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Potassium depletion in soil threatens global crop yields
  • What do you even mean with your word salad?

    Your first sentence/paragraph is absurd in the post's context. Crop rotation will not replenish the soils' potassium.

    And in your 2nd paragraph.. what do you mean by "similar purpose"? It's ambiguous, how you have used it. Also, do you know anything of how fertilizers work?

    Quick quiz: Wheat has b12 vitamin and iodine, can you just eat more bread to replenish your body's neads for those nutrients? Or does a balanced diet need to be ..balanced for all nutrients?

  • Tens of thousands march on Washington to demand ceasefire in Gaza
  • “Who would have known that the mighty people of Yemen would challenge the empires of the world,” he added, referring to the Houthi attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea that have led to two nights of retaliatory strikes by the US and UK.

    This does not sound like somebody interested in promoting peace.

  • Algae as a surprising meat alternative and source of environmentally friendly protein
  • What you said on the 1st sentence is okay. After that, is clueless. the context of discussing the difficulties - technical and economical - of growing specific algae for food.

    After sterilising everything and sigeling out the alge you want you should in theory be able to run more or less indefinitely.

    This is like saying that if there's sun and no clouds, in theory, the sky should be blue. In practice there's no useful information added to the discussion on the...

    And if a contamination of found it just a matter of sterilizing everything with steam and reboot the system.

    Like in all that is microbiology, kind of. Except steam is not sterilising. Unless under autoclave pressures. Inside an autoclave. Even in those conditions, which are agreed to be sterilising, even then not all microbes are killed and contamination is still considered as an issue in some cases. Again, in practice there's no useful information added to the discussion on the...

    Your non-expert overconfidence is not unique. It's an epidemic. And that's why I'm triggered to comment on it.

  • Algae as a surprising meat alternative and source of environmentally friendly protein
  • Keeping things sterile is very labour and energy intensive, even in the Pharma industry, where the profit margins are orders of magnitude above what you can do in the food industry.

    Look this will sound harsh, but it's not, really.

    Your reasoning is good if you compare it to an hypothesis a student of Pasteur or Koch could have thought of 150 yrs ago.

    Thus I have to ask you, why did you think you have a good take on this?

  • In the fight against malaria-carrying mosquitoes, just add soap
  • /doubt

    Could the solution to the decades-long battle against malaria be as simple as soap?

    No. And not simple.

    What a terrible choice of title.

    If adding hand-wash dish soap works with a family of insecticides but not with another one, it's not simple. And it's not just the soap. Also the 'new' insecticides, neocotinoids, are quite problematic on their own, which also makes them not simple to use.

  • What are the ways in which I can look for videos on PeerTube instances?

    I've been trying to venture into using PeerTube more -- as a watcher. But, so far, I haven't seen how to 'explore' for different videos.

    What is the default sort order of the videos from Peertube instances?

    And, is there a way of pooling of the videos from different instances?

    Love the app, anyway.

    Thank you Devs for all the effort and great app!

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