldn't know shit about Tibet or give a fuck.

    Bullshit white supremacists dog whistle their asshole attitudes towards colored people by characterizing the "bad" countries as dangerous uncivilized inhumane societies. They always claim it's only the government being criticized. Doesn't take much for a racist to slip up and shit on the entire population: the slightest 30 sec tiktok vid will set them off.

    Whatever. Enjoy your racist tropes.

  • I need your help unfucking my mind. [CW: SA]
  • But I am afraid of the future. I am afraid that if I start dating her now I end up regretting it later in life.

    I suggest enjoy the relationship as it is now rather than imagining how it will be in the future. It's not like you have proposed so it's way too early to think about your combined incomes and stuff.

  • US cultural hegemony and cultural self-confidence
  • Interesting that you picked up the micro tonal aspects of Non-Western music. Another aspect that's very complex in Indian music is the rhythmic system.

    On Chinese music I think you have oversimplified it somewhat. While it often uses the pentatonic scale, you do see 6 and seven note scales. Plus it actually has 5 different pentatonic scales. Similarly to Indian music there's ornaments in Chinese musical notation to describe microtones and other effects. And another feature is Chinese traditional music is very elastic in the tempo speeding up or slowing to add emotions. A quick overview :

    Concerning commodifiable modernization of traditional culture:

    I don't think the West has anything quite like the tv show Pili which is based on Chinese hand puppets but with a crap tonne of camerawork and special effects to added. The show has been around for decades. Only thing close is the Thunderbirds which never looked as crazy as this.

  • US cultural hegemony and cultural self-confidence
  • I get what you're saying but I don't see how American mass media being dominant is a good thing.

    A lot of it is just pumped out like widgets, created by a few big corporations, because of a modern appetite for shoving stuff in our eyeballs.

    It places people into the role of just being passive consumers but they only have a few big fast food chains to pick from. Then it's like just looking at the menu, seeing if they introduced a twist on their regular offering or a different sauce you can add to the same shit. An illusion of variety. They've gotten good at polishing the glass and wiping down the plastic furniture.

    Then your life gets divided into portions that suit the mass media: movie duration, hourish long tv show, half hour show, 3 min pop song. These are formats they have worked out for you.

    It's all formulaic. I would hope that other cultures go BACK to before the formulas were so standardized and start developing from there. Change the formats so people aren't so passive.

    China is just copying the formula because the "demand for bland" is so pervasive.

    I really hope they look to other countries for better inspiration. India for example has incredible music and movies.

  • Another Israeli Friendly Fire death. Even raising his hands in surrender didn't help. An Israeli reservist thought he killed a Hamas terrorist. The man's true identity has rocked a nation

    When Yuval heard the shots ring out, he jumped out of his car and raced into the fray. But a tragic case of mistaken identity left him bleeding to death on the street.

    An Israeli reservist thought he killed a Hamas terrorist. The man's true identity has rocked a nation
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