FreeRangeMustard @ FreeRangeMustard Posts 2Comments 87Joined 2 days ago
Come to Europe. We got ice cream and free healthcare. Also you don’t need a gun to protect yourself when going out for a walk.
What a Florida man thing to do.
God dayumn that pie looks good.
Ban social media. Or at least Instagram and TikTok. Fucking influencers. Social Media was a fucking mistake. We should’ve stopped after 2015.
Are they listening to themselves?
Don’t report on this. Some idiot will try to eat it.
Oh mein Gott. DIE OHREN!
So, you’re saying that a touchscreen where you have actively look at because you don’t have any haptic feedback is saver on the roads?
It really is a third world country with a Gucci belt.
The rollerblades on gravel. 😭
I like your art teacher.
lmao, what a perfect insult.
Missed submarine sales commercial.
I was joking. But +1 for the effort and this looks like art, btw.