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First time using NixOS. It's awesome.
  • The whole point of NixOS is that it's "immutable" and "declarative".

    In essence this means that you store the entire system configuration in a bunch of text files in a single directory. So your bootloader configuration, all your installed packages, every system service, every filesystem mounts, and even your partition layout and dotfiles, all of it in a common shared configuration.

    There's even a concept called flakes, which lock the specific version of everything, so if you copy all your config to another computer (or reinstall), then applying the config will restore every system configuration to exactly that state. So if you like how you configured your machine, and want another machine exactly like it, you just copy all your configuration to the other machine, and run the nixos-rebuild command. Now the two machines are configured exactly identically, all the same package, all the same services, all the same configurations, even all the same versions if you make use of flakes.

    It also means that you can reason about your entire system setup just by looking at those configs. Is that piece of config in the files? Then that's how your system is configured. If that piece of config isn't there, then that is not how your system is configured.

    Want to install an application, just add it to the list in your config, and run the nixos-rebuild command. Now you have that installed. Don't want it anymore? Just remove it from the list, and rerun nixos-rebuild.

    On top of that NixOS stores every generation of your config, so even if you break something, you just restart and pick the previous config generation, and your system starts up exactly as it was before you broke it, and you can go and resolve the issue in the config that broke your system.

    If you've ever done any programming, and made use of a dependency management tool that stores a dependency lock file, this is very similar, but for your entire operating system.

    If you've ever managed infrastructure via Terraform, then this feels like that, but for your entire system configuration.

  • Sounds like a fun time to me!
  • Interestingly the watermelon (and other plants) don't quite eat the sunlight, but the chlorophyll in the plant uses the sunlight to get enough energy to steal the carbon atoms from the CO2 in the air. So your water melon is literally made out of thin air!

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • I'm sorry but I'm too lazy to dig up links to back up my claim. But you are correct in that electric vehicles pollute far more being produced than combustion engine cars, however the electric vehicles gain that back over it's lifetime if your charge from mostly non-fossil sources. The figures I have read says that over the lifetime of a car, electrics output 70% less CO2 than combustion cars, and that includes the production of each of the cars.

  • Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • I actually don't know whether timeshift can just run easily from a live USB, but I don't see why not.

    But of course that also requires you to have installed and set up timeshift before (which is obviously a good idea)

    It's quite a different deal when the whole operating system it built around a timeshift-like concept.

  • Using disc spanning for RAID array
  • ZFS doesn't really support mismatched disks. In OP's case it would behave as if it was 4x 2TB disks, making 4 TB of raw storage unusable, with 1 disk of parity that would yield 6TB of usable storage. In the future the 2x 2TB disks could be swapped with 4 TB disks, and then ZFS would make use of all the storage, yielding 12 TB of usable storage.

    BTRFS handles mismatched disks just fine, however it's RAID5 and RAID6 modes are still partially broken. RAID1 works fine, but results in half the storage being used for parity, so this would again yield a total of 6TB usable with the current disks.

  • Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server?
  • SSD longevity seems to be better than HDDs overall. The limiting factor is how many write cycles the SSD can handle, but in most cases the write endurance is so high that it's unreachable by most home/NAS systems.

    SSDs are however really bad for cold storage, as they will lose the charge stored in their cells if left unpowered too long. When the SSD is powered it will automatically refresh the cells in the background to ensure they don't lose their charge.

  • Wow, they're a paleo-veterinarian too!
  • When my dog was only about 1 year old, she stepped on a glass shard and cut up her paw. She needed stitches, so we went to the vet, and brought her favorite stuffed toy, which was a dog too.

    The vet sewed her paw up, and bandaged the whole lower leg. And then proceeded to bandage up the stuffed dog too, so our dog would feel included.

  • Damn no integrated advanced AI-driven solution that analyzes patterns and just predicts the errors? 🤨
  • Since you are talking about pods, you are obviously emitting all your logs on stdout and stderr, and you have of course also labeled your pods nicely, so grepping all 36 gods is as easy as kubectl logs -l <label-key>=<label-value> | grep <search-term>

  • Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction
  • Why?

    Let's say the original bottle contained 100ml of liquid at a concentration of 50%. You want to want to bring the final concentration down to 1%. You take a new bottle with 98ml of "dilution formula" (probably water) and add 2 ml of the original concentration to it. You now have a liquid with 1% concentration.

  • Woman Stuck in Tesla For 40 Minutes With 115 Degrees Temperature During Vehicle Update
  • I could imagine how you could make an entirely electro-mechanical setup to handle the Tesla doors, and probably make them more reliable in turn.

    But yeah, everything being controlled by a computer is becoming more and more common.

    For the Ioniq 5 and EV6, the computerised portion is not required though. On the lower trim levels the door handles are simply spring loaded, and you have to push the front of the handle, to lever it out to grab. On the higher trim levels there's a motor to push the handle out, but it's still just spring loaded, so nothing is stopping you from levering it out just like on the lower trim levels. Pulling the handle is exactly the same as pulling the handle in any other car, it just mechanically opens the door. And there's a fully mechanical lock as well. The door handle on the inside is also entirely mechanical.

    Here you can see how the handle and lock works if the car is entirely dead (at 1:38)

    I like how Hyundai have managed to add all the nifty features and conveniences with electronics and computers, without compromising the mechanical reliability.

  • Simple EV cars
  • Yeah, the leaf is notorious for not having proper battery thermal management, meaning it overheats when charging, which results in aggressive degradation. The small battery also means that you put many more full discharge-recharged cycles on the battery, which again accelerates degradation.

    I bought an Hyundai Ioniq 5, with a 77.4 KWh battery, which is supposed to go 488 km (or 303 miles) of course it doesn't quite in real life, but it seems to handle about 422 km on a full charge. That battery pack has a liquid coolant loop, and the car actively heats and cools the the battery pack to keep it's temperature in the sweetspot, both when charging and driving. Additionally the car comes with a 8 year warranty on the battery pack, so if it loses more than 30% capacity, it will be a warranty replacement.

    That being said, some of the people who bought a 2022 Ioniq 5 has tested their batteries now after 2 years of use, and even people who have almost exclusively fast charged the car are seeing less than 3% degradation over the 2 years of ownership.

    Many other EVs come with 10 year warranties on the battery packs.

    Tesla (which also have thermal management) has also publicised statistics that say that their vehicles have on average 12% degradation after driving 200.000 miles.

  • meme, and reality.
  • Nope, those steps are the steps needed to legally watch Netflix on Asahi Linux on an Apple Silicon device, because Google has not officially released the widevine library for that platform

  • Ubisoft is stripping people's licences for The Crew weeks after its shutdown, nearly squandering hopes of fan servers and acting as a stark reminder of how volatile digital ownership is
  • Live service and single player is not incompatible... Unfortunately...

    Look at Hitman (2016 and forward), all require an online connection to play, and release new stuff monthly.

    Many of Ubisofts games also require an online connection despite being fully single player, and you can even buy currency for the in-game single player shop with real money... What used to be a cheat code is now a microtransaction.

  • The truth about organic milk: cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
  • My personal opinion is that soy milk tastes like grass... I've tried it in coffee, alone, on cereal, but I just can't avoid feeling like someone dumped a handful of freshly cut grass in...

    Almond is pretty good on it's own, but in coffee it tastes like marzipan... It's not bad, but not the taste I want in my coffee.

    Oat is what tastes most like cow's milk to me.

  • How are you all partitioning your setup?
    • 1TB NVMe SSD
      • 512 MB EFI
      • BTRFS partition for / filling up the rest
    • Ancient 128 GB SATA SSD
      • Swap
    • 1TB SATA SSD
      • 500 GB Windows installation for VR games
      • 500 GB BTRFS partition mounted at /mnt/games

    Since both my root and home are on the same BTRFS partition they share space.

    I have made sure to create sub volumes for the Steam and Game install directories, to avoid taking snapshots of them.

    Steam has 2 "libraries" registered, one in my home directory and one in /mnt/games

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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