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What kind of music should you listen to while fishing?
  • You should play it on your reel-to-reel.

  • Looking for games with strong female leads for my daughter (even just to watch as I play). Came across this link, but they're a bit age-inappropriate. Any suggestions from the community?
  • Came here to say this. Plus I would imagine a 5 year old would really enjoy the plot, the characters, and how great the world looks.

  • Cheater Billy Mitchell's Fake Story Is Falling Apart
  • There are separate rankings for emulated runs versus original hardware runs. He (allegedly) submitted something as an original hardware run that was run off of an emulator.

    Using an emulator, you can alter the game's performance, change the speed, set a save state and revert to it if you fail at something, etc. and then play it back and record that. There's no way to know if that's what happened, but the video he submitted does not show that it was recorded using original hardware.

  • GOP debates impeaching Merrick Garland after McCarthy surprise
  • You should really be using "and/or" in those statements.

  • Great Cyberpunk Games
  • One game that no one's seemed to mention is ANNO: Mutationem. It's more of a hack and slash type 2D pixel style game, but the cyberpunk themes and settings are all there.

  • FnordX FnordX
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