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Borderlands 4 is Reportedly 2K’s Big Summer Game Fest Reveal
  • Yeah his death (if I remember right) was when I realised that, yes, they have completely fucked this entire story up. He could've been interesting but they such with the utter shite that was tyreen.

  • Extend success of UK sugar tax to cakes, biscuits and chocolate, experts urge
  • That's not what this is, this is just taking more money from poor people. People aren't going to change their entire lifestyle and get healthier because one of the cheapest things gets more expensive. They'll either pay more and continue to get fat or switch to something else that's cheap but equally unhealthy and continue to get fat.

    Cheap sugar isn't the problem, expensive healthier food is. Changing things so the sugar is also expensive is fucking stupid if the aim is to make people get healthier, even ignoring the fact that "making" people do anything is shitty anyway.

  • US defines 'major' Rafah operation that would change Israel policy
  • Trump supports Israel's "war against terror." He has said so. His supporters do too. Nikki Haley wrote "finish them" or something on a missile whilst in Israel. Trump is wholeheartedly in support of this genocide and will definitely never set any kind of red lines around it. Biden is shit but trump is a whole sewer worth.

  • In Android, how do I choose specific sites to go in my new team page and stop it adding useless link?

    I recently switched to Firefox on Android from Chrome for obvious reasons. It's great! Except the new tab page is a piece of shit. I've already disabled all the sponsor rubbish and stuff*, I want to choose specific links to put there and stop it from adding links to random places I happen to visit that I can't get rid of without removing it from my history. Why this behaves like this is beyond me. I should be able to SET my shortcuts, not have to rely on Firefox to hopefully pick the right ones for me and then have to put up with every other one it decides to add or wipe them from my history.

    *Why are these options so poor? I don't want recent bookmarks on this page, I want the ones I've used the most, which will have been bookmarked the longest. Recently visited? "Hey do you wanna return to that one Google search from a day ago?" Why!?

    Whilst I'm here, can I change tabs to work like Chrome. I.e. currently on Firefox when I'm on the new tab page, and I click a shortcut, it then opens a tab, pressing back goes back to the new tab page but leaves the tab open in the background rather than closing it.

    The new tab page should be part of the new tab, hence the name, so when I press back I should still be in that tab, but back to the new tab page, and without any tabs open in the background that I now have to go and close myself. If I don't choose them, next time I go to that site by pressing the shortcut, it'll open the already loaded tab instead, forcing me to refresh it manually and adding a superfluous step for literally no rational reason I can think of. Firefox seems to act like a tab is launched from the new tab page, rather than the new tab page is the first page you see in a new tab.

    I hate these behaviours, they don't make sense, so thanks in advance for at least trying to fix them for me.

    Lemmy Support Gamoc
    Filtering languages

    If there a way to filter other languages or something? It's good they're there, but seeing posts from communities that communicate entirely in a language I don't read is basically useless and in tired of filtering eight communities per day only to make little to no difference.

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