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Russia is why Republicans push rhetoric from the 30s
  • Do liberals genuinely believe that Russia has even a hundredth of the control over American minds as the handful of billionaires literally sucking the life out of them in a hundred different ways every day have over them?

  • China installed four times as much green energy as the entire G7 combined, in 2023.
  • It must be so nice to live in China and feel like things are improving around you. I literally cannot even imagine what it feels like for your society to be on an upward trajectory.

  • Cursed Vivian
  • pokemon designs be like

  • Meanwhile on Facebook
  • Every day humanity becomes more and more of a joke

  • Goadstool is here to present another pretty groovy song you will never hear unless you listen to it now
  • "Decisive" AKA Battle on the Holy Plane is one of my favorite and perhaps the most under appreciated video game soundtrack of all time, since almost no one played this game and it's such an upbeat yet intense and wholly unique track. The whole soundtrack has a unique vibe to it, so much so I was randomly listening to the OST for the game The Dark Spire - which I have never played - and was somehow able to tell that the same composer was involved with that game.

    Anyway nah, the game sucked. It was basically Rock Paper Scissors with goofy dragons and a whole fuckload of boring grinding. The aesthetic and the music was obviously really interesting, but sadly the gameplay is terrible.

  • The least surprising thing to ever happen happened
  • making shit up and then getting mad about it is like all libertarians do

  • Finally, a game with no politics.
  • lol, lmao, dare I say rofl

  • Can you find love after 30?
  • Is there anyone who actually believes that you can't find love after 30 or is this just supposed to be some kinda bait or something?

    I sincerely encourage anyone who thinks your life is mostly over the second you turn 30 to log off

  • Can you find love after 30?
  • People are so weirdly obsessed with their ages, height, etc. I know it's always been a thing but I swear it's like a dozen times worse with people taking reddit memes about dating apps seriously.

  • ITT we share how we remember how to spell bourgeoisie
  • Burger Josie's American Diner (stack of flapjacks free with purchase of meal)

  • NSFW
    Limitededition™ Cybertruck
  • can someone explain the joke, it just looks like every cybertruck

  • Xi Jinping and his wife, forced to eat French food
  • It's just a photo taken at a random moment while attending some event, people's expressions are constantly shifting, you can be enjoying something and have a dissatisfied-looking expression on your face for a fraction of a second for like a thousand different reasons.

    I feel like that is obvious and I'm all for dunking on the Western hegemony in whatever genuine or silly way but I sincerely hope no one in this thread is genuinely sitting here like "Oh my goodness, President Xi is offended by French cuisine! sicko-yes"

  • GO AWAY!
    • Hillary "I urged him to bomb" Clinton
  • Is sushi gay folks?
  • Medieval animal kingdom hierarchies but for how gay or not gay your food is

  • Back on another one of my bullshit(s) Neverwinter Nights, my favorite D&D game.
  • A while ago I played through Fallout 1 and actually loved it. I've been meaning to get around to Fallout 2, but I also want to play NWN. I try to be careful about the order in which I play old PC games, for various reasons.

    Do y'all think I should play FO2 or NWN first?

  • Comprehensive SF6 theme music tier list nobody asked for or even wants because I'm bored and anxious - almost none of you will know wtf I'm talking about and those who do will be mad. Come on in!

    Everyone only wants to talk about how powerful the characters are, but I care much more about the tasty jams. As most of you will have no idea what the absolute fuck I'm talking about, allow me to preface my explanation of this list by providing the context that in Street Fighter 6 Capcom actually decided to get daring and give all the characters new theme music, instead of just remixing their SF2 themes for the thousandth time. This has, of course, made many absolute nerds very mad, but I think it's quite excellent, and while of course their classic themes are awesome, it's possible to appreciATE NEW THINGS TOO YOU FUCKING LOSERS, STOP GIVING NOSTALGIA SO MUCH WEIGHT IN YOUR MIND, YOU ARE LITERALLY RUINING EVERYTHING BY INSISTING ON SEEING THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER YOU GODDAMN ASSHO so I'm not going to be comparing any character's music to their old music, though I will certainly have comments about the comparison for a few when I come to them. Also I'm not married to the particular order these are in within their tiers. Alright let's get to it!



    • Ryu's theme fuckin' slaps. Many people have pointed out that it doesn't really fit Ryu very well, and even though his character arc in SF6 has him in a place of significantly less struggle than usual, I do agree that it's still just a little too groovy for our handsome yet stiff boy. Regardless, it fucking owns and every time it plays, I am groovin' the whole time. >
    • Ken's theme is also amazing, and it fits Ken quite a lot better than Ryu's fits him. It's more dire, intense, and a little sad, which all suits Ken being down and out in this sequel. The worst thing I can say about this theme is that Ken is insanely popular right now so you end up hearing this theme a LOT, but that's not exactly the music's fault. Also the utilization of his old theme for the "critical health" portion of his new theme (at 2:48 in the length of the video) is the hypest shit ever - it gives you a taste of his awesome classic theme without leaning on nostalgia too hard. >
    • Manon's theme is a perfect example of music that gets you jammin' and suits the character's personality perfectly. It's poppy and boisterous and, since Manon is a new addition for SF6, it doesn't have to be bogged down by comparisons to older music. The breakdown (at 1:26 in the linked video) is smooth as fuck and it leads into the Round 3 portion so well. >
    • Rashid's theme is probably going to be one that anyone who's already familiar with the OST is going to be mad at me for, for a couple reasons - one being that it's experimental and kinda weird (also people love to shit on anything that sounds like jazz), but the most obvious reason being that everyone fucking LOVES his old theme SO GODDAMN MUCH and I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I don't love to scream RAAAAASHIIIIDOOOOOOO but it's not music I wanna listen to all the goddamn time. It's the kinda song I only wanna hear once in a while, because it's too much hype to just be blasting on loop while I'm in the training room doing the arduous work of mastering a combo for fuckin' hours at a time. His new theme however grows on you more and more as you listen to it, without getting stale at all, and since I'm maining Rashid I appreciate that immensely. When I hit Master rank for the first time, though, I did go to youtube and blast the RAAAAASHIIIIDOOOOOOO in celebration, of course. >
    • A.K.I.'s theme is one that I have not heard anyone talk about, so I do not really know if people generally like or dislike it. A.K.I. is not a very popular character currently, but I love her weird design and I'm always a fan of poison mechanics in games - I wish her poison was more effective on its own, and not just a way to extend combos and stuff - but I fell in love with her music the second she was revealed, and was searching youtube every day for her theme to be uploaded on its own. The beat is meant to imitate the erratic, dwindling heartbeat of one of her poisoned victims, and that's just about the sickest shit ever. --- GROOVIN':
    • Kimberly's theme is the definition of groovy, and the beat fits her character perfectly. It did have to grow on me a little bit, but once it did it became one of my favorites. I love the round 3 portion (at 1:43 in the linked video) but that brings me to my sole criticism - for those who don't know, when Kimberly performs her level 3 super art, her usual music is replaced with some incredibly lame, generic-sounding shit that just smothers the goodness of her regular music, and that means you barely ever get to appreciate the best part of her theme music. Tragic! >
    • Cammy's theme is another one that fits the character quite well, it's intense and snappy, and it's like the sole consolation I get when I'm fighting her and she's spinning through my goddamn projectiles to cave my dumb face in. Yet another one where the round 3 drop (at 2:18) hits HARD. >
    • Zangief's theme definitely had to grow on me a little. When I started playing SF6 (didn't really play SF before this one) I was terrified of fighting Zangief, but he turned out to be one of the most fun opponents to play against, so in the same way Zangief grew on me, so too did his theme. It's not the most hype-building theme to me, but I do find myself grooving along with various parts during matches all the time. Also, I mean, come on, Zangief is just a huge communist gym-bro - I gotta rank our colossal red boy high regardless. !swole-doge >
    • Blanka's theme grew on me the most of all of them - I fuckin' hated this song at first. Like, I played Blanka for like a week and a half and had to mute the in-game music hated it. But I dunno, after hearing it for the 50th time something kinda snapped in me, and I came to appreciate the upbeat, semi-directionless vibe of it, and round 3 (at 3:19) is triumphant in a really fun way. Another hot Street Fighter take I have is that I do not hate Blanka (how the fuck do people complain about this character when Guile exists??). --- IT'S AIGHT:
    • Dee Jay's theme is one that I guess I might catch a lot of flak for putting this "low" on the list, but I dunno... it is good, but it just never really peaks. My favorite part is the critical health portion (at 3:09) because it's somehow simultaneously distressing yet soothing, and also just groovy as fuck - I always wish it didn't only play when someone is low health, because I always want it to last longer. Gotta say though, Dee Jay is the poster-boy for SF6's amazing character design, they did him so right overall. >
    • Luke's theme is alright. It's not bad. I fuckin' hate Luke. But the theme is okay. I don't really groove on it much, but it's fine. But I fucking hate Luke. Fuck this dumb zoomer-baiting piece of market-pandering shit and his dumb face and his dumb hair cut. But his music is alright. Doesn't really suit the character but that's good because the character sucks. Fuck Luke. Gonna love it when he Fortnite-dances his way to getting nerfed / outscaled. >
    • Jamie's theme strikes me almost exactly the same way as Luke's. It's okay, but I also hate Jamie. I hate his dumb face even more than Luke. He looks like the guy who listens to music way too loudly on the bus when everyone is coming home from work, tired as shit and just trying to get through the last little indignity of their day before they go home and relax for like half an hour before they have to do chores until they go to bed and do it all again the next day. Fuck Jamie. I'm gonna hate it when he gets buffed. But the theme is okay, whatever. Doesn't do much for me but it's not bad. Normally I like a disco-vibe, but meh. >
    • Chun Li's theme is also alright - I do feel like it suits the character, but it's just kind of forgettable to me. I keep forgetting what it even sounds like, which is not a great sign. If she was played more often, I feel like it might grow on me more, but she's just not that popular because she's difficult to execute. I do love Chun Li though, as a good cop she's sort of a like a unicorn - only exists in fantasy. >
    • Honda's theme also had to grow on me, but I do like it possibly more than any other in this tier. It suits his goofy-ass personality very well and the strumming gets my head boppin' every time. Much like Blanka, I do not hate fighting Honda like a lot of people do, especially when there's... >
    • Guile's theme is the only time I'm going to complain about a theme in comparison to its old iteration, because how the fuck could I not? How do you go from THAT to this? But I still won't let that comparison effect its place on this tier list - the real reason it's here is because it just kinda sounds like menu music. Flat as fuck to me, but the opening to round 3 (at 1:11) gets me moving every time, so there's at least something going for it. Fuck fighting Guile though, I goddamn hate him. Turtling piece of shit holds all the cards. SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO FIGHT GUILE WHEN ALL HE HAS TO DO IS CROUCH AND WAIT. AAAAAAAAAA


    • JP's theme is just kinda generic boss music. It doesn't really feel like boss fight music, it just sounds like the music that leads up to the boss fight, like it's what should be playing when he's delivering his epic bad-guy monologue before you fight him. I do jam on the round 3 opening sometimes, but overall it's just kinda there. I do like JP as a character however, good villain. His default outfit is awful though. >
    • Dhalsim's theme is fine. It suits Dhalsim, but no one cares about Dhalsim except for trolls who play Dhalsim. Dhalsim is not a real character. He is an annoyance that you don't rematch in casuals as you tell yourself "I'll learn this fight when I goddamn have to and not a fucking second sooner." I just don't really feel much with this one. >
    • Lily's theme is also fine - please understand that I do not hate any theme in this tier. It suits the character very well, and I love the character, I'm looking forward to when they buff her a little. But sorta like Dee Jay's theme, it just doesn't really hit a peak that gets me groovin' ever. Might grow on me more over more time though.


    • Juri's theme is just kinda - holy shit why the fuck does this one have SO MANY VIEWS? Okay, I guess this is a hot take then, but her theme is just really grating to me, I suppose in that sense it suits the character, but her theme just kinda sounds like noise to me, overall. The only other thing I have to say is that the loud clack of Juri's candy striking her teeth in her victory screen makes me physically cringe every time I hear it. >
    • Marisa's theme is literally just car commercial music. The most charitable thing I can say about it is that it also kind of reminds me of Advance Wars music, but the OST is one of the last things I like about that game. Also Marisa is the character I thought to be afraid of Zangief for, just dumb damage. I don't care how complex she actually is, there's nothing more lame than getting your health bar obliterated from a mid-screen combo off of a single whiff punish. Still not nearly as annoying as Guile though. --- Alright that's my SF6 music tier list. Time to upload this huge post and get 5 upbears. !duane
    Need (legal?) advice on how best to protect my home from medical bills

    I hope this is an okay comm for this!

    So here's the situation, I apologize because it's kind of a mess:

    I'm living in a house with my girlfriend, and her mom's name is the one on the house we're staying in. Until recently, she was living here with us, but after an incident we took her to the hospital and learned that she has some pretty well-developed cancer. We began with doing her treatments, but she became so weak that staying at home with us was no longer feasible, and clearly we needed help. So, 3 additional hospitalizations later, we got her into a nursing home.

    At first, her stay was supposed to be temporary, but she's only been getting weaker (likely because the nursing home isn't providing her with the fucking physical therapy she's STAYING THERE TO GET but that's a whole other conversation), and her insurance stopped covering her stay after only a couple weeks. We tried to take her home, but she literally could not make it to our car - could barely even get into the wheelchair. At this point we realized she needed to stay, but we couldn't afford it. So we had to apply for medical assistance from the state. When we did so, we were told point-blank by the nursing home's financial advisor that we would not lose our home as long as her daughter (my girlfriend) was living there. Flashforward to now, two months and two weeks later, and that financial advisor has quit her job. We made contact with the new advisor only a couple days ago, who told us that our home is safe only as long as her mom isn't staying there for more than 90 days (about two weeks from NOW), at which point the state considers her stay long-term, and apparently they can force her to liquidate her assets (her only assets being her house and a tiny retirement fund) in order to pay back the state for her medical bills. Her mom is no where near able to come home at this point, unless we can setup at-home care for her, which is currently looking like our only option, I guess.

    Obviously this is a huge problem, since my girlfriend and I (as well as our several pets) depend on her house as a place to live. Being able to afford somewhere that all of us could stay with enough room is not very feasible - also our plan is still for her to leave the nursing home eventually, meaning if we have to sell her house, then there's no where left for her to go afterwards... which seems preposterously cruel to me, but, y'know, !amerikkka

    Sorry for being long-winded, but I'm kind of desperate for advice. I asked my dad, but he's bananas, and essentially just told me to shrug off the bills... which I've done in the past a little bit, but if our actual house is at stake, I don't think that's an actual option. Can anyone give me advice, or at least point me in the right direction to get solid advice about this situation?

    This is gonna sound silly but: are there "energy drinks" without the energy?

    Alright, hear me out. I've been on a diet for several years now, and I've lost over 150 lbs. Part of the key to my success is having a variety of low / zero calorie things that I drink, perhaps most importantly including one sugarless energy drink per day. What makes them work within the context of my diet is that they're very flavorful, and take a very long time to drink relative to stuff like water, tea, soda, etc., and drinking them over that long period suppresses my appetite for the duration.

    But I don't want, or need the "energy." And I sure don't need the heart palpitations, either. So basically, I am looking for "energy" drinks in terms of intensity of flavor, but without all the stuff that makes them "energy" drinks.

    While looking I've seen some that are caffeine free, but they're still "energy" drinks. Do you guys think being caffeine free alone is enough to lessen the strain on my body?

    And before anyone mentions drinking water: I DO drink water. I drink at least two liters every day. But just sitting here chugging water all day doesn't quiet the unceasing scream in my brain that tells me to eat an entire family's worth of food in one sitting.

    PSA: You don't go straight from being "young" to being "old"

    You are not a "boomer" if you aren't in your twenties. You are not irrelevant if you aren't in your twenties. You don't go straight from being a kid to being "old". Stages of life are fluid and vary for each person, and should be savored to the fullest of your means to do so.

    Stop letting internet memes about age, height, and general state of being have an actual impact on your mental health. They mean nothing, and don't benefit you in any material way.

    edit 1 part 1: this is the worst comment section I've even seen in any Hexbear thread in all my years, except for who is as always the best of us

    edit 1 part 2: generationalism is also made up, don't let people put you into boxes and further don't put yourself into a box that someone else made up for you

    Tips for living with too many animals?

    Alright, so here's the deal. I recently moved in with my partner, who has two cats and one dog. I also have two cats. Neither of us is giving up any of our animals.

    All the animals are fed, kept clean, litter boxes are changed out regularly, dog walked, water bowls full and fresh, etc., so they're all taken care of. Aside from that, my girlfriend's mom is not well, and needs regular care throughout the day also. So even though everyone is taken care of, it's taking way the fuck too much time out of our lives, and we are miserable.

    I know that the true answer here is just "have less animals", but since no one is willing to budge on that, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for how to make this easier. I am at the end of my rope here, covered in shed animal fur, and feeling desperate.

    Pls help me with my home network setup

    I know it's kind of a random question to ask for tech troubleshooting here but this is literally the only place on the entire internet that isn't infested with condescending tech-bros, so I'm doing it anyway.

    I'm also about to fuckin' ramble, and networking terms go over my head, so anyone who's answering please talk to me like I have no idea what anything means.

    Alright, so I have xfinity (fuck monopolies, fuck capitalism), and the internet frequently cuts out. I am told that before we had our own modem + router + extender setup (that is, not the one xfinity provided, but a modem and router and extender we bought ourselves) the internet did not cut out quite so much. I'm not entirely sure I buy it, but it's not like I can fix xfinity's trashfire infrastructure that they have literally no incentive to fix because they are the only actual choice in the area.

    Internet very frequently lags enough to kill the enjoyment of whatever game I'm playing, and a couple times a month or so the internet in the whole house just dies. Sometimes rebooting the modem and router fixes it, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes - and this is the part that boggles me the most - the internet will work when you connect through the wifi extender, but NOT when you connect directly to the router's wifi... the same router that the extender is connected to. I assume this has something to do with IP addresses, but again, I don't really know how IP addresses work, how to change mine, or whatever. Frequently some sites / services will load but others won't. Lastly, apparently we are paying for more powerful internet than our modem supports, but I don't know if getting a more powerful modem will actually stop the internet from crashing so much, and since being alive costs so fucking much I don't want to blow like $200 or whatever on a more powerful modem if it's not actually going to fix anything.

    Someone please help me; I am an internet-addicted fiend and nothing erodes my psyche more than when I'm about to finish the runback on this fuckin Zangief I finally figured out in a first to five set and then suddenly xfinity pulls the plug on the final round.

    Anyway rambling complete... for now.

    Good hello! It is I, Goadstool, and I am nervous as hell!

    Hello Hexbear! Though I have never left the site and have been posting alongside you all (federation has been incredibly entertaining for good and for bad reasons), I am now going to make yet another Kor-related post! For anyone who doesn't have context, about a year and a half ago I released an indie RPG called Kor and eagerly shared it with my favorite community on the interwebs, to very kind reception.

    And for the first time ever, I'm going to a convention this weekend to share the game in-person. There will be a booth with a demo, some modest displays, and I'll be there to talk to people about it.

    Why the heck am I telling you guys this? Well, basically to ask a little favor! I need to spruce up my game as much as I can! So... if you bought Kor on Steam at any point, and you never reviewed it, it would help me immensely if you went and gave it a little positive review. It doesn't have to be depthful or meaningful, it can be a joke, or literally anything, I just need to get the positive number as high as I can. Anything helps when you're not a beast with a thousand maws like Activision or whatever.

    As always, if anyone wants to play my game but can't afford it, DM me and I'll try to get you a steam key to play it for free!

    PSA: If you give a Doordash driver anything less than 5 stars, you are advocating for them to take a pay cut

    The dasher app is coded to drop you from contention for higher paying orders if your average rating is less than 4.7 stars.

    Idk who even needs to hear this but seems like an important thing for anyone using doordash to know.

    So what is the utopian capitalist answer to me just fundamentally not wanting to live for the sake of generating profit, for myself or otherwise?

    Are people like me - for whom every moment spent thinking about the need for money is a moment spent in anguish - just not supposed to exist?

    Least pretentious Quora user

    Apparently the question asked was: "What do I do if my girlfriend is dumb?"

    My jaw dropped multiple times reading this. Just holy shit, dude. I felt like the only way to regain any sanity afterwards was to share it here to let Hexbear roast this loser.

    Help! I'm going on a 15-hour road trip. Please suggest podcasts for me to listen to!

    I've been downloading TrueAnon's backlog, and grabbing the most recent Chapo stuff just because some sarcasm will make for good company on the road. What else you guys listen to?

    I'd love some good spooky podcasts, or just really interesting / informative stuff.

    Contemplating re-downloading all of Blowback and listening to it all for a third time.

    Kor now has a Trans Pride color palette option, update went out tonight

    Goadstool says Trans Rights :trans-heart:

    Super overdue actually, it should not have taken me this long since the idea has been on my mind for a while now. Also the palette actually looks amazing, just aesthetically better than I imagined, and I'm not even usually a huge fan of pastel colors.

    I love my trans comrades - you are all valid, and I hope to honor you with this small display of my support by bathing my creation in your colors.

    *aaaa thank you mods for the pin. You guys are way too nice to me.

    My first game, Kor, is now OFFICIALLY RELEASED! Kor on Steam

    Kor is a retro RPG with a variety of eccentric characters, goofy dialog, and turn-based combat where - in addition to strategizing - players must skillfully execute button combos in order to make attacks!

    Kor on Steam

    First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone here for being so supportive. When I originally reached out to Wmill about making a post in c/games, I just wanted to see if it was okay to share my game here. Even though you guys have always been very supportive, I never expected this much.

    I also want all of you to know that every person who plays my game is literally helping me survive. In a few months, I may or may not be housing insecure depending on how this goes, so if enough people check it out I might actually be able to afford things this year like being able to pay rent, or even luxuries like going to the dentist. That's how much of an impact your support will have on my life.

    But ultimately, even if only a modest sum of people actually like my game, I will be able to consider that a triumph no matter what happens. Being able to afford to live is real swell, but ultimately I did this because I felt that I needed to - that it was the only thing I could even stand to do with my time. To quote David Graeber again from a comment I made a few days ago: "Freedom is our ability to make things up just for the sake of being able to do so."

    So you can get Kor on Steam:

    A few people mentioned that they hated Steam, so I went to the effort to get it listed on as well:

    Some said they wanted to help out more than just buying the game, so I will say that lets you name your own price for a game, though I certainly don't expect anyone to pay more than the minimum! It's also a dollar off at launch, to sync up with the Steam Winter sale. If you do end up playing Kor though, and enjoy it at all, please do me a favor and give it a little positive review; it encourages randos to give the game a chance and makes it more favorable in Steam's algorithm.

    So lastly I'm going to say thank you again everyone for even caring about my work at all. Obviously I'm going to be scanning this thread all day while I work Twitter (and maybe :reddit-logo: even) so feel free to ask me anything about development or my experience or whatever, this will be my own little launch party! I think I'll even have a pizza, with spinach and mushrooms :party-blob:

    (Also if you happen to find any real bugs or if the game crashes, please don't hesitate to let me know with a screenshot and I will rush to fix them right away)

    Wtf the post has 200 upbears! :mao-clap:

    Goadstool Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]

    I'm a solo indie dev and I made a whole-ass indie RPG! Please check it out, and tell me what you think!

    Posts 15
    Comments 319