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Biden administration to require advanced safety tech on all new cars and trucks
  • I've got a '19 Crosstrek and no issues here either. Yes occasionally the warning beeps at me. Usually it's someone in front of me slowing down for a turn. From my experience, I know they'll finish making the turn before I reach them and I don't need to slow down. The system sees a car stopping in front of me and rightfully flashes the red light and beeps. I've never had it actually hit the brakes for me but then again, I try to leave plenty of space between me and other cars. My guess is this guy is speeding up to pass but getting way too close to the car in front of him to do it.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company
  • My nova install has been frozen at the last version before the analytics company took over was. Since then I try to check out lots of launchers but none have the features of Nova.

    Maybe one day, but I'm not holding my breath anymore.

  • California won't prosecute LAPD officer who shot teenage girl in store's dressing room
  • almost freak accident

    The purpose of firing a gun is to take a life. It's not a freak accident that this cop pulled the trigger and someone died. That's what the weapon is explicitly designed to do. It's also the reason cops should not be drawing guns as their first response.

  • What show are you re-watching?
  • My SO hadn't seen House so we're doing it now. It's going slow because while it's a great show, it's a little too formulaic to be binge-able. We're in the next to last season now.

    I recently finished a Frasier rewatch which actually made me realize I'm not sure I EVER finished the last season. Still a great show but I doubt I'll watch the reboot.

  • Alternative to Nova Launcher
  • I'm not sure if privacy respecting means the same thing here but step one of the setup for Smart Launcher is "agree to send us your app list so we can categorize it".

    Thanks for the recommendation but it doesn't sound like what I'm looking for.

  • Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
  • I wouldn't say 5 pieces of dlc totalling $20 is a lot. Not these days at least. Looks like they're things you'd normally get in the "deluxe edition" of games past.

    Wouldn't tempt me to open my wallet but it's not as grotesque as a lot of dlc these days.

  • 10x10 Challenge 2023 and 2024

    It's that time of year again. A time to reflect on the last year and look forward to the next. In 2023, my partner and I decided to undertake a 10x10 challenge despite having two kids under 5 taking up a lot of our time.

    We made some minor adjustments to the 10x10 formula to fit our situation better. Instead of a single game, we included a small games category we could check off every time we brought out a game like Fox in the Forest or something similarly light and quick. We included a family game night category so our 4 year old could mark off things every time we suffered through played a riveting game of Candy Land. Finally, we included "game nights" as a category in an attempt to make the time to invite friends and family over for games, or to get out and attend other friend's game nights.

    To track everything I made up a chart to keep on the fridge and color in every time we played a game on the list. As you can see below, we did not finish our 10x10 challenge but we did have a good time. There was a lot more gaming than was captured on the chart due to game nights and just playing games we didn't include on the list.

    My favorite games for 2023 were probably Race for the Galaxy and Heat: Pedal to the Metal. Hopefully, I catch Heat in stock soon so I can add it to my collection.

    Looking forward to 2024 we again reworked the 10x10 to suit our style a bit more and encourage playing more of our collection. We chose 5 games to play 10 times and 10 games to play 5 times. This still gives us a goal of 100 games played. There is still a wild card category to catch some one off games we're itching to play.

    We have also included bonus points for putting together puzzles and for hosting game nights.

    Click here to see the 2023 and 2024 charts.

    Is anyone else doing a challenge this year? Anything new or old you're especially excited to include?

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