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Why do you have to install Usb-Drivers on Windows, but I never had to do it on Linux?
  • This didn’t seem to occur in Windows, but I’m pretty sure the copy process was also slower so guessing it’s some sort of buffer or heat quirk that 'nix didn’t account for in the more generic driver

    If the device says it's a generic storage device (to the system that is) but actually isn't (based on your description) then it's 100% devices fault and not a Linux fault.

  • Up-to-date, FOSS, Linux-ready alternative for avidemux/VirtualDub
  • Just because something was last updated last year doesn't mean they aren't up-to-date. Not all software need constant updating. It's an illusion that software must be updated constantly. If it's feature complete and there are no known issues with it why bother.

    Kdenlive is software I've seen recommended for video editing.

  • Can't update/remove/install on Fedora because of "no disk space"
  • This command won't show the real values when using btrfs. You need to use sudo btrfs filesystem usage <mount point>.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

    Suse with Yast makes it possible to administer just with GUI. Not 100% sure if it can do absolutely everything possible but it has lots of tools.

  • Removal of Google's AI in web search
  • Just use some other search engine. No tricks needed to get non ai bs results.

  • No internet in virtual machine
  • Have an idea which might solve this.

    1. Change the vm net config to NOT bind to specific host interface
    2. Change host networks so that there's only one default route (lan)
    3. Add routing to host that all traffic which goes to 192.168.102.x goes through the host wlan connection
  • No internet in virtual machine
  • When the host routing table is like this:

    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
    default         UG    600    0        0 wlp19s0f4u1u1
    default         RT-AC86U-6D60         UG    20100  0        0 enp15s0

    the VM has internet connection. If the defaults are the other way around it doesn't.

  • No internet in virtual machine
  • This sounds reasonable. Curiously now that I tried again with both host lan & wlan active there was no problem. I have a hunch the routing depends on which interface networkmanger starts first.

    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
    default         UG    600    0        0 wlp19s0f4u1u1
    default         RT-AC86U-6D60         UG    20100  0        0 enp15s0   U     100    0        0 enp15s0   U     0      0        0 virbr1   U     600    0        0 wlp19s0f4u1u1   U     0      0        0 virbr0_
  • No internet in virtual machine

    I have on the host machine two network interfaces. One is lan and the other is a wlan. For libvirt I have created a nat network which is bound to the wlan. From the guest I can access other machines in the network host wlan is connected to. Also DNS lookup works. The problem is that there's no connection to the internet at all, e.g. pinging something gives "Destination network unreachable". This only happens when both network connection on the host are active. Running qemu/libvirt on OpenSuse Tumbleweed.

    The nat network in question:

    <network> <name>natToWlan</name> <uuid>a44c939c-e6bf-44d0-8f86-376056d418a4</uuid> <forward dev="wlp19s0f4u1u1" mode="nat"> <nat> <port start="1024" end="65535"/> </nat> <interface dev="wlp19s0f4u1u1"/> </forward> <bridge name="virbr1" stp="on" delay="0"/> <mac address="52:54:00:1f:64:95"/> <ip address="" netmask=""> <dhcp> <range start="" end=""/> </dhcp> </ip> </network>

    Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men
  • They didn't use very comprehensive research methods. Also they only used Github.

    First, from the GHTorrent data set, we extract the email addresses of GitHub users. Second, for each email address, we use the search engine in the Google+ social network to search for users with that email address. Third, we parse the returned users’ ‘About’ page to scrape their gender.

    a bias against men exists, that is, a form of reverse discrimination.

    How is it reverse discrimination. It's still plain old discrimination. I'm starting to smell a biased research here. Or at least the researchers have a bias.

  • Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men
  • This research isn't peer reviewed so I wouldn't take it at face value just yet.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • There's a dialog within the program to enter your key though I haven't checked if it connects to the internet at that point. I use an account so I can easily use it on several computers.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • It doesn't auto update and you don't need to login. You can enter your key directly.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • They also offer their software for free for open source projects.

  • Become a Better Java Developer: 19 Tips for Staying Ahead in 2024
  • Learn Groovy

    Stay away from Groovy. It's a horrible language. It's quick to write but slow and difficult to read. It's conventions make it a very error prone.

    Link to the things you mention e.g. you say to get familiar with Loom. When searching for that all I get is some screen recording software (probably not what you meant).

    Scala pays better than Java or Kotlin

    According to what research?

  • Damnatory Arbitration
  • Currently EEA consists of the EU states + some other European countries.

  • Damnatory Arbitration
  • It's good to live in the EU where such terms don't apply.

  • What am I doing wrong (OpenSuse)?
  • Removing a pattern doesn't unfortunately remove the packages it installs. Only the pattern "package" is removed.

  • What am I doing wrong (OpenSuse)?
  • If you taboo a pattern it and the packages it would install will never be installed automatically. I tend to taboo those games patterns.

  • What am I doing wrong (OpenSuse)?
  • They are the "patterns" others mentioned.

  • FrostyPolicy FrostyPolicy
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