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How dare you speak ill of the ACA
  • Crazy thing is that there are people who will foam at the mouth about how Obamacare is unconstitutional and talk about it like it’s Universal Healthcare.

  • Former US President Donald Trump says he will support Israel’s ‘right to win the war’ if elected
  • This will probably get posted in every lib space to “prove” that Trump would be worse on Palestine

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Our wonderful cuck-in-chief Arevalo has agreed to send 150 military police over to Haiti.

    The funniest part about us sending our military overseas is learning how fucking useless they are when they aren’t massacring children. We lost a couple of our “elite” special forces in Africa because they decided to go on a suicide mission thinking it would pay off.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • He still is to the average American voter who doesn’t fully understand what’s going on in Israel and sees Trump as mecha-Hitler

  • Love me wine cave liberals PLEASE LOVE ME
  • Reading this triggered an urge to slap him.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • It’s an unfortunate truth for most of the global south. Those brainworms run deep and they’ll probably continue to worship the West even if the worst case scenario were to occur.

  • "We should not vilify the oil & gas industry that is working hard to keep civilization going."
  • It’s scary to think that the wealthy and politically powerful think like him. Makes you realize we’re absolutely getting the worst case scenario.

  • Hilary Clinton accusses Student Protestors of being Foreign Agents
  • She said this about the Trump insurrection too. That Putin was behind it. Hillary is obsessed with “outside agitators”

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • This is something the Democrats have been doing since Carter. Majority of voters simply ignored all their appeals to the right-wing and heard what they wanted to. All it takes are a few sweet-nothings about a pet issue to make them think the Democrats care.

    Even now you have people claiming the Democrats will be better for immigrants and have less wars despite the politicians themselves showing otherwise.

    I don’t think this is the end of the Republican Party either. I’ll be convinced when they fail to hold the house for over thirty consecutive years. They’ve had two periods where Democrats held the house for over a decade before they made their comebacks. The longest period being 24 years.

    The senate is a different story and a part of government the Republicans have only had recent success in during the late 90’s and late 2010’s.

    That’s not even covering the stranglehold they have on state governments, majority of which are Republican at this moment.

    It’s more likely that this will be a situation similar to the Great Depression/ww2 period and that of the 60’s/70’s in which the Republicans were doing poorly and figuring out where they would go as a party before yet another unifying figure appeared.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Was there any indication that she was well-versed in politics enough to understand that? Her take seemed to be, “both sides have problems and local elections are more important.” The average American is told that Democrats represent “the left” and most don’t really question it.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • A big part of that is because they were under a 30+ year dictatorship that was very anti-Communist. Since then, liberalism and conservatism have been the prevailing ideologies among its major political parties.

    The party that the dictator was a part of also happens to be the party that the current president belongs to.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Shows how their knowledge only goes as far as what the media tells them

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Right-wingers have become incredibly lazy in their propaganda by using AI for it. There used to be a few talented right-wing artists during the Trump years.

  • We're Democrats now
  • They’ll come back when the next big thing makes its appearance. Coolidge, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Trump are all proof of how much of a cockroach the GOP is.

    They do poorly for a time and obituary’s get prematurely written right before they make a comeback.

  • Average NATO leftist

    These people love to accuse others of having a simplistic worldview when they can only view geopolitical conflicts as good vs. evil.


    This is from a "leftist" sub. This same user then says they're muslim and that everybody objecting to their take doesn't understand politics and is an edgy teenage tankie larper.

    I'm fucking done with NATO leftists on these subs and sticking to TheDeprogram and SLS before I give myself an aneurysm

    Need some advice to help a friend out

    One of my childhood friends is finding himself in a tough situation. He's autistic and has struggled to make decent money for most of his life. He recently got a job working as a dishwasher while looking for a trade to get into.

    His parents are when the issues kick in. They charge him rent (he's 31 btw) that's currently only $107. They used to charge him $300 back in 2014 and would have it go up by $50 every year to the point he was paying $600 before Covid hit. He still had to pay rent while in school and his parents refused to stop it during that time. The majority of his unemployment checks during Covid went into their rent.

    They decided to change things by having him go on foodstamps in order to reduce his rent. He spends maybe $20 a week at the most for food because he's never been a big eater. Most of that foodstamp money goes to his parents who use it for groceries, including his. The thing is that they spend way more than he ever does and completely max out the card every month.

    He's been under stress lately because he has to re-certify but his new job has a schedule that's all over the place and makes it so he keeps missing the calls when they happen. His parents insist that part of this process is to help him with his Autism and "become an adult." The stress got so bad for him with all the missed calls that he threw his hands up and decided to just not re-certify because it was adding too much stress in his life. His parents responded angrily by saying he would then "owe" them money in the form of $250 a month plus the $174 he already owes from a loan he took out five years ago.

    The big kicker is that they're a pretty wealthy family living in a very wealthy part of Upstate New York, but they leech off what little money he has like vultures. The whole rent thing is said to be helping him with his Autism to become more self-sufficient but if anything it's made him more financially dependent on them than anything.

    I know this was more of a rant than anything, but it's been difficult listening to this for years now and seeing him still stuck living with them. It's pretty clear to me that he's scared of moving out of their nice house and living in some sketchy apartment without a car because he can't afford one. I'm just not sure what else there is to do because I'm not living in the US and am unfamiliar with how social services work there.

    Is there a way for him to get out and not be living on the edge of poverty?

    Supporting Palestine make you the real fascist!

    This is in response to a post on Hasans subreddit:

    Vaushites and Destiny fans are brigading like crazy and leaving behind their State Department logic.

    Ten Ways Life Will Change If China Becomes The Worlds Superpower: #1 Will Shock You 10 Ways Life Will Change If China Becomes The World's Superpower - Listverse

    China is determined to become the world’s next superpower. They already have plans in motion to make it happen, and Chinese president Xi Jinping has

    10 Ways Life Will Change If China Becomes The World's Superpower - Listverse

    Used to love this site for creepy factoids but it's filled with stupid shit like this

    Getting laid makes you Pro-Capitalist

    Kind of a weird zinger. I thought leftists were stereotyped to be sex-driven heathens?
