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White Canadian writer self-publishes book on race after traveling US in ‘Afro wig and Mocha shade foundation’
  • Why not just interview a shit ton of people who actually live this daily? And compare that against interviews with white dudes…

  • These Convictions Thwart Trump’s Plan to Pardon Himself
  • Yeah, but I doubt that’s gonna happen

  • Mary Trump says her uncle "absolutely" should go to jail
  • I agree, but I don’t have hope.

  • Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • And the rubes who believe them here, do you expect them to exert 30 feet without their phones telling them what to do?

  • Judge Dumbfounded When Man with Suspended License Attends Court [on zoom] While Driving
  • The public defender was on her game. She immediately asked for an adjournment, hoping the judge wouldn’t catch on.

    The judge definitely caught on.


  • Italian teenager nicknamed ‘God’s influencer’ set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint
  • I genuinely wonder what they listed for his post-death miracles (a saint requirement). Are they technology related?

  • US Justice Department to Seek Breakup of Live Nation-Ticketmaster
  • I’ve moped out of buying tickets for bands I’ve really wanted to see because of Ticketmaster’s fees and bullshit on their website.

  • Teslas Can Still Be Stolen With a Cheap Radio Hack—Despite New Keyless Tech
  • The insurance industry will love this.

  • US Justice Department to Seek Breakup of Live Nation-Ticketmaster
  • They’re why I don’t go to concerts. But we shall see.

  • Republican National Committee’s headquarters evacuated after vials of blood are addressed to Trump
  • From the headline alone, I wonder if these are offerings to the idol or someone threatening. Kinda thinking the former*

    Now to read.

  • Judge Cannon says she's 'disappointed' in Special Counsel Jack Smith in new Trump filing
  • What a wonderful compliment for Mr. Smith.

  • Biden and Trump to face off in first presidential debate on June 27 in Georgia
  • I read elsewhere that one of Biden’s terms was that mics are off except when one person is allotted time to speak.

  • Should parking fines depend on how much your car costs? One councillor is asking
  • Honey, I’m going downtown, going to crank up the beater.

  • Defense moves for mistrial over Daniels' testimony
  • Well, that’s a spin! And one I don’t buy fully. Make the objections anyway and get shot down, but I personally think they wanted the mistrial motion, which they had to know also wouldn’t work..

  • How to find an irl workout partner

    Posting for a friend. No really, I prefer at-home videos or runs in the nearby park.

    How do I find a workout buddy as a late 40s man? I’m not a social media person, always lurking on Reddit and now Lemmy/kbin. No FB, IG, linked in… But I can push myself better when I’m not alone. I like to vary between bicycle, jogging, calisthenics, cardio, also with changes in venue. Our Midwest city has various parks thankfully.

    What strategies do you suggest for connecting with other people?

    Granite Granite
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