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Wow its almost like companies don't want to be associated with hate groups
  • What is with those fat rednecks and thinking they're fucking supermodels because they act like roiding up gorillas all the time?

    The only thing it does is makes it obvious they have tiny cocks they need to compensate for by acting like a "gangsta".

  • Wow its almost like companies don't want to be associated with hate groups
  • What is with the sheeple and proudly being low IQ removed?

    I can smell the obesity and incest off the hick who made this.

  • You can't handle the power of this Youtube comment
  • animal cruelty supporters

    Bet this removed actually does support animal cruelty because it's "Sooooooooooo kewl!" Why are the idiot masses such worthless piles of filth? Are they proud to be satan incarnate?

    Why is he pretending to oppose something he agrees with?

  • Lucid dream startup says you can work in your sleep
  • Every day my inevitable tedpilling slowly draws closer and closer.

  • Why are right-wingers so vocal about their views? Or am I just unlucky?
  • CHUDDery is always the result of intellectual laziness, feeble-mindedness, or usually both.

  • Pentagon Scientists Discuss Cybernetic 'Super Soldiers' That Feel Nothing While Killing In Dystopian Presentation
  • so-true: "Evil Empire? You believe in evil? Pah, morality is for the weak! This will make us better at war and that is all that matters! You're too caught up in your feelings, and that's weakness! Yes, I am a traditionalist Christian, why'd you ask?"

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the right likes to brag that they're chaotic neutral, but they're the textbook example of lawful evil.

  • Lucid dream startup says you can work in your sleep

  • there is something so perfectly... nyt columnist about a post saying all ya gotta do is vote harder
  • Honestly, I'd pick ukkk or france-cool. With the former, no language barrier and Scotland is a bit more laid back. As for the latter, France at least has done some pretty based things like topple their monarchy and the 1968 protests.

    Plus, a good cheat code to use against CHUDs in Europe is saying "what are we, a bunch of dumb Americans?" any time they do something CHUDDy (but in France you might want to say "Brits" instead for the extra sting.)

  • there is something so perfectly... nyt columnist about a post saying all ya gotta do is vote harder
  • Even the liberals are doing the "Just move to Europe, bro" meme as if that isn't basically impossible for the majority of people. Like, if I could fuck off to Scotland, I would have done so as soon as I graduated high school.

    Oh yeah, and I have to pay taxes to the US even if I'm not living there because of citizenship-based taxation. It's not enough for the bourgeoisie to tell me to go away if I ever point certain things out, but they will still get a cut of my paycheck even if I do.

  • Why are right-wingers so vocal about their views? Or am I just unlucky?
  • Unlike us, they don't need to hide their political views since they're the default. We need to carefully craft literally every word we say benhind euphamisms so we don't make people literally violently freak out upon hearing something that they don't agree with, but they can all say "DAE we should legalize murder?" and everyone's cool with it.

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

  • Transpeople in my game featuring transhumanism? Why, I never!
  • "We will literally murder you if you don't share our delusions about talking snakes and the wizard in the sky, but your nonconformity is what's being crammed down people's throats."

    The normies still haven't figured out that free speech applies to unpopular opinions too.

  • lol, the Bazingatruck starts at $60,000
  • It's poetically ironic how much the upper-middle-class will spend all that money just to look like us poors.

    From the white-collar suburbanite that calls himself a 'redneck', to the CHUDs with sparkling pickups, I like to refer to them as 'cosplay cowboys'. What's worse is that they're making their LARP somewhat real, look at how much cities, especially walkable cities are rapidly gentrifying, while the wasteful consoomery suburbs that cosplay cowboys prefer are now the closest thing to a place where us poors can live.

    So in some sense, suburbs are where both the rich and poor live together for wildly different reasons.

  • Western rightoids (particularly Americans) really do have the mentality of superstitious serfs
  • Nietzsche was wrong about 'slave morality' being attributed to the left.

    grillman is worse than a slave, he's a minion, a loyal lapdog. I don't even hate him, I'm angry for him that his misplaced generosity is wasted on the ungrateful bastards of the 1%.

    grillman would take a bullet for David Koch, but David Koch would gladly sell grillman to satan for a literal penny.

  • latest bazinga brain article from the atlantikkk
  • How is it my fault when I'm not buying stuff?

    The entire market literally only wants to sell to billionaires now, how is it my fault us poors literally got forgotten about as a consumer base? So much so that we are not needed even as consumers anymore?

  • You won't like hearing this, but the poor gaming industry NEEDS to raise prices to *at least* 100 USD
  • I can't help but wonder how many of them aren't even skullgirls fans and just terminally online culture war veterans.

    Between you and me, I never even heard of skullgirls until the "controversy" hit, and I've been a pretty avid gamer for most of my life.

  • What is your non-online hobby?

    Nothing too fancy, we just talk about our hobbies.

    Me? I like baking, nothing feels quite like making something delicious for family members on thanksgiving. If I could learn any skill, it would be enough about tech, coding, art, and music to make games. But I am particularly interested in making video game music.
