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AMD's Newest Open-Source Surprise: "Peano" - An LLVM Compiler For Ryzen AI NPUs
  • My only gripe is that they post everything, so you need something like Lemmy to filter their posts. No way this ends up on my rss feed list, but really happy they exist.

  • A cool guide Blood Hue Directory
  • So red through iron, blue through copper, and the other two?

  • Big Milk has taken over American schools
  • In The Netherlands we had 'school milk' that pretty much everyone participated in. Not sure if that is still a thing though...

  • God of War Ragnarok will require a PSN account
  • I've also noticed that for some repacks it is better to use a different runner to install and then switch to a gaming runner for running the game.

    edit: kron4ek specifically

  • What features would I be losing if I switched to GNOME?
  • This extension is also great It provides the overview search bar without moving everything around like the regular overview.

  • Microsoft’s VASA-1 can deepfake a person with one photo and one audio track
  • Also the teeth that keep expanding and shrinking. But if you just lowkey watch something it is really hard to notice..

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • FHIR instead of all legacy standards. Also ISO IDMP to make referencing medicines way easier.

  • Is there a list of games that run smoothly on Linux without native support?
  • Looking at Steam Deck verified titles is also an option either on Steam or a third party website.

  • Removed
    The most cost effective measure to beat climate change is building bike infrastructure
  • Probably the one thing my country (The Netherlands) does right... what is interesting though is that the government is also really pro-car - so the public transport is slowly dying. Also, there's a bunch of issues with fatbikes driving 60km/h on bicycle lanes, but the infrastructure as a whole is solid.

  • Fedora 40 Beta Released
  • Just installed it and nothing broke down. Gotta find something else to get my tinkering fix!

  • What's your favourite Firefox theme?
  • If you use GNOME blends perfectly with libadwaita.

  • Lemmy, what's your internet speed in mbps?
  • 200/30 + 6GB on mobile for 58€/month in The Netherlands

  • It wasn't just the goblins — is J.K. Rowling doing Holocaust denial now?
  • Trade unions and lgbt clubs were attacked within the first three months after Hitler became the Chancellor. Already in the first month trade union offices and lgbt clubs were destroyed by the SA and people were sent to camps.

  • The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • That's because bicycles dissolve in water. It is a fundamental limitation of bicycle physics that cannot be solved.

  • [News] Klarna says its AI assistant does the work of 700 people after it laid off 700 people
  • Highly doubt this is true. They probably had to cut down like any other tech company these days and this allows them to signal that they do something with AI.

  • Site / service that will send a message at a specific date/time?
  • There are probably some applications or even hardware for people that enjoy chastity.

  • Deleted
    Reliable, easy to use Linux OS
  • When I used PopOS I just removed all their extensions, so it would be closer to stock GNOME and look better. Afterwards I just switched to Fedora.

  • How often do you contribute to open source projects?
  • I mostly write bug reports as my code is not up to par with most projects and my native language is always already translated...

  • how do you know?

    I'm not sure whether this is the right place for this question, but... How do you know?

    Like, I would 100% be a woman if I could choose. I also always play a female character in games. When I see a girl I feel a strong sexual attraction, but I also feel jealous of her.

    But, I'm honestly not sure if I am not cisgendered. I feel like I missed the boat. I also don't know if I am sure enough. Is this impostor syndrome? How do I know it's not just sexual attraction? Or me being unhappy with the role men have in this world? Or me being depressed otherwise? It all seems like a big tangled mess.

    Thanks a lot for all the comments. I made an appointment with my GP next week and hope that he can refer me to a therapist. All the best to you all <3

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