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I miss the Mario & Luigi RPGs.
  • The 3ds had several M&L remakes. You haven't been starving too badly.

  • Anyone here played Animal Well?
  • It will appear throughout the game until spoiler spoiler spoiler

  • Anyone here played Animal Well?
  • There are 5 rooms the kanga can appear in.

  • Y'all been watching Smartypants on dropout?
  • The show is just 3 of those 10 minute videos put together per episode.

  • Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico
  • Literally the richest company in the world, outsourcing to Mexico. What the actual fuck?

  • Coffee roaster drops $80k+ on portable battery pack / eyesore
  • Tesla even makes home battery packs. That + a wheelbarrow would be better.

  • title
  • It may be that eating close to the edges is irritating their whiskers, not that they cant percieve the food. Try a dish with lower sides.

  • People who fall for these random tech gizmo startups deserve to be scammed
  • I mean teenage engineering just did the visual design and ui. I guess you could also question their judgement on who to partner with too.

    Their audio stuff they make actually does what it says on the tin most of the time.

  • People who fall for these random tech gizmo startups deserve to be scammed
  • Pocket operators were cool. OP-1 is cool if it weren't so overpriced.

  • People who fall for these random tech gizmo startups deserve to be scammed
  • I mean the main transgression here is that it's literally just a slighly altered android ROM that hides the fact that it runs Android. It could literally have been a free app on your smartphone.

    A unitasking device is fine, as long as it's doing something that could not be done by the multitasking device we already hurt the environment to create. Or it does so more power efficiently, or even offload a task that is burdensome for your phone to another device. This does none of those things, it just sends your voice request to chatgpt.

    It also has dog shit battery life, so that's another knock.

  • Ukraine halts passport services for men living abroad
  • They're probably okay for the time being if they're traditional aged students, because the youngest Ukraine is drafting is 25.

  • I hate how disposable smartphones are
  • Some companies have tried and it's not going that well.

  • My dad passed away
  • I mean, yes, there are typical stages, but it is a highly individualized process. How, when, and even if you move through them is different per person and per loss. I'm sorry that your first response was to judge yourself as bad or deficient because it's completely normal to have a delayed reaction, even possibly a delay of months .

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  • Biden cheerleaders really out here winning hearts and minds in time for the election
  • Following through with it was worth celebrating.

    Starving the women there to try and force the taliban to give women rights was, to put it mildly, a bad move.

  • He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it.
  • Why save lives when you could fruitlessly fight for land?

  • NSFW
    g*mers viciously defend their extremely racist stereotypes (CW: extreme misuse of the term "Zionist" and also just general racism)
  • "Black people are black because the sun burnt them" is some 19th century-ass racism.

  • I found a cute CYOA some of you might like.
  • Free rent without my parents would be a dream.

  • Burgerland has privatized water and sewage????
  • It's because police have strong "unions"

    Unions work even for evil assholes.

  • choose your nintendo console
  • New 3dsxl every time, the homebrew scene is wildly good.

    You can play any game by downloading straight from the device.

  • Putin wants Russian gamers to have a Steam and Steam Deck alternative

    In 5 to 15 years, Russian :gamer:s could have a portable console.

    No paywall. Lots of glib jokes about the russia-ukraine war and balconies in the article though.

    A dark vision of the future

    It's 2034, on the morning of January 25th in New York City. I wake up, roll out of bed and quietly open the window to let the 70 degree dirty air inside without waking my 7 roommates (all sleeping in here with me, of course). Then I check my VR glasses to see where the cheapest Wendy's breakfast sandwich surge pricing is and put it in Googazon Maps. The subway was abolished in 2028, but the cheap Wendy's today is only a 40 minute detour from my car commute to Manhattan. I have to take a second detour around the Bronx because the levies broke again today. I catch a morning war report from President Hunter Brandon's State Department to make sure the highway wasn't bombed by American Zionist drone strikes.

    Radicalizing my lib parents on Israel/Palestine as often as I can get away with (and you can too) Feb 26

    cross-posted from:

    > The rest of this story has been in the hexbear megathreads, but I'll probably compile it into a post someday. It's mostly me using facts and logic, along with ethos and pathos and Norm Finkelstein's book Gaza to convince them that Israel is a genocidal ethnostate. > > Report: February 26th 2024 > > I am still continuing to radicalize my parents on Israel/Palestine as often as I can get away with. Today, I explained to them what white phosphorous is and how often Israel is using it. And where it is manufactured (it's the USA, folks, in good old St Louis, MO). > > If you don't know already, white phosphorous is > ::: spoiler NSFL description of a banned weapon that Israel uses weekly > this sticky goo that bursts into flame on contact with the air, then it burns the skin of the victims and poisons you by entering the holes that just burned up, causing liver damage and eventually multiple organ failure. > ::: > Also mentioned that Israel destroyed nearly every hospital in Gaza, so no treatment for those women and children burned with chemical weapons. > > My mom searched "white phosphorus israel" and saw that Israel did a white phosphorus attack on a Jabalia refugee camp on October 31, killing 195+ civilians (they're all civilians, it's a FUCKING REFUGEE CAMP). > > Source here, debate perverts: > > I asked my dad "What you are supposed to do when evil wins and your country is funding it?" (Thanks JT for the excellent framing device). He had a long think about that one.

    Radicalizing my lib parents on Israel/Palestine as often as I can get away with (and you can too) Feb 26

    The rest of this story has been in the megathreads, but I'll probably compile it into a post someday. It's mostly me using facts and logic, along with ethos and pathos and Norm Finkelstein's book Gaza to convince them that Israel is a genocidal ethnostate.

    Report: February 26th 2024

    I am still continuing to radicalize my parents on Israel/Palestine as often as I can get away with. Today, I explained to them what white phosphorous is and how often Israel is using it. And where it is manufactured (it's the USA, folks, in good old St Louis, MO).

    If you don't know already, white phosphorous is

    NSFL description of a banned weapon that Israel uses weekly

    this sticky goo that bursts into flame on contact with the air, then it burns the skin of the victims and poisons you by entering the holes that just burned up, causing liver damage and eventually multiple organ failure.

    Also mentioned that Israel destroyed nearly every hospital in Gaza, so no treatment for those women and children burned with chemical weapons.

    My mom searched "white phosphorus israel" and saw that Israel did a white phosphorus attack on a Jabalia refugee camp on October 31, killing 195+ civilians (they're all civilians, it's a FUCKING REFUGEE CAMP).

    Source here, debate perverts:

    I asked my dad "What you are supposed to do when evil wins and your country is funding it?" (Thanks JT for the excellent framing device). He had a long think about that one.

    PSA on bumping Mutual Aid posts

    Comrades, on a recent mutual aid comm post, I received 8 upbears on my bump comment and zero other bump comments. This is a ROOKIE MISTAKE! Don't just give me heckin comment upvoterinos, BUMP IT YOURSELF! The more people that see mutual aid comm posts, the more mutual aid happens. You don't necessarily need money to contribute in this regard.

    Comment mutual aid poats to bump for active sort. Also upvote the post, which helps it show up on Hot.

    YSK: Nobody is stopping you from making homemade Sour Warheads soda

    I heard that the official sour warheads soda isn't sour and at least one user on here is sad about it.

    You should know that Malic Acid and Citric Acid (and also Lactic Acid, often used in sour beers) are available as concentrated food-safe powders. You can use them in mixed drinks, including turning that boring apple, grape, watermelon, or lemon-lime soda into something you really shouldn't pour down your throat. Nobody is stopping you.

    For people who aren't spice-lords or sour-lords, here is a video with some more "normal" and less extreme culinary uses for acids from America's Test Kitchen on YouTube.

    Invidious private version of the video link: Why Acids Are as Important as Salt | What’s Eating Dan?

    Is there a spectrum of how much people care about their own gender? Do any other people feel ambivalent about their own gender?

    CW: I will discuss body dismorphia, or the (seeming) lack thereof I feel when thinking what it would be like to have been assigned the wrong gender. Also I describe sexual roles and thinking about having different anatomy.

    Ok, so I've previously read Trans Liberation by Leslie Feinberg and I care about gender insofar as it takes to ensure all gender nonconforming people get healthcare, feel safe in public life, etc. I also will/have changed my language as much as it takes to make my trans comrades feel comfortable. With that out of the way:

    I am a cis male, and I guess I am mostly okay with the body I've been given. I prefer to be called him, but I would only be a little annoyed if someone used she/her or they/them to describe me. If I try to imagine my body with a vagina and developing breasts in puberty with my current state of mind, I don't feel very much discomfort. I don't feel particularly attached to the role of penetrating another partner as a gay guy who enjoys bottoming more than topping. If I was forced to wear dresses to church growing up, I don't imagine I would be very distressed.

    I do value the relative ease of building muscle that comes with having a male hormonal profile, and I guess dealing with having a female hormonal profile could be alarming, but mostly because it's not what I'm used to. But before puberty, I also wasn't used to having a bunch of testosterone.

    On some level, I understand that it can be traumatic to be the target of violence and hate speech, or to be denied medical care. I'm speaking from a position of relative privilege.

    Does this mean I'm possibly non-binary? Or something else? I feel content to be assumed as male, but I don't feel that strongly about it. And the title question again, does anybody else who is cisgender or otherwise just not have strong feelings about their own gender?

    ExpressVPN uses dark pattern UI design to prevent cancellation

    They hide subscription management under an unlabeled arrow next to your subscription number. Then you have to click cancel auto renewal THREE YES THREE times before it says subscription canceled.

    I tried and failed to cancel twice not knowing this. Never use ExpressVPN.
