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What is your loo roll of choice?
  • Quart? I'm not storing a bushel of grain to be inspected by the lord of the manor!

    Seriously though I do love efficient storage containers and would happily fill the house with them.

  • Even the fish are turning soy 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I couldn't even edge my skibdi to this one
  • otherwise trans women would be downing soy milk like there was no tomorrow

    This is the classic counter-argument to so many superstitions and conspiracy theories. Storms are punishment from God for your homosexuality? Oh great, let's organise a big gay orgy everywhere there's a drought! Crystals can heal you and ghosts can tell you secrets from beyond the grave? Brilliant, every military and intelligence agency is going to invest heavily changing warfare and espionage immediately!

  • What is your loo roll of choice?

    Lavatory paper, toilet tissue, bog roll, bumwad, arse wipe, shit tickets; we all need it but I can't find a good one for a reasonable price.

    Obviously I don't want the tracing paper you get in a public toilet, but it seems a waste to pay for the quadruple-velvet perfume-soaked premium nonsense. Supermarket own brand is soft enough but tends to fall apart. Who Gives A Crap is environmentally friendly but their basic stuff disintegrates immediately and their premium stuff is even more expensive than the fancy Andrex.

    And no, there's no room for a bidet.

    modern gamer
  • Have you tried it with a randomiser? Would recommend if you haven't!

  • Labour deselecting left-wing candidates and women of colour in first week of campaign
  • That's good to know. Doesn't really matter if I think it's weird as long as it's not actually upsetting anyone!

  • Labour deselecting left-wing candidates and women of colour in first week of campaign
  • Has "people of colour" caught on over here now? It always sounded uncomfortably close to "coloured people" as a kind-of-offensive term for all non-whites.

  • Remembering the legend
  • I've not put mine away since

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • OK, so you are technically correct. Hey, important referendums have been decided on smaller margins than 53.8%!

    So do you just hate the benefit-scrounging bogeymen, or do you think that helping people isn't the government's job?

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • No mate, you look up the outlandish claim and share it with the rest of us so we don't think you're chatting shit

  • Why People Don’t Catch The Politics In Their Favorite Games
  • If you liked the guy who murders a load of civilians in like the second episode then I don't think you can pretend it's because he's handsome!

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • Have you ever bought luxury goods such as most food or clothes? Well then, you paid VAT. I'd love to hear what stats you're pulling out of your arse that say otherwise!

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • Everyone contributes to society by paying tax. Ordering people to do a specific job is not cool.

  • Irbs
  • Isn't the term "plastic paddies"?

  • Is this the right place for publishing my AI shitpost?
  • That's a bollard, not a lamp post

  • "Thought-Terminating Cliches"
  • Deus Vult if you happen to be a crusader

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • You're correct, I specified "American republicans" to refer to the political party because everywhere else "republican" means anti-monarchist

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • OK, but that's not what the word liberal actually means to most people in my experience. Or perhaps another way of saying it is that a lot of people I see getting angry on Lemmy read the word "liberal" and assume economically liberal, whereas every person I've ever encountered IRL would use it to mean socially liberal.

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • That seems like one very specific definition specifically for economically-neo-liberal, only mentioned below all the actual definitions

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • My thoughts exactly! Every real-life human I've ever spoken to uses it to mean open-minded and every definition I look up agrees, yet for some reason half the people posting here think it exclusively means economically-neo-liberal capitalist.

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • I am not, and I've observed that every American seems to have their own definition of what "liberal" means, which is not really very helpful when trying to use the word in a discussion

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much
  • Open-minded, permissive, tolerant

  • Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much

    Do any of them know what the word "liberal" actually means?

    FozzyOsbourne FozzyOsbourne
    Posts 2
    Comments 85