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Why are neurotypicals in charge of making up the social rules? They're not even very good at it.
  • That sounds hard. But it seems like you've got a good understanding of yourself, and that's huge! It's clear that you've put a ton of work into all this and have achieved real accomplishments. I give you a massive virtual high five!!!

  • Why are neurotypicals in charge of making up the social rules? They're not even very good at it.
  • Ideally people want to have a general sense of how you're feeling at all times. Not like in a disruptive way of always making announcements, but through things like the particular words you choose and facial expressions and body language etc.

  • Why are neurotypicals in charge of making up the social rules? They're not even very good at it.
  • People can agree to go to an event but have very different feelings about doing it. Some people will be extremely stoked about going, some will be happy about it, some will be like meh its better than sitting at home, some people won't want to go but decide to anyway because they want to be nice, some may really not want to go but decide to go anyway out of a sense of obligation. The particular words you reply with express your interest level to some degree. A plain "k" will be interpreted as a meh at best.

  • Why are neurotypicals in charge of making up the social rules? They're not even very good at it.
  • Your friend is at least partially misinforming you. It's fine to write k instead of ok in almost all situations. But either of them can be rude if the other person would expect more emotive words. For example here's when k is fine:

    Them: Bring my pen when you come into the other room

    You: k

    And here's where k is not fine:

    Them: Wanna go grab some drinks tonight at 8?

    You: k

    That's rude. They would want to hear you actually be interested in their invitation. Like saying "great" or "I'm in" or whatever.

  • Removed
    Why is coloring your face considered racist?
  • Yup this is the answer. In the past people had put on black makeup and did horribly awful racist caricatures of black people. As a result putting on black makeup itself came to mean you're doing racist stuff. IMO i think that far in the future if racism is eliminated then people will be able to put on dark makeup and it'll be seen as fine. But none of us reading this sentence are gonna be alive to see that point

  • I lost mine
  • Agree totally. There's no point in holding on to a special-purpose object that can have its function performed by other very common objects. The smart thing to do is throw it away immediately after the phone's return window ends.

  • Evolution isn't linear.
  • I haven't mixed up anything. Smaller to bigger to smaller again is not a linear progression in size going always upward, which is what happens in games and in people's misconceptions.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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