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It must be a test
  • I don't think all-knowing exist outside of fiction, and neither do God.

    But just for fun, I think there is an interesting way religious people would answer, and a more satisfying one than just saying God's works in mysterious way.

    See we can see free will as a God given power to make choice in a otherwise deterministic world.

    The testing would just see what we do with his power.

    And since it comes from him, it could be outside of something knowledgeable, outside of the "all".

    Or, at least to make him or his powers outside of the "all" would be the best solution to paradoxes like can 'God create a rock he can lift?' etc...

    P.S. Obviously another way to answer the paradox and my personal belief is to discard the reality of words like all-knowing or omnipotent. But i think this view has some merits, it can't probably be better put philosophically... (I'm not a philosopher thought ^^)

  • end update
  • Yeah, they added those forever ago, we really need a quality update. The end has huge potential imo, although that also mean it could take a while...

  • Guess I'll just burn
  • This is a fucking differential equation with unknown constants, so yeah, everyone will be burning...

  • everything zen
  • At first glance i thought it was a sock

  • Hey girl
  • I had worse one time, met a Quebec girl, she introduced me to a friend, a guy from Martinique. And i'm from France...

  • Shut up mike
  • That but also googling isn't that easy for some questions (especially for those who don't know how to google well).

    For instance you lost the name of something, and let's say it's something niche...

    I love how language ai can now help with that.

  • My friend's Door Dasher has some thoughts.
  • I think the difference is why we "usually" say that to women and men.

    For women the sexist reason would be forcing women to smile just to look beautiful regardless of their emotional needs.

    For men it's masking pain and being tough. Which, if you ask me can also disregard their needs and be toxic, depending on the context...

  • "Do you know how many spells are just recycled incantations?"
  • So, you're a warlock without the background story?

  • How does he do it?!
  • It's also a bit incomplete because he also said a object keeps the same speed, even if it's not zero (not moving). And the speed also has to keep the same direction. This does explain a lot about gravity, orbits etc...

    And that's only the first law, it's a premise to the other even more helpful laws.

  • Yes, you cannot, so to do it do like this
  • I'm not familiar with Facebook, but if you can't create a business account without a personal account, how would you create one without having multiple accounts?

  • Ha ha, what if we KILLED? Jk jk... unless...?
  • Ho you're right i've missed this one but it looks pretty good, especially for eldritch blast in a sorlock build...

  • Ha ha, what if we KILLED? Jk jk... unless...?
  • Technically their is a way around it, but it's not really meant to since after that their isn't much to do.

    You'll have plenty of decision like that though, this one is just the first scripted one to show what you will be able to choose later on, it's pretty smart.

  • Ha ha, what if we KILLED? Jk jk... unless...?
  • Ha the hardest decision of all role playing games...

    Violence or Romance

  • Now all we need is a drink pairing guide
  • My first thought, especially since you can't lick a gaz.

    Now I'm also questioning myself about all noble gaz, what are they like in liquid (or solid) form?...

  • It's gotta be annoying
  • Either that or sometimes you tell yourself your boring when you feel insecure about the things you like. Happened to me because of some failures i faced in my own field for exemple.

  • no comment
  • Good women make them

  • Do I need a good argument for you to respect my opinion?
  • I might have gone off too smug in my comment now that I reread it. Partly due to oversimplification i guess.

    Is it how i spoke of the two approaches that you found smug or is it something else?

  • Fortunately I don't have a job that I have to be up early for anymore
  • I only put my alarm at 5min intervals if i wanna take it slow but need to wake up. But when i slept well i never need more than two. Sometimes I can even wake up before the first one. It's for when i'm tired that it can be useful, and that can be easily fixed by not being stupid...

    Now if i don't need to wake up, I sometimes make them 15min or 30min apart so i can continue a bit of dreaming between each alarm without falling asleep for 2 more hours.

  • Do I need a good argument for you to respect my opinion?
  • I get that, most people are like you, it's normal. Best thing for everyone is to avoid those persons.

    But my point of view is a lot more optimistic, i think having this behavior isn't all their are defined as. They can still grow and learn, especially on other area of life.

    Depending on how much they rely on this behavior you can have two approach...

    If it's little, you can teach them better without them knowing, as long as it doesn't directly clash with their dogma, but it requires to be subtle.

    If they rely to much on it, the best course is to detach their opinions from the real world and only speak to them with very down to earth things.

    I know it will not always really work, most of the time my optimistic view is to idealistic. I can have it because i'm more tolerant, maybe too much.

    The goods thing is, even if i'm wrong, i can enjoy myself doing this, and for the rare time i do change something in that person, well that feels great.

  • Do I need a good argument for you to respect my opinion?
  • That's technically true, but the question then becomes, why are our assumptions different?

    If it's based on different beliefs of what reality is (ground work), it would be normal to fight for truth.

    If it's based on our affinity for the result of the argumentation (the house), it would also be normal to fight for our own benefit and those like us.

    So realistically i don't see any reason as to why we should respect each other's opinions... all would incentives us to fight for the correct assumptions.

    This in itself doesn't mean we should stop respecting people though!

  • Funkytom467 Funkytom467
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