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I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp.
  • How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

    Photoshop is a subscription-based graphic design and photo editing program with a large catalog of advanced features that go beyond simple photo retouching. It’s the go-to tool for experienced photographers, graphic designers, web developers, and film editors. But at the same time, its tools are approachable enough for beginners and hobbyists looking to tweak images for work or create artwork in their free time.

    Okay cool, that's all technically true or unverifiable. What makes Gimp different, Adobe?

  • what’s your favorite way to beat the heat?
  • It's AC now, but in the desperate beforetimes it was getting into a shower at the temperature of my skin, then getting out and not drying off to allow for further evaporative cooling(Thank god its not humid where I live)

  • Alberta's last coal plant has powered down, marking the end of an era | In a feat once thought impossible, the province went from 80% coal power to zero — years ahead of schedule
  • This is true. Albeit, a little misleading as the vast majority of that gas will be converted to CO2 rather than released as methane, but this province wont ever do anything to help the environment as the only goal.

    I'm happy to take the wins where I can. This is not the best choice, but it's still a positive change.

  • Why are honeybee stingers barbed?
  • I wonder if that would sometimes be a desirable trait in farmed bees in areas with a lot of predators or competitors.

    Like, the human knows that protection will be required and will suit up accordingly, but the ants, wasps or bears that try to rob the hive will be much less successful.

  • The US healthcare system is broken...
  • Its a tax scheme.

    The pharmacy claims this medication is worth $275, insurance covers $40, and then they get as much as they can out of the patient while claiming the rest as a loss they can write off on their taxes.

    US healthcare is stupid.

  • Airport security be like part 2
  • It depends on the plastic and the acid involved.

    Most plastics are unreactive with most acids. Sometimes, like with Hydrofluoric acid, it must be stored in plastic, because it can dissolve glass.

  • Eat the rich.
  • He was a raving homeless man who frequently masturbated in public and antagonized anyone who would approach him. However, beyond all that he was one of the smartest people in the ancient world and lived life never comporimising his principles.

  • "Surely they have my ideology's best interests at heart!"
  • It wouldn't work. Its way harder to debunk claims than it is to make them because the debunker is required to provide proof.

    If the debunkers claims are not credible then you just end up with twice as much spam under every post

  • Physical Media (Blu-Ray, Music CDs)
  • Its the best when you buy an LP and get a download code for the album as well.

    I listen to LPs mostly when I want music to be the primary thing im doing. There is a whole ritual involved with putting a record on. Whereas, sometimes I just want to listen to something while I'm doing dishes or driving, and then playing an MP3 over a Bluetooth speaker from my phone is just infinitely more convenient.

  • (Opinion piece) Hello, PC gaming here: Are the consoles OK? With sales dropping and confidence declining, how close are we to the end of consoles as we know them?
  • This is an interesting take. Historically, the main benefits to console gaming were 2 things:

    • Consoles are cheaper than PCs

    • Games require no config and and are guaranteed to be compatible

    Nether of these is really the case anymore. For the price of a PS5 or a Series X you could get a midrange gaming PC with similar performance.

    Regarding complexity, we kind of met in the middle. Long gone are the days when you could just pop a disc in the tray of your playstation or xbox and start playing, every game requires an install now. And on the PC side, you very rarely need to configure settings to get a game to a playable state. Hell, you dont really even need to manually install drivers anymore.

    Of course, as the article points out, none of this applies to Nintendo and those consoles are still worth buying.

    My guess for the future is that if Microsoft and Sony are going to hang around in the hardware space, they're going to make something akin to the steam deck, but locked to their own storefront. And then they'll wonder why people are still choosing PCs over their hardware.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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